Shorter Daniello: Suck it Siglar

Filed in Delaware by on July 10, 2012

Delaware Democratic Party Chair John D. Daniello’s Statement On Filing Deadline Passing:

“The passing of the filing deadline today is another sign that campaign season is here. Our endorsed statewide slate is one of our best yet, and we’re ready to work together to win. I can’t emphasize enough how confident I am in this year’s ticket. And with strong Democratic candidates filed in almost every race in Delaware, I know this is certain to be a very good year for our Party.”

(maybe I’m reading between the lines a little too much..?)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Somebody needs to point out that the GOP candidates filing all at the last minute is related to their governing style — lots of posturing and profiling while avoiding the housekeeping until the very last minute.

  2. pbaumbach says:

    Cassandra, your comment reminds me of last summer’s debt ceiling crisis. It is amazing that the House Republicans were not effectively called out on having single-handedly creating a 100% avoidable crisis last summer, through their posturing and profiling.

    BTW, is anyone enjoying “The Newsroom” on HBO as much as me?

  3. pbaumbach says:

    additionally, as a candidate ( spending 16 hours a week door knocking, I cannot imagine a candidate for state rep or (worse, because the district includes about twice as many voters) state senate joining a race this late, or (yet even worse) in early September, and thus being unable to meet as many voters as they should, in cases where the slot has been open for months.

    it is different when the incumbent, at a relatively late hour, announces a retirement, but in Stritzinger’s case, he filed over three months after Liane Sorenson declared her retirement (and thus no Republican candidate has been declared and campaigning), and gave Dave Sokola an incredible headstart (in addition to being an incumbent).

  4. george says:

    Wonder what candidate(s) the “almost” qualifier may refer to.

  5. Jason330 says:

    I took it to mean “nearly all.”