Are you prepared for how fucked the American economy is?
I have to admit, I am not mentally prepared. In ADDITION to everything covered here
“The Suicide of the American Economy” there is also the fact that America is about to become a “NO GO” hot zone for the rest of the world.
Cartoon physics is in effect here. If you still have a job and are paying your bills each month, don’t look down.
That metaphor checks out.
For once I find myself on the outside of a failed economy looking in, I’m retired and good to go financially. Felt strongly we were due a major correction, but did not see it going to depression levels, as ever I was wrong. We have yet to feel the real effect of what is going on, but we will. As for the government, Trump or not, it seems the fog of war has set in and the well heeled fools have no idea what to do other then to throw money at it. Will this end badly? Hell yeah it will. Will we learn from it? Yes, fear will mark us just as it did the the Americans who lived thru the first depression. Those who forget the past remain doomed to repeat it.