Archive for August, 2008
Can McCain’s Nomination Break Gitmo?
Over the weekend, my son pointed out that we now had a candidate from the first and the last states (DE and AK). With Obama being born in HI we have 3 out of 4 that are from small, niche states. McCain isn’t from some small obscure state, he’s from Arizona, right? Well, sorta. McCain […]
Scaling It Back
or no 38 million viewers for you! The RNC has decided to scale back its convention next week, they say to make it a call to service rather than a political celebration. That is likely a good thing — americablog already notes that CNN has started the split screen competition and major portions of their […]
Bowing his way in Mavirieness….
For weeks, advisers close to the campaign said, Mr. McCain had wanted to name as his running mate his good friend Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, the Democrat turned independent. But by the end of last weekend, the outrage from Christian conservatives over the possibility that Mr. McCain would fill out the Republican ticket […]
comment rescue…voncrackittyrefic
Want to learn a little about Hillary errr Palin? Von Cracker links to a great read in my thought for the morning post that illustrates her brand of politics this is how Palin operates… grrrrr
A Christian fundamentalist group is fervently praying for rain to drown out Barack Obama when he accepts the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination before a vast open-air throng. Looks like they got their wish that a storm would ruin a convention. I wonder if they will feel guilty when a few billion dollars worth of destruction […]
Thought for the morning
I have been watching the talking heads this morning and it seems that a VP pick “historically” has made little difference. They seem (Britt Hume and a few others) said that we should not get too excited. In the end it is only a VP. The past 8 years have raised the bar when it […]
Ronstock Gets Noticed (sorta)
The AP story on the 9,700 person Ron Pail rally that Cassandra blogged about has been picked up by a traditional news outlet. A Minot North Dakota TV station posted an the item on its web site.
Palin Pregnancy Rumors Abound
If true, (and that is a big if) this story would be explosive. At the very least, with this rumor circulating in Alaska prior to her pick, this story gives some insight into how poorly McCain vetted Palin. Talking points Memo Daily Kos The Moderate Voice Democratic Underground All we know for sure is […]
Another Built in Republican Advantage
Yesterday I said that the Republicans have a built in advantage over Democrats because they are disciplined partisans who would vote for Satan (R) is he was running against Jesus (D). Another advantage they have is that they think nothing of brazenly lying if they think it will advance their cause. Democrats feel constrained by […]
Republican Carl Cameron Accused McCain of Running “Haphazard” Campaign
You know it is bad when Fox News talking heads diss McCain. There is still a haphazard feel to much of what the McCain campaign does. While they have plans, tactics and a strategy, there are bugs in the system that often complicate the message He was talking about earlier staff screw ups, but that […]
Ronstock 08!
That’s what they are calling it — next week’s rally by Ron Paul (failed Presidential candidate) supporters meeting across the river from the RNC St. Paul event. So have any of you heard about this? They’ve sold 9800 tickets to this thing and today is the first I’ve heard of it. If this had been […]
Based on the recent surprise pick for republican VP, what post in the Executive branch do you now feel you qualify for?
Breaking news!!!!!
Mayor of Secretary Maryland picked as McCain’s Secretary of state! When asked why, McCain stated, “My Friends, anyone who lives in Secretary and is it’s mayor obviously qualifies to be my Secretary oh and I’m a POW” Secretary, with a population of about 500, 90% of them white, it is the right move say many […]
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