Pete shown totally not campaigning…why would you think that? Campaigning? Pfft…no.

Filed in National by on September 11, 2022



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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    Pete and I went back and forth a few times publicly on FB Friday night. He contended that his picture was nonpolitical, just a celebration of a local institution, Funland. of course, it was and of course he willingly posed with KMG. He has outed himself for what he had already done a bit more quietly. Pete is a disgrace to his office, and he damn well knows it!
    PS: KMG was a featured speaker at the Washington Blade season ending party in Rehoboth Friday night. there was a large crowd, and the support was real. Get out and Vote!!!!

  2. jason330 says:

    From FB I see that her stump speech seems to be about how she is being punished for being too good at rooting out waste and fraud which is ridiculous on its face.

    If that nonsense prevails at the polls we truly deserve the shit-ass government we get.

  3. “We’ll always have–Funland.”

  4. Y’know, what Al said yesterday is so obvious–why not do the most basic compare/contrast piece and blitz it to the world–that it KILLS me they didn’t do it.

    The Party brought in some out-of-state hotshots who knew it all. Except (a) they didn’t. And (b) they didn’t know Delaware.

    I mean, how do you NOT do that? Kathy’s a Crook. Lydia is not. Game, set match. IDIOTS!

    • SussexWatcher says:

      So are you now less optimistic than you were?

      • No, I feel pretty confident she will win. There was a massive Messaging outreach this week. I think that one of my friends who has been VERY active in the Party alone sent out 20K messages (really!) with the simple message that Al had pushed. (Don’t ask me about how that technology works. I’m old.)

        Bottom line: The local yokels realized that the consultants had fucked up big-time and did what they had to do.

  5. Joe Connor says:

    I did and all the other contributors 45K total 17K to a campaign manager who quit!

  6. Sussex Worker says:

    I sure hope all the pundits predicting Lydia will pull off a Primary victory are right. All I know is that Ms. York has not sent a single mailing to voters (unless one appears tomorrow).

    I have heard loud and clear from at least one DL commentator that Lydia does not need Sussex (of course it is not whether or not you lose Sussex, but by HOW much). That said I had the need to drive up north yesterday. I drove up Route 1, over the canal bridge and then took Rte 71 to US 50, and then went to Elkton. Signs do not vote, but they can give candidates visibility. I saw lots of KMG signs, 3 types at least. I saw signs for lots of Republicans not in a Primary. I saw signs for Republicans running against Bonini. In NCC there were signs for Dems running in 3 different RDs.

    Lydia York signs? Not a one on the way up. On the way back I saw one small one on Rte 1 South, near Smyrna.

    I receive the print edition of the News Journal. KMG had a banner ad on the top of the sports section each day but today. Today it is Lifestyle.

    A basic rule of politics is that, if you run against an incumbent, you must convince voters why the incumbent should not be re-elected. That was an easy lift n this race. It wasn’t done. Then you need to convince voters why you, the challenger, are a better choice. That, too, is an easy task. I don’t think that has been done.

    No mailings. No advertising. Little visibility. Poorly spent campaign funds. Voters who confuse Kathy Jennings for KMG.

    This does not bode well for Lydia York. Sadly missed opportunities.

    • Joe Connor says:

      There were 100 cheering party attendees in a high voting group at Diego’s Friday night when KMG spoke. I am hoping for the best but if this goes south Betsy Maron needs to tender her resignation by close of business Wednesday!

      • Alby says:

        A campaign run that ineptly is no accident. That’s the campaign the consultants were told to run by the people who paid them.

        • A says:

          But Lydia should’ve known better, she’s a bright person involved in politics… she has to know this campaign wasn’t hitting the marks that it needed to.

        • SussexWatcher says:

          I’m confused … are you saying that York threw the game?

          • Alby says:

            Not York. Leadership. They paid for the consultants. The consultants were beyond inept — as I said, I refuse to believe that people who take money to run campaigns could do it this badly and ever be hired again.

            You can choose to believe that’s just an unfortunate turn of events. I tend not to believe in coincidence when it works out just so.

          • A says:

            But York, as the candidate, who is pretty involved in politics herself should have sensed that her campaign wasn’t hitting the right chords, doing any of the right work, and in essence not getting the right message out and steered the ship in a different direction. Why did she let the state party have so much power and say over her own campaign?

            I mean literally, to the best of my knowledge, the only time she stepped foot in Kent county was for the announcement, if I’m wrong you certainly couldn’t tell from her social media.

    • Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

      In the 2018 primary there were 79K votes cast – 1/3 combined in Kent and Sussex and 2/3 in NCCo. McGuiness won with a plurality of 33K votes – Dennis E. Williams was a spoiler with 18K votes. Voters were lukewarm on her the first time around. She will certainly get some votes. She may well win Sussex but I don’t think there is any way she outperforms her 2018 run. Although York’s campaign has not exactly been inspirational (keeping powder dry for the general?), I think / hope York will win pretty easily.

    • The MoMo says:

      Agree. I consult for certain candidates on the side, and frankly did not put my hat in the ring because of the folks that were already in there. I heard similar from other low-cost new guard folks like me. Even if she only did targeted digital and mail to the most partisan democrats with 100% voting records in recent races and created a direct voter contact plan for ballot chasing instead of instituting a wider audience or spend, I think she’d have a comfortable buffer today. They didn’t even need to spend money to write up an endorser email for other electeds to send out to their audiences, which I think many would agree to do.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Remember, folks, when one of the most powerful politicians in Dover and his “very close” friend, another elected politician recently convicted of OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT, meet at a public event it is not political! How dare you for besmirching Funland.