
Filed in National by on July 24, 2008

Today, Obama was in Germany giving a speech in Berlin.  John McCain had a meeting in a German restaurant in Columbus, Ohio.

This is where my expertise is going to pay off.  I have actually been to both of these places.  In fact, I suggested Schmidt’s Sausage Haus in January.  They have some pretty good German potato salad and sauerkraut, but to be honest, the sausages weren’t very German.  I much prefer the Bratwurst that can be found at the Mars Cheese Castle in Kenosha, WI.  I have also been to Berlin, albeit not to the spot that Obama was speaking at today.  The German food is much better in Germany.

Here’s the thing, though.  I am a bit of an elitist when it comes to travel.  I once asked my sister why they don’t take a year off of Disney and go to Europe (it was a bit cheaper then).  She said that they could have lunch in Germany and dinner in Mexico and they didn’t have to leave Epcot.  That’s John McCain today.  Hangin’ out in Epcot while his opponent is working with Germans in Germany.

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  1. Pal Joey says:

    And guess where the AMERICANS (who actually will vote) are located?

    Not in Germany, my dear Frankenputz.

    While Obama was off jungle fever finger banging Maria von Schtuppallday, McCain was politely asking real Americans for their vote.

    And that’s what you hate the most, the fact that he is reaching out to real Americans, not the stroke-thyself blog goblins.

  2. Pandora says:

    Now that you’ve admitted to the “elitist travel” thing, so can I. (sigh and breath of relief)

    It’s not even international… do you have any idea how many people in Delaware won’t venture into Philadelphia for dinner, yet alone NYC for the weekend?

  3. Pal Joey says:

    Hey Greenies! 100-mile diet means your food COMES from there, not that you drive there to get it!!!

    St. Alberto the Goreacle strikes again!

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Hey Pal,

    What I hate most is that he is a flip-flopping, spineless weasel who has tried to parlay his military service and crude marriage leap-frogging into a late-in-life bid to continue the failed policies of a complete and utter moron.

    Other than that, he’s alright.

  5. Pal Joey says:

    We all know what you hate.

    But Sigmund is long gone, so only you can forgive your mother.

    And you missed out on the coolest cultural rebellions of the last century. The best your generation could muster was underarm stank and assorted flannel and goth mayhem in Seattle!

    Your lameness and irrelevance is in no way the result of a conspiracy on our part.

    Fate has you pegged.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    You sound like the bitter Mother-hater here. Did she shun you for your disfigured face?

  7. Pal Joey says:

    Nope. I found conservatism and forgave her.

    Come on. It’s nicer over here. We have popsicles….you know you want to join the club.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    mmmm… Popsicles.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Not a fan of German food. I think the closest I ever had was in a restaurant in Baltimore called Haussners. An institution, it was, (I think it is closed now) with this crazy art collection stuffed just everyplace.

    And only went to Disneyland once, with my parents and siblings a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It was a gas once — there is no way I would pay money to go again.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Cassandra, I need to take you to Old Europe in Georgetown. Oh my, I love me some German food. If all else fails, you must come with me to the Ocktoberfest at the Saengerbund in Newark in September.

  11. Tom S says:

    I’m actually a huge fan of German food – anyone else have any other local recommendations?

    On the side – I think it is very interesting that obama is playing to foreign crowds before the election, making a play for the foreign policy card. I think it is too early in the game to know whether or not this was a good idea and it strikes me personally as a tad arrogant but kudos to him for trying it.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    A date with LG! Swooning…

    Seriously, at first I thought that you were talking about Georgetown in DC until I remembered there is one here too. But have heard good things about the Ocktoberfest as well.

    But can’t we just go for sushi?

  13. Pandora says:

    Ah… Cassandra’s speaking my language. Mikimoto’s anyone??

  14. jason330 says:

    Those pictures are amazing. I can see why they make conservatives weep inside.

  15. jason330 says:

    Tom –

    I don;t see him playing to Europe so much as calling McCain’s bluff.

  16. Pandora says:

    Jason, Exactly!! This entire trip was McCain’s idea.

  17. Truth Teller says:

    Europeans waving American flags a site that we haven’t seen in at least 8 years. We lost their support when Rummy referred to them as old Europe. and the stupid Repuk congress changing the name of French fries to American fries. That one was a big hit showing just how childish the repuks are.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Cassandra – I meant the one in DC. Pretty far north on Wisconsin Ave.

    Anyone remember when Reagan played to the Europeans? Panderer. Kennedy? Euro-trash.

  19. Joe M says:

    assorted flannel and goth mayhem in Seattle!

    Speak ill of flannel and goth, will you? I’m so going to tear you apart in my DeadJournal!


  20. cassandra m says:

    What is fun about McCain’s reaction to this trip (I’d rather go as President) is that he has now just shut off his own possibility of a foreign trip as campaign event.

    Which is probably OK since Czechoslovakia no longer exists.

  21. Von Cracker says:

    No, the old* hypocrite gave a campaign-funded speech about NAFTA in Canada earlier in the year.

    I guess he forgot.

    *By old hypocrite, I mean not his age but the amount of time he’s been one.

  22. cassandra m says:

    Wasn’t he doing some fundraising there too?

    His Iraq trip was where he could no longer tell Sunni from Shia.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    I believe so, under the cover of soliciting ex-pats.