Day 15: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on February 12, 2009

No Genuine “Town Hall” Meetings Since April 2007

I did some research and it seems that at around 10:30 a.m. on April 13, 2007 Mike Castle discussed the risks of skin cancer with a group of about ten Delawareans who were not CEO’s of fortune 500 companies.

That was the last meeting that was announced more than 48 hours in advance in which Mike Castle met face to face with his constituents in a venue where they could ask him questions.

The meeting was held at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand. Since the “skin cancer” meeting, Castle did have a few bogus “teleconference” meetings and one short notice Town Hall meeting in Brandywine hundred.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Keep us informed. I’m looking forward to a Castle townhall meeting. I’ll even take off of work for one.

  2. jason330 says:

    Don’t hold your breath.

  3. a. price says:

    Mike got national attention when he was mentioned on Hardball last night (or it may have been Countdown) by someone who thinks he may be one of the GOP to switch since he is from such a blue district (state, region, country, you get the idea)
    Little do they know he is a big old poopy-head who hates his constituency and punches babies.

  4. jason330 says:

    BTW – it is pretty funny to hear John Boehner going around crowing baout how he has Castle’s balls in his desk drawer.

  5. Day 15 of pure idiocy.

    I believe you forgot Mr Castle ran for re-election last year and in a tough year for the GOP he won handily. He was out and about for voters to size him up-good or bad.

    If he did a lot of Town Hall meetings you would say he was stacking the deck. No matter what he does it won’t satisfy you but it does satisfy the majority of Delawareans.

    Still, the funniest thing you keep repeating is that John Boehner somehow owns Mike Castle.

    The average comic strip has more relevance to the real world than Hardball.

  6. a. price says:

    first of all, he does.
    Mike Castle’s FREAKIN JOB is to represent Delaware. and Delaware voted for Sarah Palin, there for he should vote for GOP interests because that is what… oh wait Just like I wanted to make damn sure the Delaware Super Delegates (not to re open THIS can of worms, but im gonna) went the way the state did for the nomination, out representative has a duty to do what the most Delawareians want. Yes I did vote for him this year because I am not a party ditto head and i would love to see people stop bitching about this party or that party and do what is good for the country, not what is good for their election prospects come the 2010 census. Mike Castle and the house Republicans did not do a damn thing other than stand in the way. Just like Blagoyevich WAS ALLOWED to have witnesses and instead chose to yell very loudly about how he was being treated unfairly instead of really helping his cause, the repukes are bitching and whining and flailing about how they aren’t given a say. Obama has done more to work with them in 3 weeks than Bush did to work with the Dems in 8 fraudulent years.
    Rebuild, bubby, sweetie, i KNOW you are just here to stir the pot and get us liberals all chaffed. good for you. You do your Taliban insurgent role well, maybe you and Pete Sessions can go live in a cave. You, and the Repukes like Castle, and Boehner and Rush are TOTALY IRRELEVANT.
    It’s over. the GOP, ESPECIALLY in Delaware is DEAD. Gone the way of the Whigs.

    mike castle is a poopy-head.

    OH and Chris Matthews for PA senate!!!