Updating the Maps…

Filed in National by on September 16, 2013

I was updating our State Senate and House District maps tonight, along with figuring out which of the Senate seats are up in 2014. As I was going through election results dating back to 1998 to determine the two different classes of Senate seats, I kinda thought it was unfair that one class of Senate seats always went two years after the “Everyone Runs after the Census” Election held in the second year of the decade, until I realized that other class of Senate seats always ran two years before the “Everyone Runs” Election. It was my “duh, here’s your sticker” moment of the day.

Anyway, here are the updated maps that we will be using next year.



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  1. jason330 says:

    Lopez (SD6) looks to be the most endangered. If Pete Schwarzkopf, Mitch Crane and a good candidate push hard on that one, I see a D pick-up.

    The question, in my mind, is how hard will Pete push for it?

  2. Calvin Sparks says:

    Lopez should be an eazy pickup, in 2016, but he is not up for reelection until 2016, hopefully Mitch Crane can find a candidate by 2015 and start running them, the earlier the better. I believe it can be done, putting mitch as the county chair is the best thing they could have done for sussex county. Hopefully we can knock off ernie lopez! I would like to see jeff Speigelman get knocked off in the 11th, I am a resident of that district, and he has not done anything to help our district, in alot of ways he is persona non graude, to say the least!

  3. Jason330 says:

    I agree that the 11th Rd should be a D pick up. The Blackbird Democratic club is a pretty old school operation though. I don’t see a real legit challenger coming out of the district committee’s proceedings.

  4. Nuttingham says:

    Pete’s caucus would want him to spend all his time and money expanding the majority in their chamber, not the Senate. That’s certainly understandable.

  5. Anon says:

    Calvin: Lopez is up in 2014.

  6. Mitch Crane says:

    Senator Lopez is most definitely up in 2014 and the one declared Democrat-14th RD Chair Claire Snyder Hall is already door knocking Sussex has three senate seats up in 2014 and good Democrats competing for all three. Also look for Speaker Schwartzkopf too add to his majority with at least one pick up in Sussex. (Yes, El Som, I have released names)

  7. Jason330 says:

    Mitch, I’m loving the 3 district strategy. We’ve lived with the absurd notion of “safe” districts for too long.

  8. Calvin Sparks says:

    Ok, so he is, thats great, I hope we knock him off, how come he is up, Is because it is a new district. So 2014 begins a four year term. Thanks for keeping me straight everyone.

  9. Calvin Sparks says:

    I know the blackbird democrats are not producing any viable candidates, which is really a shame. I would like to see either Dave Brown or Jack McCutchan run for that seat, but it probably will not happen. Maybe newlin will try again. It does my heart good to know that the candidate for the 6th senate district, is already out there knocking on doors! great! Paul Gallo is a really great candidate in the 30th, and they have got him out there running already, so hopefully that will be a pickup also. he has a lot of history and deep ties in the 30th, so we should get behind paul gallo. I am also glad that the democratic party in sussex is really out there being aggressive, and mitch crane really is the best thing to happen to them in a while. I believe there will be some surprises in sussex come election night 2014

  10. Ezra Temko says:

    Delaware State Code

    Subchapter I. General Provisions
    § 802. Composition of the Senate; staggered terms.
    The Senate shall be composed of 21 members who shall be chosen to hold office for 4 years. The State shall be divided into 21 senatorial districts, from each of which shall be chosen by the qualified electors thereof, 1 Senator. The terms of office of the several Senators shall be staggered so that 10 Senators shall be elected at the first biennial general election following June 30, 2011, for a term of 2 years, and 11 Senators shall be elected at such election for a term of 4 years.

    § 806. Staggered senatorial districts.
    (a) The Senators from the 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th and 20th Senatorial Districts shall be elected for 4-year terms in 2012 and 2016 and for a 2-year term in 2020.
    (b) The Senators from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 21st Senatorial Districts shall be elected for a 2-year term in 2012 and for 4-year terms in 2014 and 2018.

  11. NCCo Dem says:

    Who’s going to run against Cloutier? Lavelle? Miro? Hudson?
    Has anyone expressed interest?
    Is the Democratic party going to have candidates for these races?

  12. Cloutier is not up until 2016. Who knows whether she’ll run for reelection and/or even still be an R by that time. However, none of the people you mentioned even live in her Senatorial district.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Cloutier is not up in 14. Lavelle is, and I have no idea who is running against him. I just posted a new column with nice new charts about which Senate seats are going to be competitive in 2014.

  14. Calvin Sparks says:

    Thanks Ezra, I understand now!

  15. Idealist says:

    I think what Ncco Dem meant was, who’s running against Cloutier, Lavelle, Miro, and Hudson. Clouter isn’t up until 16 and I don’t know of any Dem running against any of the other 3 as of yet.