Example 8397

Filed in National by on March 14, 2010

We all know that the Republican Party doesn’t want to govern, doesn’t know how to govern and does everything possible to make sure no one can govern. Given all of that there should be no surprise that House Minority Leader Jim Boehner or The Orange One as he is affectionately known as at Hollywood TansĀ  on D Street has appointed two fiscally incompetent Congressman to President Obama’s debt-reduction committee: Paul Ryan and Jeb Hensarling. Paul Ryan is the Republican wonder boy who STILL wants to privatize Social Security while raising your taxes. And you might remember Jeb Hensarling as the GOP waterboy who was schooled by President Obama earlier this year.

A Congressional Democrat staffer said this about The Orange One’s picks:

It speaks volumes about the GOP agenda for America that the three House Republican members named to the Deficit Commission strongly support privatizing Social Security and all voted last year to dismantle Medicare as we know it.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Which means that these picks are about having something to whine about and not actually coming up with a solution to anything. Probably part and parcel of why they wouldn’t vote for the Congressional Commission that plenty of them endorsed previously. The opportunity to whinge about a problem is more important than actually fixing it.

    Would that the Democrats in charge would call them out of this bulsh#t.

  2. Scott P says:

    There’s a simple reason why the idea of debt reduction has no chance right now — one half of our political parties are diametrically oppossed to doing one of the two things necessary. Raising taxes.