There’s More To Civility Than Not Using Bad Words

Filed in National by on August 31, 2009

I was going to ignore David Anderson’s post yesterday on “Culture,” but then he went and posted this nonsense – charmingly titled “Not everyone wants to be a slut.”  Seems that in David’s world there are only two types of women:  good girls and sluts.  Which shouldn’t be surprising given his sanctimonious rantings on the Sex Offender Registry thread.

As for the young woman in GA, she deserved to have a record. She was older, yet she gave oral sex in public around younger children. How can anyone not have a problem with that? At the time she was a disgusting person and so was her partner.

Notice how David states that she gave oral sex.  A few comments later he follows up with this gem.

If you can’t say “that is a disgusting human being who would do that in a public place with children present”, then you have no standards sufficient to have a civilized society.

Seriously?  Who died and left David in charge of the standards of a civilized society?  And why can’t I say they were stupid kids who did a stupid thing?

Which now brings us to his stellar post from yesterday, in which he claims:

This is the reason the Liberals spend so much attention in trying to undermine the culture. They understand that if one respects private property than the politics of greed have no play. They understand that if marriage and family are central that their freewheeling lifestyles have no support. They understand that a society with strong families doesn’t need cradle to grave government. They understand that a society which respects life over license won’t buy into secular model. The best way to protect a free economy is a strong culture. The best way to pass on a strong constitution is with a strong culture.

So according to David liberals are greedy people with freewheeling lifestyles who rely on government, have no respect for life, and are anti-religion.  Not very civil, but since he didn’t use the F-bomb I guess he gives himself a pass.  Hmm… I seem to remember the bible saying something about let he who is without sin cast the first stone and judge not, that ye be not judged.  And the writings above seem to be those of a judgmental, stone-thrower.  They are not civil.  They are insulting and pompous.

And one more thing… having religion does not make you morally or ethically superior to anyone.  It is not a trump card.  If anything, it’s the lose the argument card.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. nemski says:

    David’s post the other day was disgusting and repugnant. As much individual liberty that conservatives say they are for, when it comes to the bedroom, said liberty goes out the window.

    Conservatives need to worry about their own family and house and forget about what their neighbors down the street are doing.

    Should we go down the list of all the Republican conservative political leaders who mouthed the same words that David wrote and then stuck their penis in the first that that moved.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    liberals are greedy people with freewheeling lifestyles who rely on government, have no respect for life, and are anti-religion

    This is also demonstrably a lie. You take the lives of most of the liberals here as examples. But this is the conservative tactic — liberals are always to be the enemy and if you have to lie to get there you do. But yet we’re supposed to be responsible for a deteriorated culture.

    You can’t complain about a deteriorated culture when you are willing to lie, use other people’s lies to make a political point and insist that the world be organized by these lies.

    You also can’t complain about a deteriorated culture when you are an advocate of torture. In this, I’m going to let Andrew Sullivan have the last word:

    Here’s what the “CIA pros” did to prisoners (the non-CIA pros improvised the president’s directive to torture and abuse prisoners in very similar ways): stress positions, nudity, hooding, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, long time standing, beatings, hypothermia, and walling. They key thing, according to the CIA, is to enhance “the potential dread a high-value detainee might have of US custody”. Notice the shift from the standards of the past. In the past, the US was known for being a country whose soldiers would never mistreat prisoners; now, the US wants the world to know that US custody is something to be dreaded. That’s what Cheney did to America. He’s proud of it. If you are ever captured by a US soldier, and suspected of terrorism, you know that torture will be coming soon. The values of Washington and Eisenhower and Reagan are inverted. The reputation of the US as a defender of human rights is reversed. The point is that America must be feared for its willingness to abandon all human rights.

    This is what the neocon right believe in, even as they prattle on about extending human rights as an American value. They say they believe in democracy. What they also believe in is what we saw done to innocent human beings at Abu Ghraib

  3. anonone says:

    David is a liar and a torture advocate, including torture of Americans by foreign governments. In the Delaware blogosphere, he allowed kavips to allegedly be outed on his website because kavips was rude to one of his friends. kavips hasn’t been heard from since.

    Why should anyone care what opinion he wants to ever-so-politely spew today?

  4. It really pisses me off that conservatives pretend only their values are family values. Well, I stand for the common good, making sure everyone has a fair chance, protecting individual choices and a sense of community. I can’t believe all these so-called moral individuals who think torture is just great, war is hunky-dory, capital punishment is good too (even of the innocent according to Scalia) and that uninsured people are just lazy, no good people. If you want to look at deterioration of the culture start looking at the “me me me” mindset pushed by Republicans for the last 30 years.

    Let’s just look at some samples of conservative civility:

    Pastor Steven Anderson and AZ AR-15 gun toter Chris Broughton:

    Chris Broughton, the man who brought an AR-15 rifle and a handgun to an Arizona Obama rally earlier this month, says he “concurs” with his fundamentalist pastor’s prayer for President Obama “to die and go to hell.”

    And in an interview with a local TV station, pastor Steven Anderson himself elaborated on his statement to TPMmuckraker that he would prefer Obama to die of natural causes so “he’s not some martyr.”

    “I don’t want him to be a martyr, we don’t need another holiday. I’d like to see him die, like Ted Kennedy, of brain cancer,” Anderson now says.

    I guess we’re supposed to be relieved he wants Obama to die of natural causes.

    How about secession, is that civil?

    All the lying about health care reform is civil I guess. Implying that Obama wants to kill the elderly or that Obama told people to take pain pills and die are nice, civil discourse I suppose.

  5. Geezer says:

    Does this mean Todd Rundgren’s “Slut” is now the official anthem of Delaware Liberal?

  6. pandora says:

    What really angers me is the misogyny. My teen daughter doesn’t wear a promise ring, so what does that make her in David’s eyes? The idea that people are pushing this good girl/slut crap infuriates me. Are they really the only two choices Conservatives allow women?

    No wonder they marry the “good” girl and then go out and have affairs.

  7. Geezer,

    Wait to see what I’m going to write about tomorrow.

  8. triggerhappy says:

    Who died and left David in charge of the standards of a civilized society?


  9. Dr Kildare says:

    How about that stupid one on how great Vance Philips is? That guy is a hack and most of his watermelons are smarter than him. BTW what did Vance do as republican vicechairman. You got it NADA. I am glad he was exposed working for Opalaski. Now what will Clueless Ross do about it.

  10. I am as unashamed to be a conservative as you are a liberal. The fact that I am right is all the better. Look at societies through out history, when they lost their way morally, they collapsed. As President Ronald Reagan once said, “When we stop being one nation under GOD, we will become one nation gone under”.

  11. anon says:

    There is no evidence that either conservatism or religion is associated with a morality that is any better than anybody else’s.

  12. Steve Newton says:

    I appreciated David’s post because it most clearly and succinctly (and, I am certain, unintentionally) defined the difference between conservatives and libertarians.

    David said, Conservatism can not be complete without protecting both economic individualism and cultural conservatism.

    In this he is merely reprising the original William Buckley shot-gun marriage between conservatives and libertarians during the 1960s. But the point is that if conservatives are for economic individualism [a rough phrase but right now I’ll take it] and cultural conservatism, libertarians are for economic individualism and the cultural Prime Directive [don’t mess with other people unless they actually have phasers trained on you].

    David’s grasp of history is, unfortunately, limited to cherry-picking the examples that he can force fit into his own paradigm. I seriously wonder if–since a Judeo-Christian morality is essential to the survival of a culture in David’s view–if pre-Christian or non-Christian societies can ever be either moral or successful?

  13. pandora says:

    I’m sure, in David’s world, that pre-christian and non-christian societies either didn’t exist or existed by daily rape and pillaging.

    His views on women are very distressing and horribly limiting. Frankly, I’ve had enough of his crap. But this is what social conservatives do… they set themselves up for a fall, and then cry when people point out their glaring hypocrisy.

    And, yes, Steve, I do see the difference.

  14. anonone says:

    Steve, you’re making sweeping generalizations.

  15. anon2 says:

    Texas Governor Rick Perry has founded a group called the Texas Nationalist Movement, and they held a secessionist rally today on the steps of the state capitol.


    Of course, Perry has requested more federal funds than any other governor in the country. Texas has received more federal funds than any other state during Perry’s tenure. Hell, he even leads with the most requests for federal money. Yep. That’s right. More than Arnold. More than Charlie. More than Jindall. In fact, the top four receivers of federal funds are all run by republican governors. It’s one thing to bemoan federal handouts. It’s quite another to always have your hand out to take taxpayer money. When will these lazy hypocrites get off their ass and put their money where their mouths are?

  16. Of course they won’t stop the federal gravy train, anon2. They depend on the federal government to fix the messes they create.