Familiar Name on Tax Scofflaw List

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 21, 2008

A reader tipped us off to the fact that the Delaware Division of Revenue has released their annual list of top tax delinquents.  On the list is an interesting name, James D Guckert.  Mr. Guckert is also known as Jeff Gannon.

Gannon/Guckert became famous when he posed as a real reporter and made his way into the White House press room to lob softball questions to Ari Fleisher.   Guckert claimed to be a reporter for Talon News and previously worked for a website called GOPUSA.  Today, he owes the State of Delaware $80,000.  The address listed appears to belong to The UPS Store.

Guess the male (or political) prostitute business doesn’t pay very well.

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  1. nemski says:

    $80K seems pretty good.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    And that’s just the taxes!

  3. Guess the male (or political) prostitute business doesn’t pay very well.

    sure isn’t when the Dem’s are in charge….

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Just giving it away huh DV?!

  5. What happened to the daily poll?

  6. nemski says:

    What happened to the daily poll?

    DV moved it to his bedroom.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    I assumed budget cuts.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Fixed. In honor of Mr. Guckert, I’m blaming it on “backend problems”

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    Gannon/Guckert, now that’s a blast from the past! I guess he hasn’t had as much work as a “reporter” since he was exposed.

  10. Randy Nelson says:

    Personally, I like a good conspiracy theory every now and then….


  11. liberalgeek says:

    Wow, Randy. That is craziness.

  12. liz says:

    Randy so glad you brought this out. This is what I was talking about on another post, about the republican pedophiles. Boystown was taken over by an Ex. Director who was sending this children around the country on a private jet for the purpose of providing sex at republican functions.

    The children at Boystown with the help of an attorney delivered their testimony to the FBI, who lost it? Again, they tried to get them to testify and a hearing was set up by John Conyers. This was I believe in 2004. It was Craig, McConnell, Bonior, Graham and others (16 of them) who went in to the hearing room and shut down the hearings, putting all the testimony under ‘national security”. At one time I had some of the testimony from these children (it was put out by the attorney prior to the hearings.) I had sent it to all news media here locally, but no one picked up on it! These were taped confessions by the children themselves.

    The attorney was told to cease and desist from sending any further information via the internet. He was so terrified of them and he finally obliged.

    This all occured when George H. Bush was running for President. The children were from 8 to 18, both boys and girls. They were drugged and forced to perform sex with top government officials. One boy said, they had been taken into the Whitehouse and described the tunnel like hallways.

    Gannon had at one time had an address on Kennett Pike where he supposedly lived as a child. He was involved with Abramoff and a sex trade operation. Before he became a “reporter” he was reported to have gone into the White House at night over 300 times. G.W. Bush was president at that time. At the beginning of the Iraq War he had two websites, one was: hotstuds.com, can’t remember the other.

    There were stories that Karl Rove was heavily involved in all of this garbage. These are the same people who claim family values, but they are really just “in the closet” gays who used the moral right wing evangelicals as puppets.

    Randy: it was’nt a conspiracy if you believe that children telling what happened to them in court testimony and verified by other children. Unless of course we want to believe these children were conspirators! I saw the tapes they weren’t lying.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    First sign of a conspiracy theory: Liz is all over it.

  14. liz says:

    No Geek: Liz was all over it….as it was happening!

  15. liberalgeek says:

    yes, yes… I get it Liz. This makes one of us so far.

  16. Look at the first name on that list of delinquents. He’s from Harbeson. There isn’t $1.5 Million worth of houses in Harbeson, forget any businesses that could pile up that massive amount of taxes.

    Harbeson consists of a gas station/deli, a fruit stand, a chicken plant, a cubicle-sized post office, and about 20 houses.

    Odd the #1 tax delinquent, by 2x as much as the #2 offender, is from such a shitty little Sussex County town….

    Never mind, makes perfect sense.

  17. Geezer says:

    Guckert did not grow up on Kennett Pike. He lived there with an older gentleman for about 10 years, until that older gentleman came down with AIDS — at which point the classy Mr. Guckert took a powder. The story is well known in certain circles, and you’d be hard-pressed to find any of the older gentleman’s friends with anything kind to say about Mr. Guckert.

  18. crap says:

    Brian –

    First of all, Harbeson isn’t a “shitty little Sussex County town,” because it’s not a town. It’s an unincorporated area, though heavily rural, and thus under county jurisdiction. And in that rural vein, I could perhaps imagine a farmer who never bothered to incorporate (stupid move!) falling way behind on his personal income taxes.

    However, and my second point, just because somebody has a PO Box in Harbeson doesn’t mean he lives there, runs a business there or owns property there. I could live in Wilmington and have a POB in Seaford. In fact, Googling that gentleman’s name reveals a telephone number with an exchange that covers the Lewes area, not the Harbeson area.

    (Harbeson’s post office has expanded in recent years, BTW. It’s no longer in the white stand-alone building, but in the same building as the gas station, down at the end. I’d say it’s now large-self-storage-unit sized.)

    I wouldn’t put too much faith in the accuracy of that list. The address for James Baker Sr. (No. 3 on the personal tax list) turns up as a former amusement park site now for sale on the Delaware River.

    I’m mainly wondering for how long some of these folks have been on the list. Are these tax liabilities the state has been trying to collect for several years? Are some of these people in bankruptcy or behind bars? Do they have even a smidgen of means to pay? What realistic chance does the state have of collecting?

  19. Randy Nelson says:


    The scandal at Boys Town is certainly true and the fact it was run by a Catholic charity with extensive Republican ties is also true. Most of those with ties to Boys Town are now dead and Gannon’s ties to the White House add another oddity to the whole story. Also true is your point about the testomony in the Senate that was hidden from public view, though one can come to other conclusions about why that was done. How far it goes is anyone’s guess, but some of the policial angles, including Spence, King, the republican party and GWB are, well, weird. The sex trade industry is something I have covered at great length. It’s a thriving industry that almost no one covers. It is estimated that over 300,000 children work in the sex trade in North America alone and over two million children worldwide are ensleved. It’s a $7 billion industry in the U.S. alone. I have had Noreen Gosch on many times and she is scheduled for the second week of December.

  20. liz says:

    Randy: the lawyer deCamp was presenting the evidence and tapes in one of the national forums I belong to. Does Noreen believe he is her son? I was under the impression from deCamp that she didnt think he was.

    A friend and I checked out the Kennett Pike address where he was supposed to have lived. It has been known for some time among some people I know that he did live there as a young man (not sure how young) but was much, much younger than the man he lived with. It is very curious that certain people who claim to have known him, refuse to say much for fear they will be drug into the mess.

    I believe your stats on this horrendous industry and one wonders how many of those kidnapped kids are living this hell. I also heard that Gannon was living in Rehoboth or near there for awhile in a home owned by Abramoff. That supposedly occured right before he ended up in DC and in the press room.

    deCamp told me how the hearing was shut down and he named the republicans that did it and put it all under national security. I can tell you deCamp was terrified and dropped his email address so he couldnt be contacted further on the topic.