Here’s Why Donviti Isn’t Going to Work at The White House

Filed in National by on November 12, 2008

Wow.  The New York Times has a story up on what the Obama administration (I loved typing that) is asking potential applicants for in the way of embarrassing stuff.  Emails, blog posts, Facebook, etc.  Could you make the grade?  I actually wonder if this will make a difference in the increasing level of connectedness and the vast archives that are being built.

The real bad part for donviti is that he would have to list all of his aliases used on the Internet.  He would likely need a bigger sheet of paper.

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  1. I still might be running to get the McWilliams seat though…woohooo

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    Will DV have to be extra nice now if he’s thinking about going into politics?

  3. Dana says:

    This was meant as a flip post, but it addresses a larger issue. Everyone’s favorite potty-mouthed bloggess, Amanda Marcotte, lost her position as the chief blogmistress on the John Edwards campaign because her past writings had come back to haunt her. Mr Edwards could not put up with the notion that his campaign would have to defend not only his own positions, but those of one of his campaign employees.

    And it isn’t just the lovely Miss Marcotte who would be in that position, though she was the prime example. Could Jeff Goldstein, a brilliant conservative blogger, really serve as a campaign functionary for a Republican candidate when he’d have to defend all of the things written in Protein Wisdom?

    As the internet has made potential publishers out of all of us, it has also made us all accountable for our own words in ways some people won’t like.

  4. pandora says:

    I think Obama asking for that info isn’t necessarily a bad thing, after all it’s exactly where the Republicans will start digging for dirt – once they learn how to use the internet. 😉

  5. RSmitty says:

    moley, moley, moley, moley, moley, moley, moley, moley, moley,

    The People for the Ethical Treatment of Molees would have a big problem with DV working as a public servant.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:



    I don’t get this rule of politics that you are responsible for everything anyone you know has ever written, thought or did. (See Obama’s guilt by association with William Ayers) For once, I’d like to see a politician stand up for their employee’s freedom of speech.

    Dana brings up a good example with the Amanda Marcotte/Melissa McEwen controversy. Though I LOL at the idea of Jeff Goldstein as brilliant. Isn’t he the guy who talks about slapping people in the face with his penis?

  7. cassandra m says:

    Jeff Goldstein is often and deservedly mocked by Atrios as a paste-eating dork.

    It looks to me as though the Obama people are doing opposition research on potential employees before the repubs get to it. Because they will do it, whether it is true or not and you might as well know the universe of true before walking into the buzzsaw. Of which there will be. And none of the folks bemoaning the so-called invasion of privacy will be around to bemoan a party deciding to fight back by making up more crap rather than engaging in ideas.