DL EXCLUSIVE: Chris Coons’ ‘Champion For Healthy Seniors Award’ Is A Big Fat Fraud–

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 16, 2020

–perpetrated on Delaware’s unsuspecting voters by…wait, I’m getting ahead of myself.

The ads are everywhere. In your mailbox, on the internets, in the paper, all congratulating Coons on having ‘won’ the 2020 ‘Champion For Healthy Seniors Award’. It’s right there on p. 29A of the Sunday News-Journal, which I can’t cut & paste b/c it’s subscription-only, and not allowed to be shared.  Coons received the award from the ‘Partnership To Fight Chronic Disease’.

It all seems impressive until you find out just who is behind the ‘Partnership To Fight Chronic Disease’.  Let me give you a hint–it’s not a group of healthy seniors, a group of unhealthy seniors or even a group representing  seniors.

Let’s do what any reporter could do, if they were inclined to, you know, report. Let’s head on over to the Center For Responsive Politics’ Open Secrets and, well, read for yourself:

*Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (a subsidiary of Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America.

That’s right, kids. The ‘award’ that Coons got is actually from Big Pharma. It’s not an award at all. It’s Big Pharma carrying Coons’ water by deliberately misrepresenting what Coons stands for. And giving him a phony award that nobody is supposed to know is from Big Pharma.

Coons has received $170,000 from pharmaceutical PACs since 2015, and a total of $233,160 from the industry during that time.  But the fact that Big Pharma has distorted Coons’ record in order to send him back to DC to do their bidding tells you everything you need to know about who Coons really represents in DC. 

Not to mention–Coons knows that this award is phony. But this self-styled champion of morality and piety hasn’t said a thing.  Let’s be honest–he’s a phony too.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    The Fox presents the guy who pried the lock off the Hen House door an award.

    Heck of a job Coonsie!

  2. Alby says:

    He is immoral. He brags about his degree in ethics while he lies in campaign literature, something he’s been doing since his run against Sherry Freebery for county executive. He actually put out a mailer claiming he would cut taxes — even though he earlier told me the truth, that taxes would have to be raised.

    • I think that that’s what pisses me off the most about him. He wraps himself in this cloak of ethical superiority when, in fact, he is essentially a gofer for the lobbyists who fund him. If they want an amendment, they’ll pay him to slip it into a bill. They might even give him an award for doing it.

      Ethical? You decide.

  3. John Kowalko says:

    Chris Coons is the 3rd highest recipient of Pharmaceutical money in the Senate. That and his rejection of $15 hr. minimum wage, opposition to “medicare for all”, and his failure to ever publicly confront (or speak out against) McConnell and Trump and those other traitorous denizens that are actively working to overthrow America are among the reasons that I am endorsing and supporting Jessica Scarane. Enough is enough and the democrats that choose to support special interests, wealthy corporations and the status-quo of self-preservation over the health, safety and interests of the ordinary citizen are no longer welcome to claim to have ideals and principles.
    Representative John Kowalko

  4. Jason330 says:

    I have a sick feeling that Biden’s campaign is going to be hobbled by Coons’ speech on the closing night of the DNC.

  5. meatball says:

    Coons is a dick. He is a constituent of one.

  6. jason330 says:

    I googled “Coons and Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)” and this article about how Coons killed a bill that would have made drugs less expensive for seniors after pocketing $124,000 from PhRMA popped up.


  7. the old prospector says:

    Same ad for Carper on page 10A of today’s News-Journal.