Filling in for Celia Cohen

Filed in National by on July 18, 2007

Grapevine is on summer vacation so I’m going to pinch hit for our queen of all political blogging.

Mike Castle is dreamy. He is such a good daddy that you just want to snuggle in his lap and listen to him talk about how everyone is so partisan except him and Tom Carper. I wish everyone would listen to his beautiful voice and his calls for moderation. It is like a choir singing.

Those bad partisans could learn a thing or two by just sitting back and listening to that sweet sweet music. As a journalists, I know not to trust stupid facts and look at crazy things like votes. I just listen to his beautiful voice and copy down everything he says. I know it is all true.

How could something so beautiful and comforting be false?”


Thursday. Protest. Castle’s house. Be there.

(Pssst….I just put the finishing touches on my little surprise.)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. r smitty says:

    (Pssst….I just put the finishing touches on my little surprise.)

    Oh, you’re not really going to do that poopy in a burning bag gag you bragged about in the past are you? I also don’t want to know about those finishing touches, either.

  2. r smitty says:

    I’m starting to wonder about you, Mr. Scott. There is this fixation with Castle, as if you feel personally burned by him. Then there is the old admission that you used to not be a straight-line, party voter. Now there is this comment you left on DWA:
    <a href=”″I’ve eaten lunch with John Still a couple of times (about a lifetime ago). The instant I heard the story I knew it was true.

    This is all adding up to…I don’t know if I can say it…adding up to…to…gasp…did you…were you once a…a…registered Republican?

  3. jason330 says:


    I have some deep dark secrets, but that is not one of them. I’ll tell you about lunching with Still sometime over a beer. Does the wife let you out anymore?

  4. r smitty says:

    Does the wife let you out anymore?

    Does the wife let me what? Let me go ow…owa….ow-aa…ouuuu….t….ou..t…out. Oh, Does the wife let me go out?

    Can you rephrase that question? I’m not sure I understand.

    Yes, I can go out for a beer…sometime between 11:35 and 11:45PM on a Sunday or Monday evening. When I’m good, I can extend it to Midnight and even add Thursday to the mix. She’s cool like that!

    Yes, you know how to reach me…if by nothing else, at least by email. I’ll let you know what is good and not good. Maybe you can bring me to a Drinking Liberally as your double-secret special guest.