Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 8, 2010

Welcome to your Friday open thread. I’m back in Delaware so everyone watch out. I’m looking over your shoulder right now.

We got some big news in the state yesterday. President Obama and Vice President Biden are campaigning in Delaware next week in support of Chris Coons.

Our nation has seen great progress these last two years.

Unemployment benefits have been extended for families in need. More Americans have or will soon have access to more affordable, higher quality health care. Protections are in place for those struggling with credit card debt, and Wall Street reforms offer the promise of increased transparency and protection for investors.

That’s why I’ll be so proud to share the stage with President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden in Wilmington next Friday.

The event is Friday, October 15th at 11:00 am at the Grand Opera House in Wilmington.

I hope you’ll be able to join us!

There is so much more we need to do to move our nation forward. Thank you so much for your support. I look forward to seeing you next Friday in Wilmington.

So, next Friday’s commute in Wilmington will be a nightmare.

New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino is a nut. He’s not just nutty for his views but he’s a bully and quite possibly, paranoid. He has a new video trying to explain his confrontation with a New York Post reporter. In the video he advances several smears against Andrew Cuomo.

The general consensus among the political pundits is WTF?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (40)

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh great–the Ides of October. Et tu Obama!!!!

  2. Jason330 says:

    Well the liberal/progressive business group is moving forward. I’d post on it but I’m in a cafe in Paris right now and the Internet connection is terrible. As I sip this Pernod, I want all the bitchy complainers to know how much better my life is now that I’ve given up bitchy complaining. C’est tout! Mes-vein-aimes.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Welcome to the “bright side” Jason. Now get your baguette back here–of course, after your underwritten French healthcare chin implant, facelift, and substandard chicken pox vaccination–and get this group gathered at McDonald’s. You may wanna choose a site w/ a playground for the liberals–the progressives are looking to get right to work, I’m sure.

    Internet connection is terrible? Hmmm, may wanna speak up (not complain), about that–since everything is better in France.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Yeah, that’s a pretty crazy video.

  5. For some reason this thread looks really f’ed up on this computer and half of it is missing.

  6. Jason330 says:

    JC the education system is fantastic here. Even the smallest children are fluent in French!

  7. OK, I think I fixed it. Sorry, there was a wonky link that was messing everything up.

  8. Joe Cass says:


  9. Aoine says:

    wee weee weeee – all the way home

  10. Delbert says:

    Fuque Francais, derriere. What’s the matter, given up on Spanish? And there are so many for you to convert to left voting welfare state Dems.

  11. Joe Cass says:

    Sure thing, dilbit.

  12. anonone says:

    “By 47 to 45 percent, Americans say Obama is a better president than George W. Bush. But that two point margin is down from a 23 point advantage one year ago.”

    Heck of a job, Barack.

  13. Dr. Strangevote says:

    I was thinking about Chrissy the Pooh’s “I have secret information on China” remarks from her race against Jan Ting. I think there is an angle to that that has not really been reported- was she race baiting Ting? She was, after all, running against an Asian American opponent. And she goes and conjures a “Yellow Peril” fantasy involving “secret knowledge” about a hush-hush Chinese plan to take over America. Hmmm, playing on anyones racial fears and anxieties there Chrissy the Pooh? Her father must be beaming with pride, she is what he only pretended to be— a certified Bozo.

  14. Dr. S,

    Several liberal news orgs have actually pointed that out. It didn’t get much play outside of that.

  15. dv says:

    As I sip this Pernod, I want all the bitchy complainers to know how much better my life is now that I’ve given up bitchy complaining.

    still haven’t learned to stop writing checks your wrinkled butt can’t cash I see. fffflllllllbbbbbttttttt!!!!!!


  16. Dr. Strangevote says:

    Thanks UI- I must have missed that. While it might not have been an original insight, I will proudly take this opportunity to note again that Chrissy the Pooh is a certified Bozo.

  17. Dr. S,

    Of course it is still an original insight, you’re just not the first with it.

  18. Ishmael says:

    Why is Harry Reid using trickery to keep the Senate “In Session”… is he trying to prevent President Obama from making recess appointments?

    That was why he used the same trick agains President Bush

  19. Joe Cass says:

    Dr.S and UI, I had read that those “classified” documents were from Christian missionaries in China, not gov’t docs, right?

  20. Joe Cass says:

    Hey Y’all! I was just on the phone with the National Opinion Research Council. It was 3 questions about Coons v. Whack-a-mole, 3 questions on my politics, too many about my household income, one about Obama approval and last about opposing tea parties. Strongly opposing.

  21. pandora says:

    I have answered so many polls that I’m polled out. I’ve stopped responding. My bad.

  22. Joe Cass says:

    How could I find out who there polling for? Never mind…

  23. anonone says:

    Welcome to The Obomba Police State of America: “Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker Back”

    “A California student got a visit from the FBI this week after he found a secret GPS tracking device on his car, and a friend posted photos of it online. The post prompted wide speculation about whether the device was real, whether the young Arab-American was being targeted in a terrorism investigation and what the authorities would do.

    It took just 48 hours to find out: The device was real, the student was being secretly tracked and the FBI wanted their expensive device back, the student told in an interview Wednesday.”

    Read More

  24. Joe Cass says:

    yeah, because every case the FBI conducts goes through POTUS desk first.

  25. Joe Cass says:

    Hey! A supporter of Miss Managing Financials says COD is going to be on a Greta something or other. Alas, alack, I have no cable. Please endure the pain that channel brings to see if this is true. One thing I do know about cable and Greta, it sure ain’t local.

  26. Joe Cass says:

    Oh! I dipped in & out of that website. It’s true. I know whats going on! She’s trying to flush out the fox for the rest of the red nation. “How many times can I lie to their pink little faces? How outlandish can my lies be? Just how mother ******* gullible is the American electorate?”
    They got her to do the legwork, kids. 2012 is going to be horrorshow.

  27. UUFNForum says:

    Christine O’Donnell expects to stop by the Newark forum tomorrow morning for a brief time, between 10 and 11am.

  28. heragain says:

    I know a woman who’s considering going back to college… to teach math. She’s worried she’ll have to take a math course, though.

    No, I’m not kidding.

  29. Joe Cass says:

    I always thought you fairer sex were better with math than men. At least thats what my boss tells me.

  30. heragain says:

    I wouldn’t let this woman mail a letter for me. The thought of her in a classroom full of students who might actually need her to impart knowledge fills me with horror.

  31. Joe Cass says: As many reasons you may have not to be inspired by this woman,maybe there’s an outside chance you could steer her into something else. Pole dancing perhaps? She won’t have do do a lot of math. Or phlebotomy! Lots of work out there for that! Anything in the “making money because someone’s dying” field.There’s a great morticians program in Baltimore.Thats all I got.Being out of work has lost its gloss.I was going to make a joke about morticians and something being stiff but that reminds me I previously worked with wood so its not funny anymore.So mail carrier is out,huh?

  32. heragain says:

    Hey, early nominee for the saturday asshat, MJ

    Sure. Who among us has not done a little Nazi dress-up in pursuit of family bonding. =8-0

  33. Joe Cass says:

    I just saw that at TPM. We all know what fascist the right wing is.

  34. Aoine says:

    ha Delbert – yo puedo escribir aqui en espanol pero, paubrecito…chico….. usted no puede leer en espanol – entonces necessito escribir en ingles solamente para ti…..

    discuple, pero no eres mi problema si tu eres stupido….

    oh and alta babel fish sucks – so I wouldn’t use it….

  35. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Had to pass this on — from TVCom — which rarely makes political comments and if they do, from the center-right over:
    [As part of a hilarious piece on ‘new’ tv ideas]


    Delaware senatorial candidate, witchcraft dabbler, and abstinence advocate Christine O’Donnell stars as Samantha Stevens in a thrilling reimagining of the classic Elizabeth Montgomery sitcom. The show blends the political intrigue of The West Wing and the action of 24 with the girl power uplift of Wicked and the Tea Party’s anti-government message. The show follows O’Donnell’s adventures after she arrives in the nation’s capital; in the premiere episode, Samantha uncovers and foils a Chinese government plot to take over the United States even while fending off fiance Darren’s (Bill Maher) ill-timed advances.

  36. Johnny Longtorso says:

    Can someone please explain to an out-of-stater what “Brandywine Hundred” is? I looked it up on Wikipedia and am no closer to understanding it.

  37. Geezer says:

    “Hundreds” were an old Colonial subdivision system. Most Eastern states subdivide counties into townships. Delaware could have done the same, turning its hundreds into townships, but it never bothered. So the designation lingers on, mainly on real estate records. Everyone in Delaware lives in one hundred or another, but only Brandywine Hundred (the suburban area northeast of Wilmington to the Pennsylvania line) is used in common parlance. You can see a map of the hundreds in the News Journal’s real estate section.

  38. kurward derby says:

    From Wikipedia:

    A hundred is a geographic division formerly used in England, Wales, Denmark, South Australia, some parts of the United States, Germany (Southern Schleswig), Sweden, Finland and Norway, which historically was used to divide a larger region into smaller administrative divisions. Alternative names include wapentake, herred (Danish, Norwegian bokmål), herad (Norwegian nynorsk), härad (Swedish), Harde (German) and kihlakunta (Finnish).

    The name “hundred” is derived from the number one hundred. It may once have referred to an area liable to provide for a hundred men under arms, or containing roughly a hundred homesteads, or to a small parcel (thus loosely a hundredth) of a territory. It was a traditional Germanic system described as early as AD 98 by Tacitus (the centeni). Similar systems were used in the traditional administrative regimes of China and Japan.

  39. Johnny Longtorso says:

    Okay, so it’s just a geographic area. I couldn’t figure out if it was a town or a neighborhood (Wikipedia referred to it as a “subdivision”) or what. Makes a lot more sense now. Thanks.