UPDATED: Delaware Homestretch Over/Unders

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2008

Barack Obama (55%) (WHYY poll: 55.5%)

Joe Biden (SENATE) (62%) (WHYY poll: 64.5%)

Jack Markell (57%) (WHYY Poll: 61.1%)

Karen HartleyNagle (40%) (WHYY Poll: 26.8%)

Matt Denn (53%) (WHYY Poll: 53.2%)

Karen Weldin Stewart (45%) (51%)* (WHYY Poll: 42.8%)

*KWS gains the most from an Obama/Biden race. I think this downticket sleeper will go to the Dems based on party affiliation alone. Nobody really knows the candidates and this is a Democratic year .

I added the WHYY numbers as apoint of comparison.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. DEwind: The Week That Was October 13th | October 20, 2008
  1. RSmitty says:

    There’s that asterisk again. It’s like hedging a bet.

  2. jason330 says:

    It was an explainy asterick not a hedgey asterick.

  3. RSmitty says:

    Karen HartleyNagle (40%) (WHYY Poll: 26.8%)


  4. jason330 says:


    Barack Obama (55%) OVER
    Joe Biden (SENATE) (62%) OVER
    Jack Markell (57%) OVER
    Karen HartleyNagle (40%) PUSH
    Matt Denn (53%) OVER
    Karen Weldin Steward (51%) OVER

  5. Anon says:

    Karen Weldon Stewart is on Harris McDowell’s legislative staff. Discussion over. My vote goes to Brady.

  6. Disbelief says:

    Karen Weldin Stewart claims to have run every major corporation in the world since 1879. Evidently, she also runs the shady Harris McDowell R-Way, LLC, whose motto is, “Delmarva Power is a Rich Friend!!!”

    And what’s up with her website showing an outdated poll? Thanks to Jason for putting up the WHYY figures showing Brady ahead.

  7. anon says:

    Brady wins with big dem support and Tom Savage taking some votes off the dem ticket. So I take the under.

    Brady 52.5
    Stewart 44.5
    Savage 3

  8. delawaredem says:

    Barack Obama (55%) OVER (I think 60%)
    Joe Biden (SENATE) (62%) OVER (I think 67%)
    Jack Markell (57%) OVER (I think 62%)
    Karen HartleyNagle (40%) UNDER (38%)
    Matt Denn (53%) PUSH (exactly right)
    Karen Weldin Steward (51%) UNDER

  9. Disbelief says:

    Is there any alcohol-based prize for the closest?

  10. TommyWonk says:

    Barack Obama (55%) Over
    Joe Biden (SENATE) (62%) Over
    Jack Markell (57%) Over
    Karen HartleyNagle (40%) Under
    Matt Denn (53%) Over
    Karen Weldin Steward (51%) Under

    Here’s one to rile the blogosphere:
    Gerald Brady vs. Tyler Nixon (60%) Over
    Any takers?

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Barack Obama (55%) Over
    Joe Biden (SENATE) (62%) Over
    Jack Markell (57%) Over
    Karen HartleyNagle (40%)Under
    Matt Denn (53%) Over
    Karen Weldin Steward (51%) Under

    And to Disbelief — I think the prize is you buying all winners the single malts of their choice…. 😉

  12. Disbelief says:

    Cassandra, if it somes with a screw-top, as opposed to a real cork, I can afford it.

  13. delawaredem says:

    Tommy….who gets the 60 in the Brady-Nixon race?

    If it is Nixon, under.

  14. RSmitty says:

    Put this back up on the weekend-prior (or the Monday) to the election. I’ll make my winning choices then.

    Is there any alcohol-based prize for the closest?
    Whatever it is, just don’t ask Jason to mail it to you. That’s experience talking.

  15. jason330 says:

    I’ll put it back up – but holding off until next week makes it harder for me to set the line.

    The point is to get the same number of bets on each side so the house makes money regardless of the outcome.

  16. RSmitty says:

    The point is to get the same number of bets on each side so the house makes money regardless of the outcome.

    I love how you have this compulsive need of honesty when addressing me. I affect you. Awesome! 😀

  17. jason330 says:

    So make your picks or I’ll say something bad about Dwight Eisenhower.

    Then you’ll be sorry.

  18. cassandra_m says:

    Disbelief @12 — somehow I’m just grateful that you aren’t talking about alcohol from boxes.

  19. RSmitty says:

    So, I get to change my picks before Election Day?

    Barack Obama (55%) OVER (I think 57%)
    Joe Biden (SENATE) (62%) PUSH
    Jack Markell (57%) PUSH
    Karen HartleyNagle (40%) UNDER (35%)
    Matt Denn (53%) UNDER (I think 52%)
    Karen Weldin Steward (51%) UNDER (I think 46%)

  20. TommyWonk says:

    To be clear, Gerald Brady (60%) Over

  21. Nancy Willing says:

    she also runs the shady Harris McDowell R-Way, LLC, whose motto is, “Delmarva Power is a Rich Friend!!!”
    WTF?? Did she say this on the DD interview or something?

    This is the bull shit the GOP and DL is spreading? She has nothing to do with this company.
    You really should fucking stop being total asswipes because this person has a legislative aide job and is working for someone you hate.
    That is pretty sick in the first place but to put out lies that she is somehow involved in any of Harris McDowell’s businesses outside of leg hall (she is no longer working at leg hall, BTW) is just plain wrong. Shame on Jason and Geek for starting this rumor-mongering.

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Bullshit Nancy. She is.

  23. Disbelief says:

    What’s the difference between a “total asswipe” and a partial asswipe?

  24. liberalgeek says:

    hopefully a second partial asswipe.

  25. Nancy Willing says:

    No Geek, she isn’t. Put out your proof.
    What a sick joke this blog is becoming.
    She was a leg hall Senate aide. You are simply lying.
    So you hate Harris McDowell. Fine. Don’t shit all over an employee because of it.

  26. Jerry says:

    Karen Weldin Stewart (45%) (51%)* (WHYY Poll: 42.8%)

    I have been researching this particular race a little bit more, and I find it very hard to believe that an individual with a highly dubious resume is leading a guy who has been writing Delaware Insurance Law in the legislature for over a decade. Not to mention he has already proven to be an efficient, reliable elected official as the Sussex Recorder of Deeds. There’s no way Karen should be leading Brady.

  27. liberalgeek says:

    Nancy – I have proof, but I’d burn my source if I revealed it. Would an invoice with RWay and Her name suffice, do you suppose?

  28. Disbelief says:

    Nancy, will you answer yes or no? Security guard at Lowes? Yes or no? (although I do hear that part-time glorified greeters kick-ass in the insurance regulation world)