Rob Arlett wants to be surprised by illegal trash dumps again, this time within the DEGOP

Filed in National by on March 25, 2017

Rob Arlett was recently in the news for being “amazed, appalled, disgusted and disappointed” by what a disgusting shit hole parts of Sussex had become during his tenure as a county councilman. Now he wants to be “amazed, appalled, disgusted and disappointed” all over again.

Sussex County Councilman Rob Arlett says he’s considering a run to succeed Copeland.

He ran President Donald Trump’s state campaign and says Republicans in Delaware need to trumpet they’re the party of public safety, prosperity, principle and the people.

“Why haven’t we done “a better job” getting the messages of those four items out, articulated properly? That’s why I think there’s an opportunity for change, because we have to,” Arlett said.



(Outfall plume in New Jersey previews water quality for Delaware Beaches).

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Gymrat says:

    Arlett is “come here” from a bit less than 10 years back from the MD/DC sectors.
    He is active in his profession, has a nice family but has made some odd political choices. his success on the red team and his potential sanity might make it worth doing some more detailed research on the guy.
    he came to Sussex sometime after i left in ’07 and he has a reputation in our shared profession as a decent dude. We should at least know our grass roots opposition ;0

  2. SussexAnon says:

    Rehoboth is about to build a sewage outfall pipe into the ocean.

    Perhaps Arlett can take his fight on dumping to the beach. Since nobody else gives a fuck.

  3. Jason330 says:

    “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that up to 3.5 million people a year become ill from contact with sewer overflows. Often, victims don’t attribute their condition to exposure to contaminated water, since they may not realize that their rashes, stomach flu, hepatitis, or other illnesses were caused by swimming in polluted water.”

    Good thing Rehoboth will not have to contend with a pesky EPA checking that water quality.

  4. anon says:

    There’s no good choice for Rehoboth Beach’s waste water, either it ends up in the ocean (ocean outfall), the bay (land application), or the aquafer (rapid infiltration basins and land application). All options come with the necessary lack of government oversight.

  5. mouse says:

    The town folk couldn’t afford proper and safer land application. So typical these day, we certainly can’t ask people from a town where the smallest cheapest 50 year old 900 sq ft rancher on a 50 ft lot a mile out from the beach sells for 600K to have to fund the more expensive land application.

  6. jason330 says:

    “All options come with the necessary lack of government oversight.”


  7. mouse says:

    If the guys at the poop plant have a bad day, it could be an ugly scenario. It would certainly be on the front page of the Washington Post

  8. SussexAnon says:

    The problem with the “no good choice” argument is that EVERYWHERE else in the fucking county, DNREC champions land application as the the preferred choice.

    Land application was a) not aggressively sought b) ‘sought’ at the peak of land values and never revisted. c) Tidewater had a plan for an already approved land application for development that fell through after 2008 and was completely ignored by the City of Rehoboth because they did not want to partner with a private business. Which is ironic because the Mayor is a Republican.

    And so we are going to pump treated effluent that “is pretty close to drinking water” according to the Mayor (yet can’t even be sprayed on crops) AND we get the benefit of land application anyway in the form of biosolids which will be trucked to (they think) farms around the county to be used as fertilizer. So your water table gets to enjoy the ‘fruits’ of Rehoboths labor.

  9. mouse says:

    And land application requires a cleaner effluent with fewer solids and this reduces the chance of viruses

  10. anon says:

    Land application was made for areas where the aquafer is 50+ feet down so the effluent filters through layers of rock, sand and soil before entering the aquafer to regenerate it. In Sussex a toddler can hit groundwater digging with a plastic beach shovel in their backyard. Sussex’s water table is too high, and the aquafer doesn’t need regenerating. Rehoboth Beach will just have to keep their shit to themselves.

  11. SussexAnon says:

    And yet land application is being used all over the county. As preferred by DNREC. Except Rehoboth. The engineer for the Rehoboth project said in a public meeting that the least environmentally harmful option is land application compared to out fall pipe(s) to the bay or the ocean.

    “the aquifer doesn’t need regenerating” except when there is a drought. There has been at least one drought restriction summer here in the last 25 years. Yes, it was once and it was brief but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen again given the population explosion down here and shifting climate.

  12. anon says:

    The reason land application was made for areas where you have to go down 50+ feet before you hit groundwater is for the extra filtration. Between land application and the rapid infiltration basins that always accompany a land application system, there is no further filtration.

    So the choice is really between sending the wastewater into the ocean through ocean outfall or flushing the wastewater into the aquafer. Not a great choice in a county with an abundance of wells.

    Again, Rehoboth Beach can keep their shit. They think it doesn’t stink so it shouldn’t be a problem.

  13. waterpirate says:

    DNREC favors land application, because they prefer municipal water. If you read their literature and regs you will find that they have abandoned the unconfined aquifers in the state. They are unreliable for purity, and can not be protected.
    So the more shit they spray on the land that leaches into the bays and the un confined aquifer, the sooner we will have municipal water for all. Follow the money. municipal water costs money, provided by private companies in many cases.
    The dip stick from Seaford, Danny Short introduced HB38 under the guise of being a friend to the town of Frankford, { to which he sells insurance by the way }. What HB38 really does is redefine water rights for the citizens of the state. DNREC and our legislators can not and should not be trusted.
    As for Rehoboth’s ocean outfall pipe, who is going to monitor that? Trivia would be how many times did the Rehoboth plant incur a violation under the current solution? How many violations will the outfall pipe incur?

  14. RE Vanella says:

    mouse – It says there that it was discovered based on a citizen complaint. You’re a concerned citizen. I think I’m onto something here!

    Mighty Mouse – Beach environment vigilante!

  15. mouse says:

    I accept your appointment, sir lol