
Filed in National by on November 11, 2008

In a 13 minute address at a Veteran’s Day service in New Castle, Biden exemplifies why he is going to be fun the next four years:

“I want to tell you straight up with the national press here that the title that means the most to me other than father is being the senator from the state of Delaware,” Biden said at the War Memorial Plaza in New Castle, Del. “Nothing, nothing. And I mean it sincerely. If you haven’t figured it out yet, you own my heart. And there is no title, including Vice President of the United States that will ever be as honorific to me as being the senator from the state of Delaware for so many years, and I thank you for that, that honor, genuinely an honor.”

“Never have we had a war before where we sent people back into harm’s way where they are shot at, cleaning blood out of their humvees, once, twice, three, four, five times,” Biden said. “That has never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever happened in American history.”

“The only sacred, sacred obligation this nation has is to care for those we send to war and prepare them and equip them with the best available in the world and care for them when they come home.”

“It’s amazing in this democracy how smoothly the transitions go,” Biden said. “It is really, literally, amazing that I can tell you in my discussions with President Bush and Vice President Cheney, it is a remarkable testament to what you all fought for, that there is absolutely, absolutely, totally complete unadulterated cooperation and movement as if it’s seamless. And it’s a real testament to this country.”

He is like the Wolf Blitzer Vice President, repeating every word that he thinks needs emphasis.  Nothing, nothing, ever, ever, ever, sacred, sacred, and literally.   Not to mention the use of “honorific,” which is actually a word, it just sounds like a Bushism.     Love ya Joe, and thanks for the kind words.   But you are going to be a fun Vice President.

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  1. Dana says:

    Yet, had President Bush uttered that first paragraph, you’d be calling him a moron.

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    He’s so adorable.

  3. Suzanne says:

    …well, Bush IS a Moron – and Biden is just plain hilarious to listen to…

    oops..did I really type that out loud?

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Great strategery!

  5. Badmon3333 says:

    Won’t it be lovely to have a veep that doesn’t creep you out when he’s speaking?

  6. Frieda Berryhill says:

    “If you haven’t figured it out yet, you own my heart “” so he said.
    Yes, I believe him. There he was in the Senate chaimber in Dover ,after coming home late from Washington, listening to us testify for wind power. There was no need for him to be there, this was a State matter, ot a federal one. sitting in a corner, hardly visible he stayed until every last one of us spoke.
    “you own my heart “” ? Yes i believe him. I saw it that night. I am sure he could have thought a million better things to do , but he was THERE

  7. Ann Mack says:

    George Bush IS a moron and he doesn’t know the meaning of the words sincerely, heart, genuine, or HONOR! Joe Biden is the real deal and Bush is just an overgrown frat boy who can’t wait to go back to his ranch.