Comment Rescue: Good Question Edition

Filed in National by on September 10, 2007
  1. David Says:

    Quick question: If you are a general and the President orders you to say the surge is working, do you have to?

I guess if the President is ordering you to lie you could do the honorable thing and step down rather than lie.

In the case before us, I don’t “honor” very high on a list of Petraeus’s attributes. Loyalty, yes. Honor…not so much.

And for what it is worth – I think Bush knows how to order people to lie without saying “Listen, I need you to lie for me on this.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (4)

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  1. Ryan S. says:

    If Jason disagrees with someone, or just plain doesn’t want to hear what they have to say, does that automatically make that person a liar?

  2. Chris says:

    Once again your arrogance is showing. He doesn’t say what you want to here and what you WANT to believe, so he must have lied and Bush must have put him up to it.

    Arrogance at its peak around here!

  3. jason330 says:


    Nobody, but NOBODY thinks the surge is working. No Americans, no Iraqis, nobody at the pentagon, not the white house, nobody in the press corps, not Mike Castle, not even David Patraeus.

    Not even you in your heart of hearts. It is not arrogance, it is reality.

  4. I’m curious. What would you have needed to see in order to be convinced the surge is working?

    I mean, knowing full well the Tigris and Euphrates could have been overflowing with chocolate and honey, with bin Laden’s head on a pike in the middle of the biggest town square in Baghdad, and the “move on from certain things only dot org” people would STILL insist the surge is “not working.” Given that, what would it take for you to disagree with them?

    Have you put much thought into that at all?