UPDATE: Blago to be Impeached. Rahm Turned Him In.

Filed in National by on December 9, 2008

I am just loving these updates.   Illinois State Representative John Fritchey (D) (from Blagojevich’s home district), head of the State House Judiciary committee, said impeachment proceedings will begin immediately.   I had said in the comments to the previous thread that Blago should be impeached and removed from office immediately since he was unlikely to resign.

Meanwhile, some local Chicago TV Stations are reporiting that Chief of Staff-designate Rahm Emanuel went to US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and told him what was happening and asked that the arrest be expedited.

I think it all makes sense now.  Remember when it was leaked that Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett was being considered, and then she took her name out of the running, and then was named as an senior advisor to the White House?   Team Obama and Jarrett undoubtedly refused to play Blago’s game by appointing Blago to something or giving him money.  The sudden speed with which this has occurred would indicate that there may have been some external pressure by the likes of Rahm Emanuel to make a move before Blago had a chance to appoint a tainted Senatorial replacement.


CONATY: We did receive a tip this morning that perhaps all of this came together so quickly because the Governor may have reached out to Rahm Emanuel, the president-elect’s chief of staff, in attempting to leverage filling the Senate seat. And it may have been Rahm Emanuel who tipped the scale and made this move as quickly as it did.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I like the message this sends:

    Don’t fuck with President-elect Obama.

  2. FSP says:

    I can’t get over how thin a line there is between this and what happens every day in political circles nationwide. Take the direct payment of money out and it’s just another horse-trading day on Capitol Hill.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I was reading this speculation. I was wondering if it was Obama. The speed of his candidate withdrawing her name may be explained now.

    I just posted this in the last thread, but there’s a lot of speculation that Senate candidate 5 is Jesse Jackson, Jr.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    I agree FSP. High fundraisers get appointed to government jobs, like ambassadorships.

  5. xstryker says:

    Agreed Dave. But sometimes, the reformers (like Obama and Newark Mayor Corey Booker) succeed.

  6. Rod says:

    Not a good day to have a first name of Rod.

  7. Dana Garrett says:

    If Obama had a hand in turning Blago in, his approval numbers will go through the roof! And he’ll get much of his legislation through Congress as a consequence!

    I hope it comes out that the Obama team turned this dirtbag in.

  8. anon says:

    And he’ll get much of his legislation through Congress as a consequence!

    A very… careful, law-abiding Congress.

  9. anon says:

    but there’s a lot of speculation that Senate candidate 5 is Jesse Jackson, Jr.


  10. El Somnambulo says:

    Rod wrote:
    “Not a good day to have a first name of Rod.”

    Rod, thy Staff shall not comfort you.

  11. Jason Z says:

    “CONATY: We did receive a tip this morning that perhaps all of this came together so quickly because the Governor may have reached out to Rahm Emanuel, the president-elect’s chief of staff, in attempting to leverage filling the Senate seat. And it may have been Rahm Emanuel who tipped the scale and made this move as quickly as it did.”

    “tip,” “may,” “perhaps,” “may,”

    Anon, how is this better than “there’s a lot of speculation that Senate candidate 5 is Jesse Jackson, Jr.”?

    Rahm Turned Him In seems more like a hopeful title than a truthful one.

    I’ll stick to my guns on this too: Three-year investigation, how long did Rahm and Barry know about Blag’s dealings? Certainly they didn’t have damning information on this guy before the election. I’m sure they would have notified the authorities as soon as they knew something untoward was going on.

  12. Rod says:

    El Somnambulo – great sense of humor – I love it!

    This guy must be really stupid. A senate seat in exchange for financial gain. What is this ancient Rome?

  13. The stories said that the feds had been investigating Governor Blagojevich for three years, and that this stuff was done with a court-approved wiretap, so I have to wonder about the timeline for this to have been really moved by the Obama staff.

    If the Illinois state constitution allows the lieutenant governor to function as acting governor, it seems to me that impeachment of the governor would be premature as long as he has not been tried and convicted. All of his government functions can be suspended, and that takes care of the political problem.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    I’m not a smear monger. It’s what’s being reported. Look at Talking Points Memo or The Atlantic if you don’t believe me. Just because Blago thought Jackson would pay for play doesn’t mean that it is true, either.

    I’m sorry but the speculation will persist for all the potential Senate candidates. This “pay for play” scandal is a pretty explosive allegation, so it will get a lot of attention. I do think the voters need to know if someone was willing to pay Blago for the seat. That politician’s career could be in great peril.


  15. I don’t want to go too far and “smear” anyone, but I’ll just say I wouldn’t be surprised if Jackson was Candidate #5. His father is one of the biggest fucking con men, race-baiting blowhards this country’s ever seen.

  16. what’s in the water at that studio?

  17. What are you talking about, squishy? Are you seriously defending Jesse Jackson? The father, I mean. The guy is a fucking fraud. As for his son, all I’m saying is “I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  18. relax liz, I mean err, nancy…dang…dana…shit!@ I mean mike…

    what’s wrong with me

  19. I need money said Governor Rod
    So if you want the Senate nod
    Come up with the cash
    And do it real fast
    And then you can work with Chris Dodd.

  20. Rod thought he’d get cash
    for selling Barack’s old seat;
    wonder what jail’s like?

  21. Selling Barack’s old seat for cash would be an obamanation.

  22. delawaredem says:

    The Common Sense Avenger has a second career in the offing.

  23. whowouldhavethought says:

    Who would have thought that Obama was still a president elect. And Obama is saying all the right things, but is he really telling the truth. There are contridictions with Axelrod where he said Obama has spoken with the Gov. What about the fact that 4 of the last 8 gov were convicted and 3 of those 4 are dems. This state is clearly ‘dirty’. This is not helpful right now for him.
    I guess this is the change that we all needed.

  24. DD wrote:

    The Common Sense Avenger has a second career in the offing.

    You know, I like that!

  25. DelDem likes my new style
    For her, I’d walk a mile
    To make a new pun,
    Or just have some fun,
    Even if it raises her bile.

  26. pandora says:

    You are on a roll! Hidden talents.

  27. Do you think maybe I can get the owner to give me the site image here?

  28. pandora says:

    LOL! Go for it, Dana!

  29. I find that I like
    amusing Delaware Libs
    but is it worthwhile?

  30. delawaredem says:

    Common Sense Avenger
    You lose your title quickly
    For I am a he
    At the risk of sounding sexist
    No girl can write like me

  31. Pandora, I tried copying the image, but somehow it doesn’t work.

    Of course, I could always try to beat Donviti and become Pennsylvania’s most name-changingest blogger.

  32. Oh my gosh, I made a mistake
    DD will think I’m a flake
    But that isn’t true,
    Now my info is new,
    ‘Twas an error I’ll no longer make!

  33. pandora says:

    First, we’re definitely worthwhile.

    Second, keep your boyish prose, DD. A lady would have simply said, “Off with their heads!”

    And, Dana, have you considered… Shakespeare? 😉

  34. I’m afraid I would never make it as the Sonnet Avenger!

  35. Though, ’tis true, I’ve read a great deal of the Bard.

    His plays must be read aloud, to grasp the real flow of the poetry.

  36. jason330 says:

    Pico, you need a better name bro.

  37. liz says:

    What is interesting, one of Obama’s top people stated that Obama had spoken to Blago! Obama said the aide “mispoke”! Really.

  38. Better name than what, Jason; I’ve given you so many choices here!

  39. I say it isn’t JJ, Jr. for candidate 5.
    Just a feeling. He appears to me to be a guy with some true merit. He freely repudiated his father’s fucked up shit. His great speech at the convention was largely ignored, unfortunately. And he reportedly doesn’t have the kind of money Roddy was looking for, anyway, or so said the MSNBC punditry last night.