Comment Rescue: Your New and More Conservative State GOP.

Filed in National by on October 27, 2011

From Chuckling Anon:

So this is the new and more conservative Delaware GOP? Christine O’Donnell and her lawyer suing each other, Sussex County Councilman Vance Phillips and Sheriff Jeff Christopher in a physical altercation, State Party Chairman John Sigler putting the seal of approval on racism, and Dover City Councilman David Anderson using the Holocaust for political laughs. Delaware Democrats need to invent a word for “way the Hell more than a super majority.”

This is why I was all for a new and improved conservative State GOP, because we all knew what was going to happen. These whackjobs can’t hide their true violent petulant racist nature.

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  1. chuckling anon says:

    You have to give them credit though, they accomplished all of the above in less than 5 months.

  2. anon says:

    It is fair to assume that there are Delaware Republicans that are not violent petulant racists. It is also fair to wonder why are they quietly allowing the violent, petulant racists to set the agenda.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, it is fair to assume that there are Republicans upstate who are not violent or racist. But they have been beaten by the crazies, and they have allowed the crazies to take over the agenda and the apparatus.

  4. GWolfe says:

    There also some lower state republicans who are not violent , non racist, and educated. We have not been given much of a choice of leadership as upstate still overrules our wishes.

  5. pandora says:

    We have not been given much of a choice of leadership as upstate still overrules our wishes.

    I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Did upstate leadership drive Ron Sams out? Sussex seems to have gone rogue. Don’t blame upstate. We’re just popping popcorn.

  6. chuckling anon says:

    GWolfe is either joking or strung out on all of that Milton heroin we’ve been hearing about. Vance Phillips, Sheriff Christopher, Christine O’Donnell, David Anderson and John Sigler are either from lower Delaware or were forced on NCCo by downstate Delaware.

    Conservatives took over the GOP by force and now they OWN it. Tom Ross is gone. Ron Sams is gone. GWolf and his whining conservative cohorts in lower Delaware need to, put on their man pants and grow a set so Vance can kick them during his next temper tantrum.

  7. Aoine says:

    remember what Betty White said:

    “Grow a set of balls?? balls are weak and vulnerable – get a vagina – now those things can take a pounding”

    Sorry Pandora and Cass (kinda) 😉

  8. Republican David says:

    There you go again. I guess DL pokes fun of the Holocaust because they used the same clips which had absolutely nothing to do with it. Oh, and I don’t recall posting it. I guess if you keep lying on John that you think people will believe it. You call someone a racist in a name calling smear then anyone who associates with that person in anyway must endorse racism. I was having a vigorous intellectual discussion with two people, a socialist and a communist. We got hungry and continued it over dinner. Did that make me a socialist or communist? I think everyone would laugh at the notion of me being a progressive let alone a communist. The point is guilt by association is the silliest and most childish form of smearing. No one with half a brain buys it.

    It takes so little to call one out on this nonsense, but it is necessary.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Only if you count that gibberish as a call out.

  10. MJ says:

    WTF is RD talking about? Drop the crack pipe already!

  11. Republican David says:

    You are just in denial for those who are challenged. You can’t say Sigler endorses racism by mearly being at an event with someone that you alone decided was a racist in your typical smearing ways. You can’t say that I poke fun of the holocaust because of a video which used the very same images this blog posted. Neither had any images of the holocaust nor was it invoked in any way. Even more interesting, I didn’t even post the embedded video so bringing me up is nonsense at any rate.

    Guilt by association is for the small minded. Apparently too small to even understand a simple illustration why it is stupid.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    There’s no denial, it’s just your usual gibberish. Which, if you are a longtime reader of your BS, is the primary signal that you are working to defend the indefensible. And there’s little point in engaging the gibberish anymore.

  13. pandora says:

    I’ve lost track of the number of “guilt by association” posts over at DP and other conservative blogs. Rev. Wright, Black Panthers, William Ayers, etc.

  14. MJ says:

    Actually, RD, if you wrote something that was coherent, we’d all understand it. But you write in teabagger gibberish and only people with pointy little heads like you can decipher what you write or say.

  15. chuckling anon says:

    Republican David Delaware Liberal didn’t post the comment about you and the Holocaust, I did. You just wrote a diatribe on your blog about how comments don’t necessarily reflect the author’s opinion. Maybe you need to go back and review that.

  16. kavips says:

    No offense, but I see too clear the similarities between the Reverand Wright and Seigler… Republicans totally failed to make Wright stick to Obama. Trying the same tactic on Seigler, is equally pointless…

    And a waste of time..

    Better to argue overt the proper amount of a tax increase that should be forthcoming.. Cause we all know it is….. Should the top marginal rate be 94%( FDR)? Should it be 70% (Eisenhower)? Should it be 60% (Kennedy)? Should it be 50%(Ronald Reagan)? Should it be 39%(Clinton)?

    If one looks as prosperity being the motivating factor, all those times were better than what we got when the rates were 29% (H.W Bush) or 35% (GW Bush)… So which level is appropriate?

    I think give and take on this topic between you guys and David’s guys would be much more illuminating and more readable, then crowing over the perverts that each party has within their folds.

    Sorry for the rant. Consider it just an entreaty that since we are living in dire times, and not unbridled prosperity, we really should be spending what little time we have on what matters the most. Just sayin’….

  17. chuckling anon says:

    I guess we’ll see what kind of politician RD is when the charges against Phillips are dropped and Sheriff Christopher has a shiny new car and more police powers. That’s what Eric Bodenweiser said should happen with this situation when he was on WGMD this morning. Let’s make a deal with taxpayer money.

    “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    I say the Clinton rates lead to the longest peacetime economic expansion America has ever seen, so let’s do that again.


  19. kavips says:

    DelDem that would make sense… Try first what worked before we tinkered… The beauty of the Clinton Era is that formula improved the wealth in each of the five quintiles simultaneously, something the Reagan Doctrine was supposed to do.

    as the rich gain wealth, it trickles down to the working man.”

    No one wants to take money from the rich. The problem is when the rich benefit only at the expense of the poor. If the middle class is improving their lot simultaneously as are the poor and wealthy, then life is good.

    That happened during the Clinton years… Life was so good until we tinkered with the formula…. like Coca-Cola executives with “New Coke”…. way back when….

  20. puck says:

    The rich see increasing assets of the working and middle class as a target. Who are more numerous but aren’t knowledgable enough to defend themselves against sophisticated raids on their assets.

  21. kavips says:

    Exactly, and in response, we the working class and middle workers, also see the slush fund growing among the 1% as a target…

    We want what we can’t have…

    Looking back 20 years, (wow, it’s been that long), the simple tweeking of our tax laws, has large effect….

    Keep in mind, our debt was scheduled by the CBO to be completely paid off in 2008 had it mattered if Gore Got More.

    That didn’t matter. So we gave that surplus back to the top 1%. The entire problem with today’s economy, is that they reneged on Reagan’s promise to reinvest that money back into America.

    (They gambled it away; everywhere but Delaware’s Racetracks, according to the News Journal… )