Monday Open Thread [7.9.12]
Political junkies all over Delaware are trying to suss out what the primary field will look like starting at 12:01 tomorrow, which is the filing deadline. El Som has put up an Open Thread for you to post news, rumors, and speculation about last minute candidate machinations. I’m particularly interested in what is going on in the City — the City Council field promises to be large, with plenty of controversial candidates and there is, of course, the Mayor’s race.
So what else is going on today?
I’m still following the LIBOR scandal — where banking executives from Barclays actually felt compelled to resign when the UK government started looking at this seriously. Today, the NYT has a great piece detailing how the Brits may actually be getting tougher on their banks. Go Figure!
Plenty of breathless predictions on how the internet would die today did not come true.
Budget cuts in Florida mean that they have not been able to respond adequately to a tuberculosis outbreak. Worse, is that while this outbreak started in April, Floridians did not know until June and there are now outbreaks in other parts of the state.
Do tax cuts help you respond to emergencies? Apparently not, according to this story from Bloomberg. But then, the Feds will come and save them from themselves. A prize to anyone who finds a media type opining that the people of Colorado Springs should move away to someplace with less fire risk.
What interests you today?
Messaging failure (dKos comment rescue):
I missed the press conference, so I’m waiting on a transcript and video.
This is totally NSFW. You have been warned.
So, this happened: @TeamBJNBA Cock-Blocked By Actual NBA
Apparently two porn stars who are fans of the Heat promised bjs — like, 300,000 of them — if the Heat won the championship. The NBA is not amused, demanding they give up their twitter name (TeamBJNBA) and their website ( More NSFW content at the link.
“like, 300,000 of them”
That is a life’s work.
Hmmm, I think there might be some problems in the Markell campaign. Just got duplicate invites to the 2nd Annual Party by the Bay in Lewes on August 15. One shows a $25 minimum donation the other $100.
@Puck – not for St. Bodie Girl and his friends. π
MJ – I bet the $100 one came to your DL account. It’s a blogger-deterrent. π
Both came in the mail, LG.
MJ– Just trying to find out how much of a commitment you’re willing to make.
Considering I maxed out 4 years ago?
Sorry for the tangent but I have to say this. If you don’t have a serious and thoughtful plan to combat crime you have no right running for Mayor of Wilmington. This is not directed at any candidate. This a time when we need real leaders with real ideas and solutions. Everyone else please step aside.
Here’s the transcript from Obama’s press conference today. Obama sure got the narrative right, in fact he hit it out of the park. But no veto threat on tax cuts for the rich. And one little sentence at the end might be the tell that he is prepared to extend the tax cuts for the rich:
“But right now, our top priority has to be giving middle-class families and small businesses the security they deserve.”
There’s the crack in his will that will let the tax cuts for the rich stream through. The top priority needs to be ending the job-killing tax cuts for the rich – he told us all the reasons why in his narrative.
Also no details on investment taxes – we’ll have to wait until we read the bill for that. Even Obama’s 2008 proposal was a compromise and not full expiration for investment taxes.
Now I’m ticked about the TB thing. Either the press is doing a sensationalistic piece–as in “flesh eating bacteria”–or they better get cracking down there in Florida w/ TB surveillance. And they absolutely have at their disposal the feds via CDC, or neighboring state public health agencies. And TB meds are cheap, so they better get working on compliance–which is the bigger issue w/ homeless shelters.
Giving $600 to Markell is like throwing 6 clean ones on the ground and pissing on them, as far a progressiveness goes.
This doesn’t look like press sensationalism here, Joanne. The CDC has been sounding the alarm and the people who should have been getting the info were not. There is something hypocritical about a state government slashing services, making noises about getting the Feds out of their decision-making and then looking to the Feds to solve the problem they created.
And that is piss poor management. One of the primary operations of a state public health facility is TB surveillance–equal to immunizations, and STD surveillance and treatment. It is not secondary, ancillary, or arbitrary. More importantly, a state such as Florida being a port state, and a major entry both legal and illegal into the US–their teams should be fully staffed and operational. Their threshold for a + TB result is much lower than most states (as is Delaware’s), to help mitigate any risk of further penetration of the population.
While, it is pretty much standard practice to close the TB hospitals, if they have that many marginalized patients who can’t or won’t be responsible for their own care, they are now trying to play “catch-up” by renting low cost motel rooms? RU kidding me? Would you want that room after discharge?
The initial assessment of a patient’s ability to comply w/ the med regime is paramount to any success of thwarting the spread of this disease. Shame on them for not whistle-blowing this one months ago. Lots of people need jobs, these yo-yos can and should be replaced. These are budget cuts you don’t make, and you don’t bite the hand that can help.
As late as the mid 90’s, I witnessed a woman being arrested in Philadelphia for her non-compliance w/ her TB protocol. I was shocked, Board of Health etc., all were there at the hospital w/ me when they came and “got” her. I knew that used to happen, but I never thought it would be executed in this recent day and age–maybe it’s time to reinforce again to those w/ able minds. Really sad.
Finally got the scoop on the invite – the $25 rate was for JackPackers.
Not so, Puck:,0,5279369.story
let me tell you about TB protocols and the Public Health Service in the US…..
I grew up in a foreign county and was vaccinated against TB – my country ERADICATED the disease over 40 years ago as well as several other diseases, they r very progressive.
so – I move here to the US – I go to school, I get a TB test – i am a +result – one would think the sky FU**** fell down – I was sent fot x-rays, my room-mates notified, I was quarrentined – the whole shbang – result – I was clear – geee noo shit!! – I was vaccinated, vaccine did it job.
Fast forward several years – into the MED profession – tested again – positive again – again I told the PH nurse I was a foreign national that was vaccinated – at first she refused to believe I was vaccinated – then she told me the vaccine was no good (remember my home country ERDAICATED THE DISEASE) and i needed the tine test anyway -I told her about the positive result that would happen – she told me – Oh well
I nearly LOST MY ARM due to necrosis – every tine test pushed the anti-bodies for a stronger result – Emergency Doctor visit – he said NEVER ALLOW THOSE PUBLIC HEALTH IDIOTS TO DO THAT AGAIN – YOU WILL LOSE YOUR ARM – GO FOR THE X-RAY RIGHT AWAY!
Yeah!! – try telling the Public Health service anything – couple years later – yet again I was tested due to a work-related exposure – this time I fought them on the tine test and had only the x-ray – but I had to fight my employer and the public Health service and scream LAWSUIT and MALPRACTICE before those fools would listen
until the CDC and the PUBLIC HEALTH services realize that there IS a world outside the US and other ways to do things successfully – we will continue to be a grander version of Ellis Island when it comes to foreign nationals and treating people like cattle.
Obama has no intention of taxing the owners, his friends and or associates , it’s political gibberish for the plebs, 3rd world polemics has arrived , best to make the rich evil guy pay for everything , when in actuality its the middle class and the poor who will pay ….
Aoine–I have NEVER done this publicly on a blog. But in the interest of global public health, and so GOOD folks from here don’t go away misinformed–STFU!!!!!
You were NEVER VACCINATED FROM TB. You received BCG a different screening agent. And if you mistakenly were given a tine test to your opposition, w/ later xray–that would have ended any further discussion.
Your home country has not eradicated the disease unless you are from some other galaxy, the US hasn’t invaded and conquered–but that’s another day another topic.
If by chance you are in the medical field and practicing anywhere within our great 50, I implore Delaware Liberal to warn, disclaim, out, flog, or VACCINATE you again, to prevent you from perpetuating the myths that 1) A person is vaccinated against TB 2) TB is eradicated somewhere in the world
And if by greater chance you have chosen to spoof this situation, I guess I’m just humorless when it comes to disease and the people who F*** UP reality, with yawns, myths, misinformation, and lies.
That’s best left to politics, or Saturday Night Live. Peace.
I wondered about that myself. I thought perhaps I was uninformed and had to do some research to see if I missed something about it being erradicated somewhere.
actually, Bovine TB seems to have been eradicated in Ireland.
Ok then–Aoine is the talking bullshitter π who came as steerage to this country.
I actually thought i was vaccinated for chicken pox for years. turns out i just got it really young and didnt remember, and my folks confused “6 weeks of being very sick” with “vaccinated”
Well SB, depending upon your age–you could have been vaccinated. And consider yourself vaccinated now, if you had lingering illness from chicken pox for 6 weeks. Poor guy–one of my kids went that way w/ chicken pox.
The Republican War On Women now has a logo.
haha SB i was “vacinated” for chicken pox too, and by that i mean my mother sent me over to a friend’s house who already had it on purpose it so that I would get sick and therefore infect my brothers all really young.
(dad never had it which can be fatal, so she infected all of us at once so 1) we wouldn’t have the same problem and 2) dad wouldn’t be repeatedly exposed, he got to go to myrtle beach on a golf trip almost the whole time we were ill)
V–your selfless mother. Dad probably already had a subclinical case of chickenpox, his immunity was already in and still snagged a trip to Myrtle Beach. If he was of child-bearing age, chances are he did contract the disease, albeit one hidden pox in the scalp. It only takes one pox to activate immunity and it is possible. However, on the flip side, sometimes a “light case” of the chicken pox doesn’t preclude you from getting it again. But your poor mother, that “all at once innoculation”, sometimes backfires, and instead you get children breaking out in 10 day increments, leaving her raving mad w/ cabin fever, as the pox incubates and breaks out in random order. So some moms are in it for two weeks, and others are in it for two months. A blood titer on your dad would have been a lot cheaper than Myrtle Beach–but I know not as much fun. Hats off to Mom!!
V, that’s what happened to me apparently. All the parents in daycare decided to have the first kid with CP come to .. class?… that day. Now that they have a vaccine, could that practice be considered child abuse? Also, Joanne, since you appear to know your shit on this, if you have had CP, is the shingles vaccine meant for you?
haha well Joanne as far as we know he’s never had it. Grandma was a pediatric nurse, so we figured if he’d gotten it she would have caught it. You could very well be right though. Lucky for mom we were the all sick at the same time 2 week variety.
Yes–if you have had CP, that’s exactly the target group–but there are often age qualifiers etc..
But, consider yourselves lucky–the CP vaccine is one of the rare vaccines I oppose for kids. Efficacy is not what they thought, so now you have all these “vaccinated” kids walking around like 6 inch rattlesnakes–more poisonous to the general population. And why? They all need to be re-vaccinated in 10 years, and if CP is contracted in their life it is often the “sub-clinical” type I mentioned above, yet they are JUST AS CONTAGIOUS. So I’d rather a pox filled child commanding us to stop and be taken care of–instead of the mother insisting “well we already paid for the trip to Disney”, and taking their clearly to the trained eye, but hidden under a shirt, half dozen pocked belly–because Lester or Lisa feels just fine. I HATE this VACCINATION!!! And it will proceed to make shingles more rampant. So the real equation is chicken pox as a child–yes a drag, but lifetime immunity. Vaccinate as a child, and you will need to be boostered every 7-10 years, still be vulnerable to “lighter cases”, and be a menace to society (especially immunocompromised, and older populations). I get the WHO in the recommendation because they have to advise to the most impoverishered countries. The US didn’t need this one–we need immunity. Those countries don’t live long enough to see shingles!! Heck, they may not live long enough to get the booster.
Just my thoughts….