Does Son of Clatworthy© agree with this?

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2008

Today we begin a new feature on Delaware Liberal.  Every day, I will post a quote from Reich Wing terrorist Pat Robertson, founder of the Regent University and the Regent University School of Law, from which Son of Clatworthy received his MBA:

“(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” –Pat Robertson

Does Son of Clatworthy© agree?


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  1. DEwind: The Week That Was October 13th | October 20, 2008
  1. X Stryker says:

    I’m sure Clatworthy doesn’t want to be perceived as “soft on lesbians”. *snicker*

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Those freaks are Fucking Insane.

    Nothing more; nothing less.

  3. Hube says:

    Maybe you start another new feature: Put up a quote from Jeremiah Wright or a quote from the written material given out at his church and then ask: Does Obama agree??

  4. liberalgeek says:

    You could do that Hube. Can’t say I’d pay to see it, but it could be a nice break from you having to read those awful letters to the editor.

  5. anonone says:


    Obama has disassociated himself publicly from Wright.

    Has Clatworthy disavowed Robertson publicly?

  6. Andy says:

    Hube Says:
    Maybe you start another new feature: Put up a quote from Jeremiah Wright or a quote from the written material given out at his church and then ask: Does Obama agree??

    Hube the MSM has already taken care of that request for you

  7. jason330 says:

    That quote can’t be legit. Even Pat Roberson can’t be that far off his rocker.

    If true, one would hope Son of Clathworthy (c) would be eager to distance himself from thsi type of thing.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    God Damn Hube!!!!

    i kid

    But being pissed-off at the way Blacks have been treated in this country is not wrong…to the contrary, criticism shows concern and a hope for betterment of all peoples.

    Or should the reverend just STFU and know where his place is, Hubert?

    To all the Rev Wright haters I guess slavery, lynchings, systematic oppression, and giving blacks syphilis (just for shits and giggles), is God’s work, and therefore, shouldn’t be damned.

  9. X Stryker says:

    Jason, that quote is true – that one’s been around for a while. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

  10. Tom S. says:

    “Does Son of Clatworthy (c) agree?”

    I suspect he doesn’t read this.

  11. Disbelief says:

    Does he read at all?

  12. cassandra_m says:

    I suspect that the Son of Clatworthy that is a graduate of Regent University wouldn’t go out of his way to disagree with Robertson’s statement.

  13. anon says:

    Well, apart from the killing children thing… What’s the downside?

  14. Disbelief says:

    “Destroy capitalism”? Doesn’t Bush/Cheney/McCain have an exclusive franchise on this?

  15. nemski says:

    TomS wrote: I suspect he doesn’t read this.

    Well, he should so when he loses in November, he’ll know why.

  16. Gonna talk about this today. However, I’m gonna take it from Hube’s perspective. You guys haven’t liked the games folks like Hube and the other righties have played with this guilt by association crap with Ayers et. al., so why ARE YOU DOING IT with Clatworthy?

  17. cassandra_m says:

    There is something of a difference between Ayers and Roberston.

    And the hint is that no one follows Ayers’ church nor listens to his ravings on his own personal (fundraising) network.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    Goose and gander. Is Hube actually saying that bringing up Rev. Wright was bad? And if it is OK to suggest that Obama is an elitist because he went to Harvard, is it not valid to suggest that Clatworthy may be a fan of extreme right-wing ideology because he went to Regent U?

  19. pandora says:

    How about… there’s a difference between sitting on a board with someone who attended Regent University and actually attending Regent University. Or there’s a difference between sitting on a board with a card carrying NRA/ACLU member (take your pick or fill in group of your choice) and being a member of the NRA/ACLU.

    See the difference? If Clatworthy holds these views it’s an issue. If he worked with someone who holds these views… not so much. (in fact, not at all)

  20. liberalgeek says:

    And isn’t Regent really just a Christian Madrassa for post-secondary education?

  21. pandora says:

    Did you really just go there? Perhaps you are up to Duffy’s challenge! 😉

  22. RSmitty says:

    Well DL is a Liberal Madrassa, what’s your point?


  23. nemski says:

    No, we’re just the Al Jazeera of Delaware blogs. 😉

  24. liberalgeek says:

    There you go, Nemski.

  25. nemski says:

    It could have been worse, I could have said we were the Fox News of Delaware blogs.

  26. RSmitty says:

    You know, with the formatting of my browser, your copyright symbol in the title looks kind of like the crescent symbol.


    OMG! Vote for McCain! The DelawareLiberals are going to get us! YAAAAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhHHHhHhhHHHh!


  27. Pooping Left Wing Troll says:

    I took a poop once at Regents University and it turned into an MBA student. Coincidence?

  28. Nancy Willing says:

    Gonna talk about this today. However, I’m gonna take it from Hube’s perspective. You guys haven’t liked the games folks like Hube and the other righties have played with this guilt by association crap with Ayers et. al., so why ARE YOU DOING IT with Clatworthy?
    They are showing what small-minded numbskulls they can be.

  29. delawaredem says:

    I just love how Nancy and Hube agree on one thing: Democrats should be unilaterally disarmed. Yes, we hate the guilt by association games Rethugs play. But if they are going to play that game, so will we. There is no double standard in politics. If Hube thinks Ayers and Rev. Wright are fair game, then everything we say about Rethugs is perfectly fair too. And they cannot complain.

    If they do complain, they are hypocrites.

    Nancy, you are the numbskull. You pretend like you are so pure, so pious, and yet you have no problem getting down in the dirt when it suits you.

  30. jason330 says:

    Bottom Line: Clathworthy really needs to come clean about his super wingnut connections.

    We are well past the days when rightwing nuts could slip into office without full disclosure.

  31. Nancy Willing says:

    The guy attended Regent. Yeah, scary.

  32. jason330 says:

    Come clean Clathy!

  33. jason330 says:

    Oh …and come clean about RWAY Karen!

  34. I’ve extended an invite to Mr. Clatworthy to come on air and discuss this. I hope to hear back ASAP as this is a topic that interests me. Note: Politicians or wannabe politicians are denying requests to come on my show like crazy. It’s starting to bug me…a lot. I guess I’m doing something right if people don’t want to be interviewed by me.

  35. Al Mascitti says:

    Sorry to interrupt the Christian-bashing, but the issue isn’t really about the degree-granting institution so much as the rigor of the program. From its website:

    Program Description
    The MBA program, while grounded in traditional business theory, explores contemporary concepts as well as leadership development critical to success in today’s global marketplace. Available on campus or 100% online.

    Available 100% online. Interesting.

  36. Good point, Al. I’m generally wary of any program whose curriculum is 100% online. I took ONE online course in my undergrad program at Temple and it was the biggest friggin’ joke. I can’t imagine an entire program being based around online learning can be all that helpful, especially for an MBA where all sorts of clinical mentoring and practice are essential to the overall experience.

  37. Al Mascitti says:

    They are mentored, Mike. God is watching them.

    What we need to ask Clatworthy is whether his graduate degree is really just a diploma-mill piece of paper.

  38. anonone says:

    Clatworthy, MBA, WWJD

  39. liberalgeek says:

    Clatworthy got his MBA in 1993, so he couldn’t have gotten it online. The earliest start date for that would have been 1995 (and anything earlier than 1998 would have been difficult enough that just taking the class online would be an education in and of itself.

  40. Al Mascitti says:

    Thanks, LG.