Carney Camp Caught Clipping Obama Pics

Filed in National by on June 24, 2008

Delaware Dem is philosophical about it the incident…

I just find it funny, that’s all. I guess it can now be said that I truly helped and supported both campaigns this year. To help John Carney, I gave him (unwittingly or not) some pictures to post on his website. To help Jack Markell, I will be giving him my vote.

Great photos, I can see why Carney stole them.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Sunday Morning Open Thread with Coffee | June 29, 2008
  1. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, this is bad.

  2. RickJ19958 says:

    It could be worse. At least it wasn’t Ryan Cormier.

    Too soon?

  3. Pandora says:

    Did anyone receive the automated call praising John Carney on the Blue Water Wind deal? It was left on my answering machine… so I have a copy.

  4. Fonzy says:

    Wait a minute. You mean someone used some pictures on their web site that were not their own? And that they had not gotten permission to use on said web site?

    That’s horrible!



  5. Fonzy says:

    I’m quite certain that my last comment was caught in your spam filter. It had a number of links in it (over a 1/2 dozen).

    Each of these links — a small sampling really — is to a story on this blog that has (shudder) unauthorized images used!

    I can understand why Delaware Dem is tweaked, but unauthorized image use is as rampant on this site as any that I have seen.

    If your a man, you’ll let my comment be seen and we can have an educated discussion on the unauthorized use of images on web sites.

    Looking forward to the discussion…

  6. Ryan Mc. says:

    Can’t believe Carney did that. Didn’t he have staffers snapping pictures that day? That would of been a common-sense thing to do…

  7. MonoRAIL!!!! says:


  8. Fonzy says:

    Delaware Dem is a big boy. He’s also an attorney, so I’m sure he’s more than capable of taking care of any legal issues he might think have been raised.

    What I’m more interested in from the DelawareLiberal bunch – who decided they had to get all up in this one — is this: did you get permission to use the images in the following posts?

    How about the header image? Is that yours?

  9. Fonzy says:

    Damn spam filter! It just got another one!

    Let my comments out you sissies!!!!

  10. Fonzy says:

    What, so your now going through all the links I showed you and taking the unauthorized photos out so you don’t look like a bunch of morons?

    To late…

  11. Delaware Dem says:


    Yes, unauthorized use of images is rampant. However, blogs, such as Delaware Liberal, Daily Kos and Daily Delaware and others normally use photos that are in the public domain. I am sure there have been transgressions here and there, but the AP, Getty Images, and other photojournalism organizations are very vigilant at alerting blogs who have used their images without permission.

    That is why I find it funny that the Carney campaign was stupid enough to take my images without permission. Almost ironic.

    Like I said, I won’t demand that the pictures be taken down. I like Carney, and if he was not running against Markell, I would be voting for him. And if he was running for any other office, I would be voting for him. And if he wins the nomination, I will be voting for and supporting him.

    I just wanted to be asked, and I just wanted credit to be given.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    Fonz – sorry, I was busy stealing pictures and didn’t see you get spammed.

  13. I can’t wait for them to gank my crappy YouTube clip where Jim Lanard praised Carney.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    And for the record, the only photo that you posted for one of my posts was the newlywed picture. You will notice that it is credited in the link. It is not directly linked from sfgate, because I felt that it would be unfair for me to use their bandwidth for the graphic itself.

    And should anyone claim ownership of the rest of those photos, we would take them down.

  15. Delaware Dem says:


    The only picture that was questionable was the gay marriage photo. But you credited them and are not stealing their bandwidth. And there is an argument that is in the public domain. So I think you are fine there.

    The other photos are most definitely classified either in the public domain or creative commons. They are not subject to copyright law.

  16. Fonzy says:

    Delaware Dem – my issue is not with you. You make a very clear, well reasoned argument and I thought your post said it all on its own.

    My beef is with the crew over here at DelawareLiberal who have decided that they needed to get in on the action, despite doing the same thing themselves over and over and over and over (you get the point).

    But I do have to take issue with your contention that most blogs use images that they know to be in the public domain. Most blogs (this one included) use the first image to come up on a Google image search that meets their needs. No checking needed because they are almost guaranteed that no one will ever call them on it.

    The links I posted above are a quick sampling — lets hear from the boys and girls here at DelawareLiberal on these. Are ALL these images in the public domain? Did you check on that BEFORE you used them?

    (By the way, I’ll be checking up on each of these and I know how to use Google better than you do.)

  17. Delaware Dem says:

    Mike, I thought you took that video. I also stole that video from you, but at least I gave you credit.

  18. Fonzy says:

    “And should anyone claim ownership of the rest of those photos, we would take them down.”

    So your admitting that you didn’t check before you used them…

  19. Delaware Dem says:


    Fruedian slip?

    I think you mean used.

  20. I did take the video. I was saying I wonder if they’ll steal it without giving me credit like they did your pictures.

  21. By the way, DelDem, you have to inform us how you work. Love your blog, but it seems you only write on it when you’re back in the swing of commenting on site’s like this. When I saw you were commenting today I immediately went over to your site. Good stuff there. Keep at it!

  22. Fonzy says:

    “But you credited them and are not stealing their bandwidth.”

    Wait a minute — your linking to the picture on THEIR server. They are serving the image up, not you.

    That’s the definition of stealing their bandwidth!

  23. Delaware Dem says:

    Fonzy, it means that there was no indication of copyright or ownership in the photo. No watermark.

    Without these indications of ownership, it is impossible to tell who owns the rights to the photo.

    That is what LG means.

    Go to Getty images and look at their photos. There are obvious watermarks and symbols in the pictures themselves that indicate that they are copyright.

    I think you have your own agenda against Delaware Liberal, which is why you are harping on this issue.

  24. Fonzy says:

    Whoops. My mistake – I see your just linking to it. My bad.

    Still not sure that constitutes using a photo from a newspaper. I’m sure their usage policy is clear on that.

  25. Fonzy says:

    “I think you have your own agenda against Delaware Liberal, which is why you are harping on this issue.”

    What another minute — you are referring to the ultimate Jack Markell fanboy site, and your saying that I have MY own agenda?

  26. Delaware Dem says:


    I will be keeping at it. There is no method to my madness. Real work issues, private political consulting, house hunting and eventually moving from Fairfax to my new place in Edgemoor all conspired to keep me away from DD.

    But I am back to stay.

  27. Fonzy says:

    OK — here are some excerpts from their Terms and Conditions.

    * Limited License
    “…You may access and view the content on the Web Site on your computer or other device, and make single copies or prints of the content on the Web Site at your own risk and for your personal, non-commercial and internal use only…”

    * Prohibited Use
    “…Any commercial or promotional distribution, publishing or exploitation of the Web Site, or any content, code, data or materials on the Web Site, is strictly prohibited unless you have received the express prior written permission from authorized personnel of The Chronicle or the otherwise applicable rights holder…”

    That took me all of 60 seconds to find.

    So you’ll be taking that photo down when…?

  28. One doesn’t need to ask permission so much as one absolutely should give credit when using the image. For Carney to take the image and not credit the source is rather poor form.

  29. Delaware Dem says:

    For that one gay marriage picture, DL should take it down since it appears it is copyrighted.

  30. karmicjay says:

    Guys..sorry this is off topic. Are you planning to talk about this?

    NEWARK, Del. – June 23, 2008 (WPVI) — Police are still trying to find a very heavy haul stolen from the Food Bank of Delaware – heavy as in a tractor and two trailers packed with food.

    Police have surveillance video of the crime, taken Saturday night between 9 and 10 p.m. They’re enhancing it now.

    Only 40% of the Food Bank of Delaware’s transport fleet is left. The rest of it was stolen from a loading dock over the weekend: two trailers and a blue Freightliner tractor, all were marked with the Food Bank of Delaware’s insignia.

    They are in serious need of donations. I saw this link on cnn’s web page.

  31. liberalgeek says:

    Damn, step away for a second…

    Fonzy, before you go referring to DL as the ultimate Markell fanboy site, please note my earlier post, where I give huge props to Carney. There may be several committed Markell people here, but there are a variety of opinions here.

    And I do not police images used on this site. The individual poster is responsible for their content. If you would like to spend your time tracking down the image owners calling them and raising hell and being hung up on, have at it. I’ll take DD’s advice over yours any day.

    And I hereby challenge you to a Google search-off. I take that shit seriously.

  32. RickJ19958 says:

    So Fonzy, rather than offer some sort of mea culpa for what the Carney campaign did, you attack the messenger?

    New QOD: When did hypocrisy become the only “sin” worth attacking?

  33. liberalgeek says:

    I guess it depends on whether or not DelawareLiberal is a commercial entity.

  34. I was over on Open Left the other day and noted in their state’s blog roll that they linked to the long defunct DD. I emailed Bowers to respectfully request that they switch the DE Bl0g link to DE Liberal, the biggest DE DEM blog around, saying that I didn’t think that DD would mind since he has an active site (and I gave that link) over at Daily Kos. I enjoy that site and visit often linking over from Tommywonk but I didn’t think it was very cool for Open Left to leave everyone the impression that all DE has going is a blog that hasn’t put up a post since February.
    The very next day DD was back in action, hmmmm.

  35. Karmic, I was working in Karen Hartley-Nagle’s campaign headquarters today and a woman working with me said that she was familiar with how the food bank ran things summing it up as ‘carelessly’.
    This is an astounding theft but I bet they’ll be busted, sure hope so.

  36. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. No conspiracy Nancy. If you ask Chris he will tell you we have not spoken or emailed in a couple weeks. What spurred me back into action was the Bluewater wind deal, and Tom Noyes emailing me asking me to cover it on Daily Kos.

    But DE Liberal should be on the blogrolls, and DE Liberal should be in the 50 state network. Indeed, maybe DL and DD should merge entirely, while still calling it Delaware Liberal but using new graphics and the scoop interface.

    (I am a little tipsy from Philly’s Drinking Liberally, so excuse the rambling.)

  37. liberalgeek says:

    DD, I’ll let you and Jason discuss that at your leisure, but let me be the first to say, Hell Yeah!

  38. Fonzy says:

    A couple of more thoughts and then I’ll call it a night.

    “I guess it depends on whether or not DelawareLiberal is a commercial entity.”

    Unless those Google ads your running on your site generate revenue for charity, your a commercial entity.

    “…rather than offer some sort of mea culpa for what the Carney campaign did, you attack the messenger…”

    The mea culpa should come from them, and it should go to Delaware Dem. My beef – as I’ve said before – is that Delawareliberal decided to stick their noses in when they should have realized that they were guilty of the same thing. In other words, they should butt out.

    “And I hereby challenge you to a Google search-off. I take that shit seriously.”

    It will have to be another time — and get ready to knuckle up my friend. I ain’t no slouch.

    Goodnight all.

  39. liberalgeek says:

    err, hell yeah, except for maybe scoop…

  40. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, nobody in Delaware likes scoop. I’ll never understand that, but I’m flexible.

  41. liberalgeek says:

    Fonz – since we have not drawn a nickle from the google ads, I guess we are safe…

    I would also contend that there is a case to be made for fair use in any case.

    Also, we didn’t “go sticking our noses in”, we elevated a comment from the “aggrieved” party. I think it is bad that a candidate is using someone else’s photos on their website. The campaign pays someone to update that site and they should be doing due diligence.

  42. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, the whole “stinking your noses in” argument of Fonz is ridiculous. It is like saying if Dana or Mike has a beef with Markell or Obama, then I or Jason or Geek could never talk about it on our own blogs because that would be sticking our nose it.

    Or when Talking Points Memo or Huffington Post break a story, Daily Kos could never link to it or discuss it. Illogical, idiotic, and ridiculous.

  43. pandora says:

    Illogical, idiotic, ridiculous, and obviously personal. Okay, fess up. Who messed with the Fonz?

  44. liberalgeek says:

    check the fair use for images. I think we are good.

  45. Ryan Mc. says:

    did it really take 46 comments to settle that???? hah

  46. liberalgeek says:

    You should see the damn 43% of Superdelegates thread…

  47. DelDem, Did you have the “All Rights Reserved” notice up on your flickr pages prior to those images being used? If so, whoever grabbed them for the campaign site needs to at least apologize.

    I run mine with a Creative Commons license that allows for use, as long as credit is given and the use is neither commercial nor derivative. Mine are occasionally used inappropriately; I generally catch it and send a polite e-mail asking that the image not be used. If it is a non-commercial site, and they are polite, I usually tell them to go ahead as long as there is credit.

  48. Delaware Dem says:

    Mine are creative commons. That is why I am not angry that they are being used, I just wanted to be asked. Hell, if they asked, I would have let them use them.

  49. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, I have had one or two used as well, I give permission and they give credit.

  50. pandora says:

    DD, I think we all see your point and agree. Even Fonzy thinks you have a point – a point we obviously stole for our own selfish reasons and insatiable egos.

  51. Delaware Dem says:

    Damn you all to hell for talking about it. Why must you all stick your nose in my publically aired business?


  52. in all this did I miss the part where fonzy is holding us as accountable as a politician?

    call me crazy but a blog using another blogs picture is one thing, but a campaign using one is

    aww fuck it who cares

    why am I bothering to answer a retarded arguement.

    No offense hube

  53. jason330 says:

    Fonz’s defense is just dumb.

    1) I’m not running for anything (until 2018…keep hope alive ya’ll!)

    2) My stolen pictures are of toast (come and get me toast!)

    3) There is no #3.

  54. jason330 says:

    Delaware’s hottest blogger beat me to it.

  55. Delaware Dem says:

    Tomorrow’s headline:

    “Piece of Toast sues Delaware Liberal”

  56. Lizabeth says:

    I heard a rumor today that Representative Donna Stone is going to hang it up after this week. Has anyone else heard this?

  57. jesus says:

    Wow… this is a little crazy. You really think the campaign goes perusing blogs for good pictures? I highly doubt it. The most logical explination is a supporter sent the campaign a bunch of pictures and included some “Cool” pictures they thought they would include. The campaign probably had no reason to guess the pictures weren’t taken by the sender. It happens, have you asked them for an explanation before you wrote the post?

  58. jason330 says:


    If it is true El Sleepwalker will let us know two hours befor anybody else.

  59. Al Mascitti says:

    Hey Fonzy (poor choice of name; even phony hood Henry Winkler used his real name): The folks at Delaware Liberal are widely known by name, so your pique at this being a “Markell fanboy site” sounds like nothing but sour grapes from a wuss. Use your name so we know exactly how you’re getting stroked by Big John. Or surrender all credibility.

    Funny, isn’t it, that nearly all the Carney supporters online won’t reveal their names? Not ha-ha funny, either.

  60. anon says:

    Long time reader, first post in many months.

    This whole debate really sparks my interest and there we plenty of inconsistencies all around.

    1. DelDem says that the photos are licensed under Creative Ccommons — they are not. You have them All Rights Reserved which is so anti-copy left it is not funny. Please correct your copy rights on flickr.
    2. Carney should attribute these photos to DelDem post haste. An apology would be nice as well.

    3. DelDem has several photos on flickr that DelDem has copyrighted and these are definitely DD’s property. DDshould remove them and an apology would be nice as well. Think wind farm and Bush pictures.

    4. This website as well as all DE bloggers need to get themselves educated about Creative Commons immediately.

  61. Lizabeth says:

    Jason 330 – Thank you for the insight on your reply. I just have one question… who is El Sleepwalker?

  62. selander says:

    This is not terribly surprising. After all, the Carney campaign clipped Jack Markell’s message and economic development plan today without giving him proper credit: