Is the DE GOP Snubbing John Brady?

Filed in National by on July 16, 2008

That’s what Intercoure’s post at DWA intimates.

What gives? In Brady they have a guy who won two elections in Sussex County and this fall he be going against a Democrat that even a die hard party guy like myself might have a hard time voting for.

Oh…you know what…I just thought of something… I know why the GOP might be luke warm on Brady…

Help me out….Is the thing that I’m thinking public knowedge?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Disbelief says:

    It seems that the DE GOP is only comfortable with the old money clans of Chateau Country and their adopted spawn Mike Castle. Anything outside of rich, white, male and snobbish (throw Copeland in with that) just makes them feel ‘a bit dirty’. The funny part is the ‘hicks’ from downstate trying to break into the Chateau Country crowd by supporing Castle and his ilk. Don’t these downstaters know that the richy-riches laugh at them after the party is over? Seriously, the DE GOP is like a Charles Dickens novel come to life.

  2. Call It says:

    Oh its public knowledge, so go ahead and say it.

  3. Disbelief says:

    It looks like that only Republican who can possible hold office is Brady. And, Gene gReed, the likely Dem opponent, has gotten almost his entire campaign chest from one state vendor who, according to the News Journal, had $60 million in income from the Insurance Commissioner’s office in the last four years.

    You’d think that the DE GOP would want at least one Republican elected in November. Its irksome.

  4. G Rex says:

    “Is the thing that Iā€™m thinking public knowledge?”

    No, it’s not.

  5. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    I’m a Dem but I’m voting for Brady for Ins. Commish.

    The Dirty Dems didn’t gave us much of a choice in the IC primary…I probably won’t even vote in that race for that reason.

    I’ll just wait, along w/a lot of D’s, until the general and vote from Brady. The stats will show if ‘we’ get him elected….perhaps he’ll join us and bring a modicum of respect the present party leadership šŸ™‚

  6. anon says:

    Just Google it – three words.

  7. anon says:

    Er, four words. Include the state.

  8. jason330 says:


    November 7, 2000 — The first openly gay person is elected to public office in Delaware when John Brady is voted in as Sussex County Recorder of Deeds. John filed for office on July 29 and revealed he was gay in an August article in the Delaware State News. He then went on to win the September primary and the general election. The milestone is especially remarkable in that the first openly gay Delaware public official is a Republican whose office is in the most conservative county in Delaware.

    I guess that answers the public knowledge question. Now then, would the DE GOP give him the cold shoulder because of that?

  9. anon says:

    They don’t seem to mind Mike Castle.

  10. RSmitty says:

    I’d bet you can call him and ask him yourself, homey.

    Nah, keep speculating, I mean, why stop now?

    BTW, since this is your apology-celebration day, let me add that I am truly sorry for missing your Frightlandish-outburst yesterday. I would have had a field day with that. Damn it!!!

  11. G Rex says:

    “Now then, would the DE GOP give him the cold shoulder because of that?”

    That depends; how many guns does he own?

  12. jason330 says:

    G –

    Why I oughta…

  13. Sticks 'n Twigs says:

    Brady is gay? Who knew….not me.

    I know about Castle, but I think his voting w/Bushco 93% of the time is what bothers me, not his sexual preference(s).

    Castle’s long ago relative, Ben Franklin, would be turning in his grave if he knew what became of his bloodline.

    BYW I’m not voting for the ‘7 % moderate’. But, I am still voting for Brady!!!!

  14. anonymous says:

    Brady wins every time in Sussex County, the most GOP and right wing county in the state, so I’m not sure where you get off saying the GOP has any kind of an issue with Brady.

    Seems like the only people who have an issue with Brady are Delaware democrats EVERY ELECTION CYCLE. No wonder he left your party.

  15. annon2 says:

    Boy, this is one of the lowest, most pathetic posts I’ve seen in a long time. Nice cover trying to blame it on the republicans when it’s the dems trying to get it out there for fear Brady will beat Greed. Hypocrite.

  16. jason330 says:

    So why is the GOP giving the guy the cold shoulder then?

    He is their best shot at winning something this year.

  17. Disbelief says:

    The fact that the GOP is backing the hell out of guaranteed losers instead of betting on the winning horse was the point of the post. It seems like such a stupid strategy that the gay thing was raised as the only possible explanation. Why else would the GOP be ignoring what looks to be the ONLY race this year they have a hope of winning? And do you think this is lost on the Democrats? The Insurance Commissioner race is the only one they have to worry about losing. Just for bragging rights the Dems might even back a candidate who has a proven track record of being bought and paid for.

  18. anonymous says:

    They aren’t. It’s absolutely not true that he’s getting the cold shoulder from the GOP.

  19. Disbelief says:

    anonymous, glad to hear it. We’re a bit frightened of the hack running against Brady.

  20. jason330 says:

    I can see that it comes off kind of cheesy hinting at the gay thing – but my source is pretty sure that the GOP is hanging Brady out to dry.

    Of course, I could be getting played. It would not be the first time.

  21. RSmitty says:

    You are being played, then. John may have some of the highest respect than many in the party. I swear, and I stand by this statement, if he does end up being hung out to dry, you will see either the biggest mutiny or mass defection than you can imagine…and no, it has not happened on the scale of which I am referring.

    John is well-liked and respected.

    The theory-implied reason you gave was just a stretch based on stereotypes of the national wingnuts of the right. The only thing I would concern myself with, and this is only me and I have no proof of it happening, that his race becomes a lesser priority when stacked against the dogfight setting up for Gov/Lt Gov. Fortunately, though, we have posts like yours to bring it back to the forefront. I will also be happy to question any perceived ignoring of his race as well.

    At this stage, though, I wouldn’t worry too much just yet. The D’s have a primary to deal with and what little money they will gather (as much of it will be given to the Gov and Pres races, leaving much less for this race) will likely be spent for their primary.

    While I do think much of your argument was a bit of a deceptive chase, there is some merit that an eye needs to be kept here to be sure it remains in some sort of light and not forgotten in light of the higher offices.

  22. Disbelief says:

    Your theory is sort of good Smitty except for the fact that its almost written in stone that the Governor’s race is owned by the Democrats. And on the national level (President), even more so.

    Wouldn’t common sense dictate that you spend your money and effort where it might do some good?

  23. RSmitty says:

    Dis…in politics, assumptions are to be damned. I’m not disputing you, but wouldn’t it be a POS move to throw in the towel based on an assumption? In a total different level of politics, but one where throwing in the towel on assumptions still applies, look at Truman in 1948. Any and every pundit (and many D’s for that matter) thought he should hang it up on the floor at the Philly convention. First incumbent to win in an “upset.”

    Point is, nothing is ever etched in stone, no matter how obvious it may appear. If the R’s were to simply give up at that level, then they give up the entire ticket in my opinion.

    Jason got me going a bit in that I will do my part to make sure Brady isn’t brushed aside, although I sincerely don’t think there is need to worry. Moreso, it is still too early to take it to that level of ‘being ignored.’ First step: get past the filing deadline next week. Second step: start getting some wider-spread recognition. Third step: D-primary, target then-known opponent. Fourth step: pedal to the floor.

    See my point?

  24. annon2 says:

    Jason. Stop posting stuff you don’t know anything about, like KHN and the PDD. You’re making a fool of yourself. And this crap about Brady you should have had the class to leave alone. You’re getting played alright.

  25. Disbelief says:

    And in support of annon2’s criticisms and admonitions the following objective support is offered….. ‘crickets chirping’

  26. Art Downs says:

    Insurance companies have been running a number of scams to rip off the people and they get away with it.

    Consider the use of credit reports to establish rates. A ‘roach’ who ducks paying bills and lets ‘bad cars’ ‘go back’ is likely to be irresponsible in other ways.

    But insurance companies can use arcane methods to gouge people with credit scores in the 800 neighborhood. One ‘gotcha’ is a single account where the balance is at 80% of the limit.

    A person with low balances may open an account to get a discount on a large purchase with the understanding that payment in full in a year means no interest. for a couple of months, the balance due may be over 80% of the limit and thus flag the person for rate gouging. In six months, the balance may be zero.

    Could we expect an insurance commissioner who has spent a lot of time in bed with the industry be expected to look out for the people or his powerful friends?

    Delaware needs a big guy and not an insurance company lackey.