The News Journal Admits Delaware Liberal Is Correct

Filed in National by on March 28, 2010

The News Journal has obviously been poking around DL again. They wrote an article about DD’s post on Michelle Rollins “Millionaire Michelle Rollins Takes Bonus From Wilmington Trust TARP Funds.” The News Journal represents this as a partisan attack but also admits that the post is accurate.

The numbers being tossed around at DelawareLiberal are accurate. In 2008, according to the bank’s proxy statement, Rollins had a total compensation of $20,470. In 2009 — even as the bank was holding $330 million in government TARP money — her compensation soared to $92,991.

The jump in compensation took her from the third-highest-paid director in 2008 to No. 1 in 2009. The critics fail to note, however, that Rollins wasn’t the only director to see more — compensation levels were raised across the board for 2009.

Still, it seems perfect fodder for a political season — and something that has prompted one anonymous DelawareLiberal blogger to vow they would close out their Wilmington Trust account, ASAP.

This statement – The critics fail to note, however, that Rollins wasn’t the only director to see more — compensation levels were raised across the board for 2009 – does not absolve Rollins in this matter. It sounds like what Wilmington Trust did is take the TARP money and then reward themselves for doing such a bad job managing other people’s money. The fact that Wilmington Trust has not repaid the TARP money shows WT needed the money to function.

If the Republicans nominate Michelle Rollins for the DE-AL seat, just remember that Republicans have taken TARP off the table as an issue (even though TARP happened under Bush). Michelle Rollins loves her TARP money.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Strange how when Republicans get caught red handed it is always those darn “partisan attacks.”

    BTW – does this appear in the dead tree edition or just online?

  2. pandora says:

    I believe it’s on page D-1 in dead tree.

  3. fightingbluehen says:

    The Obama administration has enough bankers to open up their own flipping bank.

  4. nemski says:

    Michelle Rollins love TARP money almost as much as she loves her home . . . Jamaica.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    What is interesting about the charge of “partisanship” in that post is that you have to completely forget that the entire repub party and their teabagging minions are utterly against the bank bailouts and have been promising to run *against them*. So for the News Journal — our partisanship consists of having the bad taste to notice the hypocrisy.

    And not linking to DD’s post on that is really bad form. Wonder if their blogger is our troll known as RICO/lizard/gecko/P.Schwartz here.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Nice digs Michelle!

    These photos of the Rollins home in Jamaica should be on every mail piece the Democrats send out.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    So, wait a minute…. I posted that story on DL over a week ago, as a result of the same press release from the DCCC that no doubt the NJ received as well. The NJ takes a week to fact check it, which is fine, and their job as journalists. But then they publish it on D1?

    Nice coverup job there, News Journal.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Frankly, I’m amazed they mentioned DL. I took it as company policy to deny that blogs exist.

  9. anon says:

    The numbers being tossed around at DelawareLiberal are accurate.

    Who woke up their fact-checker?

  10. Jason330 says:

    BTW – Great post DD. Sorry I missed it last week. Props to the NJ for keeping the story alive. John Daniello should now comment on it to give it legs for a few more days.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Aw c’mon DD–that’s no cover-up, that’s their properly placed apology. 🙂
    Move your money yet? Now remember, I think the gumball machine still belongs to the Kiwanis:)

  12. Geezer says:

    Michelle Rollins isn’t stupid, and she doesn’t need the $70K. So obviously she wasn’t thinking about running when it happened — which means that she’s an opportunist, deciding to run mainly because November looked good for Republicans. But then, if she wasn’t an opportunist, her name wouldn’t be Mrs. Rollins, would it?

  13. Republican David says:

    Congratulations on the mention guys (NJ use). It is not a big issue, but it would be good for Carney in that it would take not only TARP off the table but the Carney loan issue as well.

  14. anon says:

    Didn’t the News Journal just run a listing of all the state employees making $100K? I guess $100K is their cutoff for how much taxpayer money is too much, so $90K is OK.

  15. Geezer says:

    The Carney loan issue? You mean the fact that a political insider was did NOT get any special consideration or, for that matter, any money? Yeah, got to get that one off the table — the comparison makes Michelle Rollins look like the gold-digger she is.

  16. Jason330 says:

    I wonder is Rollins is going to go Levin on the R’s? For now she has been wined and dined and told how great a candidate she would be by a group of self interested parasites. Now she is being exposed to the real world of politics and I wonder if the fading (faded) beauty who does not need the headaches figures – screw this.

  17. Rebecca says:

    I just can’t imagine anybody who can do whatever she pleases, whenever she pleases, giving that up to go to DC and be ordered around by John Boehner. It looks like a huge life-style step-down to me. Then, throw in bunking with the boys on C Street, and it’s the stuff of nightmares. Michelle, you aren’t that dumb are you?

  18. skippertee says:

    We all know Republican David would give his left nut to bunk with the boys on C Street.

  19. John Manifold says:

    Actually, Michelle was glad to get the no-strings ninety grand. Mr. Rollins’ money is locked up in trust.

    She’s in no position to self-finance, which is why her campaign is stuck in the Jerry Maguire phase.

  20. skippertee says:

    @John Manifold-Do you realize if you had a son who married a girl whose name was Ima Edelbrock her married name would be: Ima Edelbrock Manifold.
    Sorry for getting off topic.

  21. Jason330 says:

    That is interesting.

  22. skippertee says:

    They ARE good manifolds Jason.Or were you talking about David’s nut?

  23. Geezer says:

    John: Unless I’m mistaken, you don’t know the terms of the trust, so you don’t know if she needed $70K. My guess is that’s not all that much for a full-grown Trustafarian.

  24. John Manifold says:

    You’re mistaken. I know what I’m talking about.

  25. Jason330 says:

    A self-funder on paper only – there is some irony. If Manifold is right, the foot dragging might mean that she is taking Jan Ting’s classic advice to heart: When someone says that you make a great candidate, say “show me the money”

  26. MJ says:

    She was “wined and dined” at the RB Convention Center last Saturday night by less than 100 rethuglicans from Sussex County, while the Dems had a hugely successful dinner in Georgetown attended by almost 300 people. Hmm…. guess she had a taste for hotdogs and Thrasher’s fries.

  27. Geezer says:

    Anyone: What’s the timetable on that $70K? (I use that figure as she was getting 20K regardless).

    John: Rollins Leasing was sold after the old man’s death for $754 million. Add in the other properties and it’s almost certainly over $1 billion in holdings. How much do you think she gets per year? Because the terms would have to be ridiculously stingy for her to need $70,000 in cash all that badly. And I’m wondering how on earth you’d know the terms of the Rollins trust payout.

    I haven’t forgotten how hard you pushed Carney in 2008. So either you’ve got access to professional opposition research, or you’re smearing her.

  28. Geezer says:

    I’m re-posting this comment in the hope that John Manifold will see it.

    John: Rollins Leasing was sold after the old man’s death for $754 million. Add in the other properties and it’s almost certainly over $1 billion in holdings. How much do you think she gets per year? Because the terms would have to be ridiculously stingy for her to need $70,000 in cash all that badly. And I’m wondering how on earth you’d know the terms of the Rollins trust payout.

    I haven’t forgotten how hard you pushed Carney in 2008. So either you’ve got access to professional opposition research, or you’re smearing her.