BREAKING: Castle Says Republicans want to get out of Iraq

Filed in National by on May 4, 2007

Think Progress has this quote from Castle speaking on behalf of Republicans everywhere who favor “surrender”:

“I think a lot of us feel that the time has come for us to look for solutions to bring this war to a close,” Castle said. “And I don’t think that’s just a feeling among moderate Republicans but among Republicans in general.”

Now, suddenly, he is turning “surrender monkey” and throwing George Bush under the bus. I have two questions.

1) What took so long?

2) Why don’t you vote that way? You just passed on two chances to underscore your WORDS with Actions.

Here is the real deal. This is just so much talk. Castle wil never ever, ever, ever do ANYTHING to defy Bush. Castle’s polling shows that his continuing support for George Bush is killing him. So he will claim that he opposes Bush, but will continue voting with him.

RELATED NOTE: I’m still waiting for Castle’s office to reply to my request for any documents related to Castle’s claims to have been “working” on changing Bush’s Iraq policy. AND the word on the street is that the Ogre refuses to debate me for fear that being confronted with the truth about his record – and some simple fact about the Constitution could induce another stroke.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. anon says:

    I think Republicans are looking for a strategy to end the war (or some kind of partial withdrawal) and claim credit for it themselves before the elections. They are probably working overtime right now to add God-knows-what poison pill to make it unpalatable to anti-war Democrats. When the GOP announces this strategy, no doubt Castle will be for it.

  2. donviti says:

    He THINKS the time as come? Well isn’t that nice of him. I think he is too late to start thinking.

    well look at that, I just looked on the calendar and apparently he is up for re election next year, gosh what a coinky dink

  3. Chris says:

    Castle doesn’t speak for this Republican. I think donviti is correct, he is worried about getting reelected instead of sticking to what is right. No integrity.

  4. anon says:

    Who the hell were those 57% who voted for Castle?

  5. Chris says:

    Not me yet? Maybe next time…unless he keeps on pulling this John Kerry.

  6. dh says:

    Castle is up for election every other year. He is about as far away from an election right now as he possibly could be. That point is completely moot.

  7. dh says:

    Also, as far as his voting record, what about this?

    Does that count for anything? And if you think that he only voted for the resolution solely to uphold his reputation as a moderate, I would have to strongly disagree. He took A SHITLOAD of heat from Republicans on that issue and lost a lot of support from his Republican base.

  8. dh says:

    Jason, you might just want to brace yourself in the coming months for the moment when Castle actually does stand out and do something to help bring the Iraq debacle to a close. You will have to once again face the reality that you have more in common with your favorite opponent on your favorite issue than you’d care to admit.

  9. jason330 says:

    He is thinking election because the recent post mortum polling data made Mike Quantananana and Wenky run through about six packs of brand new Calvin Klein underwear EACH. (speaking of shitload)

    As to your second comment – it just shows him to be a fraud in greater detail. He voted for the non-binding resolution, but against the binding.

    If that is not cunning political strategry I don’t know what is. What does he REALLY think about getting the troops out and changing Bush’s failed policy? I say look at the binding votes to find out.

  10. jason330 says:

    Jason, you might just want to brace yourself in the coming months for the moment when Castle actually does stand out and do something to help bring the Iraq debacle to a close.

    I’ll also brace myself for the moment when the Pope gets married.

    I’d welcome it and change my tune – but it is not happening. He is so gaurded, and chickenshit that he might try to spin some bullshit (as he has done) but doing something to “stand out.” No way.

  11. donviti says:

    yeah jason,

    like when he stood out there and was for his own stem cell bill before he was against it!

  12. dh says:

    Gee, disputing an argument by using speculation and heresay (which you initiated) as evidence. I never saw that one coming.

    And then refusing to acknowledge that there are shades between black and white. Another surprise.

    Oh and there’s Jason’s lackey: adding his usual inarticulate and sycophantic two cents. You are to Jason as Sean Hannity is to George Bush. Thanks for joining the conversation.

  13. donviti says:

    just b/c you use big words with oodles of syllables doesn’t mean you are a better person.

    by the way what does the DH stand for? I have an idea but I didn’t want to resort to name calling.

    besides, I thought my point about castle voting for stem cell research then voting against it was poignant (look out a big word!)

    you try to use some salient point about his voting record so I used one too, sorry if you feel I’m a lackey.

    Glad to see you aren’t afraid to comment at least, some people don’t bother to even engage.

  14. jason330 says:


    The fact that Castle’s recent polling data made Mike Quantananana and Wenky run through about six packs of brand new Calvin Klein underwear EACH is a fact that I can substantiate with this Target receipt (I can’t disclose how I got it so don’t ask me) that I am scanning right now.

    As for your “shades” between black and white. Yes, Castle is the king of shades isn’t he? You know that much. For instance , you claimed he will do something to “stand out” and now you are backing away from that for good reason.

    He will shade and quibble and furrow his brow, probably just enough to keep the sleepwalkers asleep. But I see through those parlor tricks.

    I want to see a vote. I mean – why do you assume that he “supports the troops” just because he claims to ad nauseum?

    Why don’t you want proof? Maybe because there is none.

    The bottom line: based on his past words matched against his actions he is a flat out liar.

  15. Chris says:

    “You are to Jason as Sean Hannity is to George Bush. Thanks for joining the conversation.”

    I know what you were going for here. But I fear in your ignorance you have missed the mark. You want to attack Rush Limbaugh as a lackey….fine. He is entertaining but a bit of a blowhard. Hannity is another matter, you obviously have never really listened to or watched him.

    Yes! He agrees with the President on the war and (gasp!) supports the effort! So do I. Proudly! As I hope I have made abundantly clear.

    But on domestic issues Hannity is CONSTANTLY criticizing the President. Hannity has been beating the drum for border security for years and cannot understand what Bush is waiting for. He criticizes Bush for occasionally trying to appease the left. For instance, Bush, wanting to appear to be bi-partisan, got into bed with Ted Kennedy (revolting thought on so many levels) with the “No Child Left Behind” act. Many now deem that a collosal failure. And the media hammers Bush for it, conveniently forgetting that is as Kennedy who authored the bill. Heck, even Kennedy, in those rare sober moments, criticizes the Act….AND IT WAS HIS DAMN ACT! Alcohol must be hell on memory. Memories of legislation and drowning young women are always the first to go.

    So get your facts straight. There is a reason why Hannity has so many liberals as guests on his show. Because he treats them fair. Yes, he debates them, and often, in my opinion wins (truth does that), but he is respectful and fair. He is not a Bush republican, he is a Reagan Conservative. They don’t come ANY better than that.

  16. jason330 says:

    Making the case that Hannity is better than Rush Limbag is like saying getting gonorrhea is better than getting syphilis.

  17. Chris says:

    “Making the case that Hannity is better than Rush Limbag is like saying getting gonorrhea is better than getting syphilis.”

    If you are going to make unintelligent remarks…at least make them funny.

    Hannity is a man of integrity, he cares, and has common sense. I guess I can see why YOU wouldn’t like him.

  18. jason330 says:

    Sorry about the confusion. I don’t know the Hannity you are talking about. Is that a friend of the family?

    I was referring to Sean Hannity, the right-wing radio TV commenter who said that Ted Kennedy will not be happy until we have a “mass slaughter” in Iraq and used his show to spread the lie that Barrack Obam’s Church is not Christian.

  19. MOT Newbie says:

    Randy Smith: Republican and despises Shamnity
    Randy Smith: Republican and despises Limbaugh

    They are polarizing forces, even within the party. They serve one purpose: self. However, I will concede that they think they are doing the right thing…just to bad if you disagree, you aren’t good enough to wipe their arse. That’s why we can’t accept the fact the party is made up of widely varying opinions: too many people follow them as omniscient GOP. A pox on that!

    On the flippity-flop, so is Al Cranken.


    Dr. JasonScotologist (a.k.a.: Shamnity despiser)

  20. Chris says:

    “I was referring to Sean Hannity, the right-wing radio TV commenter who said that Ted Kennedy will not be happy until we have a “mass slaughter” in Iraq”

    Your point? Anyone that can walk away and leave a woman to drown in a canal to protect his sorry drunken arse, is certainly capable of wishing for mass slaughter if it furthers his miserable career.

    “and used his show to spread the lie that Barrack Obama’s Church is not Christian.”

    Well you best check out what Obama’s pastor espouses….

    From NTTimes Article (Source:

    “He had sampled various faiths but adopted none until he met Mr. Wright, a dynamic pastor who preached Afrocentric theology, dabbled in radical politics and delivered music-and-profanity-spiked sermons.”

    Sounds more like his own unique religion. Can’t recall my minister using profanity spiked sermons and dabbling in radical politics.

  21. anon says:

    There is a reason why Hannity has so many liberals as guests on his show.

    Name one.

  22. Chris says:

    “There is a reason why Hannity has so many liberals as guests on his show.”

    Chuck Schumer , Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Howard Dean, John Kerry, John Edwards, Joe Biden, Patrick Leahy…and these are just the ones I remember personally hearing. I have a lousy memory and try to forget most of liberal hacks he has on.