I Read DelawarePolitics So You Don’t Have To

Filed in National by on August 25, 2008

Today’s wingnut news: Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is therefor prohibited from being the President of the United States.

No doubt Rick Jensen will be all over this “news” and will soon breathlessly report Obama’s birth… in Kenya….not in Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii…as stated on his birth certificate.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. FSP says:

    Wingnut? That was from a lawsuit filed by a Philadelphia Democrat, a prior local Democratic chairman at that.

  2. jason330 says:

    If it were not for wingnuts like your fellow posters – these PUMA freaks would not be getting so much press.

    I mean, I can see why you are pimping these odd ball stories – but you must feel a bit dirty.

  3. DPN says:

    All lawsuits have validity Dave? Is this what the Republican party has come to?

  4. cassandra m says:

    Factcheck.org provides the definitive smackdown (again) of this idiocy.

    But somebody tell me when the wingnuts start analyzing the kerning of this document.

    And the PUMA freaks would indeed be getting plenty of press because the press badly wants a Dem Disunity story. Badly. Plus the PUMA freaks, are, you know, freaks, which always is Must watch TV.

  5. jason330 says:

    It is sickening how badly the press wants a story to be true when it is clearly not true:

    More than half of the delegates that Mrs. Clinton won in the primaries now say they are enthusiastic supporters of Mr. Obama, and they also believe he will win the presidential election in November, the poll found.

    30% support him but have reservations. 5 % say they don’t support him yet.

    That is some disunity.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Oh and this lawyers is also a 9/11 truther. That’s gotta hurt.

  7. rsmitty says:

    snopes has the mother’s age angle, too.

    I have to depart from my blog-mates on this. Even though some pissed-off lawyer with a HRC-support-induced revenge tactic is behind this, by giving it the appearance of legitimacy, it only perpetuates the image of wingnuttery some of us have to battle.


  8. M.Opaliski says:

    Whether it has merit is for the Court to decide. It’s still newsworthy though, the suit was filed, that means it happened, it’s news …

    Of course, someone recently sued God too, anyone can file a suit, even against an empty one …

  9. Benjamin says:

    That same “Democratic chairman” is a 9/11 truther. Are you endorsing that BS too ?

    And did you read the actual complaint ? He quotes WIKIPEDIA to sustain his claims. WIKIPEDIA.

    Come on, Mr Burris. Disgusting and shame on you for pretending you believe it.

  10. DPN says:

    rsmitty, you guys seem to have an interesting press release from Lee-Copeland, but I won’t be reading it.

    I thought Delaware Republicans were different.

  11. rsmitty says:

    Do note that it was Christian Hudson that wrote the entry Jason links to. Dave merely points out that the suit was put forth by a Dem (albeit, a conspiracy-theorist), not a wingnut R.

    I’ll let my previous comment stand on the rest.

  12. DPN says:

    Props to you rsmitty, props to you.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    The American Independent Party is looking to disqualify John McCain for President because he is not “native born”. McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone on a military installation his parents were assigned to. This lawsuit is just as NUTS and I would hope that any progressive subscribing to this kind of crap out to be stripped of their lattes and Volvos immediately.

  14. Al Mascitti says:

    To be fair, I believe the lawsuit against God got some coverage, too, in the oddball news department.

    The difference at DP is that Christian Hudson, trailer park owner, believes it.

  15. FSP says:

    Don’t bother, Smitty. Here in the bubble, there are different rules.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    With posts like Mr. Hudson’s you are in no position to define this place as a bubble of any type.

  17. rsmitty says:

    Damn it Dave! I am just getting them to love me! You’re going to blow my Revolution in 2012 agenda! Quiet you! SHHHH!!!!!

  18. FSP says:

    “With posts like Mr. Hudson’s you are in no position to define this place as a bubble of any type.”

    When I see any of the contributors here in the bubble disagree with any of the others here in the bubble, as Smitty did to Christian on that very post and as I and DA did over choice last week, I’ll let you tell me what position I’m in.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    Oh we disagree — mainly on issues of policy and tactics and it is too bad you need to ignore that. We do agree that sheer whackjobbery like Obama was born in Kenya gets to be treated as whackjobbery — no matter who says it.

    Enjoy your bubble!

  20. donviti says:

    don’t you guys know kenya is code for; he is a “nigger”….

    fsp u guys have sunk to new lows…

  21. DPN says:

    Here’s what I think of that post.


  22. delawaredem says:

    If I had any respect for Dave Burris, I would have lost it today, but alas…..

  23. FSP says:

    DD, you’re just pissed off because I keep pointing out your blatant errors.

    Just the fact that you would ‘lose your respect’ for me over a blog post that I didn’t write is a blatant error in its own right.

  24. how typical of a Republican….

    your blog doesn’t speak for you…and you don’t speak for your blog

  25. Al Mascitti says:

    Be fair. Nobody should have to answer for Frank Knotts.

  26. I guess if Dave didn’t defend the Post Al, then I might agree with you. But he stuck for the post

    and then uses some lame excuse.

  27. Al Mascitti says:

    I found the blog all but unreadable while Dave was on hiatus. I don’t know what’s worse — an utter no-nothing like Knotts or a reprehensibly clueless millionaire like Hudson. I know lots of Republicans, but none of them are as dumb as the non-Dave roster over at DelPol.

  28. Mike Protack says:

    The saddest post on Delaware Politics was the Health Care post. That proposal is sad and weak, not more than a cut and paste job from a Think Tank.

    Delawareans deserve more, try Delacare.

  29. FSP says:

    University studies supporting the Lee/Copeland idea of buying health care across state lines: 12.

    University studies supporting Fraud Protack’s government healthcare takeover: o.

    Enjoy your final few days, Fraud.

  30. R Smitty says:

    What did I do to get all this diss-ass crap? Hell-fucking-lo?

    Stereotyping blowhards. F U! Thanks for half-reading, if that.

  31. DPN says:

    Delaware Politics sucks except for posts by R Smitty.

  32. R Smitty says:

    Damn it, console me more or I shall fear-monger you to no end!

  33. anon says:

    You go to press with the bloggers you have, not the bloggers you wish you had.

  34. R Smitty says:

    OK, you are now fear-mongered!

    I do not wish to change them, they are who they are. The only “wish” I have is that I could put more time into it and make more of a presence of my middle-view points. My beef is being lumped into a disparaging description as a non-Dave roster. It’s a half-read of content which leads to an all-inclusive conclusion. It’s stereotypical of popular views of the far right and it’s BS in regard to where I stand. When the few moments do come that I can post something of political content (I pepper it with some non-political items every so often), I think my centrist view does come through.

    Bottom line: Grrrrrr!

  35. Al Mascitti says:

    Sorry, Smitty, I should have excepted you. But as you pointed out, you don’t post there enough to counteract the lunacy from the fringe.

    Christian Hudson? WTF is that about?

  36. R Smitty says:

    Crap, need to be careful of the self-pity-party, too. I am very knee-jerky on stereotypical comments, when not intended as a joke (DV has heard that rant in person a few times).

    I am not a fan of Christian, but I resist disparaging him outright. He is who he is and it’s his right. It is my right, however, to convulse and shiver when I read those posts.

    FWIW, I have only personally met two people from that blog in-person and they are Dave Burris and John Feroce (the latter, though, I have not communicated with for quite a while). DA and I have emailed a couple of times, but not often. Frank and Christian? Never communicated off of the blog with them. Quite frankly (no pun intended to Mr Knotts), I have been put off by the far-right posts and specifically the discovery of Christian’s hand in distributing photos of a few of Jud Bennet’s signs, swarmed in a mass of democratic signs. The rhetoric involved in that communication was quite vicious and opportunistic against Jud and over the top.

  37. anon says:

    Smitty – before the cock crows, you will deny them three times…

  38. Mike Protack says:

    I am glad FSP is back from his FBI work, I imagine getting subpoenas and investigations is tough work. Were you undercover?

    As for the University studies you mention on that solid piece of plagiarism today launched by Lee. A very impressive cut and paste job I will admit. It has zero application for Delaware.

    Lee’s bold proposal went nowhere in Congress, nowhere at all and name one University backed proposal which became law? Let me help you-none.

    What is real funny is Lee gets his health care from a single payer system called Medicare. Will he buy across state lines or will I keep paying for his health care?

    See you at Lee’s veterans meeting on the 27th unless you are working with the FBI that night.

  39. R Smitty says:

    Oh nice, so now I’m leading them to crucifixion?

    P.S.: “Rooster” is better…afterall, this is a family-friendly blog. 😀

  40. R Smitty says:

    Ah, yes, something else that makes me convulse and shiver upon reading.

  41. DPN says:

    BTW, three good posts in a row on Delaware Politics. Take a guess who wrote all three?

  42. FSP says:

    Where’s my lawsuit, Mike? Or do you no longer object to the claims made in the pink postcard post? Smitty and I have been saving up to pay the massive judgment you claimed you were going to take from us.

    Speaking of lawsuits, enjoy your final days with any ballot access.

    I love how you have to crash other people’s events in order to get any attention. It’s so pathetic.

    As far as the Lee event you are crashing while showing extreme disrespect to the veterans who will be attending, I won’t be there because I won’t allow myself to get within swinging distance of your pathetic face.

  43. JohnnyX says:

    “BTW, three good posts in a row on Delaware Politics. Take a guess who wrote all three?”

    Hmm…my money’s on Frank Knotts. He and Art Downs are in a dead heat for “best blogger of the millenium” in my book.


  44. rsmitty says:


  45. rsmitty says:

    Smitty and I have been saving up to pay the massive judgment you claimed you were going to take from us.

    I’ve got my rolls of Washingtons ready…quarters, that is.

  46. Larry Walker says:

    “…Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii…as stated on his birth certificate…”

    That’s real funny because the birth certificate posted on Obama’s own website, and on Factcheck.org don’t contain the name of the hospital. So I wonder what version of his birth certificate you’ve seen.

  47. jason330 says:

    Oh goodie. A 9/11 truther too no doubt.

  48. liberalgeek says:

    Hey, is the Panama Canal Zone a part of the United States?

  49. R Smitty says:

    Oh good Lord, here we go again. This is one of the reasons people hate Republicans (my party).

    Another snopes entry.

    Larry, when did you quit baseball?