
Filed in National by on March 1, 2009

I don’t normally even bother linking to such stupidity, but the ignoramous that is also known as Sharon had a sweet little post HERE

Here are just a few of the quotable idiotic statements:

1. The markets have lost nearly 400 points just this week, for a total of 2,124.37 since Election Day. Of course, liberals are still blaming George W. Bush, but it’s pretty hard to blame the former president when the markets dip dramatically every time Teh One opens his mouth.

Yes, the benchmark of the Presidency is linked to the stock market. Apparently the 12 months before O took office are irrelevant and he was supposed to turn the aircraft carrier that is our economy around in 30 days.

2. Back in high school, we learned that governments tax behaviors they want less of and give credits for behaviors they want to encourage. That’s why there are rather heavy taxes on cigarettes and alcohol and tax deductions for mortgage interest, charitable giving and business research and development

I don’t know where Sharon went to HS but I guess it was in her Kitchen or one of those fancy Charter Schools that the R’s are in love.

3. But now, Obama wants to eliminate home mortgage deductions for high-end earners and charitable deductions, moves that will punish not merely “the rich,” but nonprofits (specifically churches) who depend on charitable giving.

Sigh, the idea isn’t to get rich people to buy property. They can and do and will without a tax break. The idea is to make property ownership more attractive to those that wouldn’t normally want too.

4. The only way to grow government is to increase dependence upon it.

Note here, previous presidents do not apply to this statement.

5. More importantly, limiting deductions will have unexpected results, just as Bill Clinton’s luxury tax on yachts did, which actually hurt yacht builders.

Can’t stop

Enjoy the train wreck that is Sharon but only in small doses. She is real and a lawyer…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    Sharon wasn’t it all those smart guys who control the market on Wall Street the ones who got us into this position????????????????????????????? I am not blaming Bush he just let them run a muck

  2. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    It gives me trobbing headache to deal with that kind of thinking, I call it cut and pasting. You begin with the conclusion you desire then paste in only the information that gets you to your goal, the majority of the facts that do not fit you just throw away. For instance you take a market that has been on a serious slide since october 2007 , throw 16 months out as if they never happened then you get the answer you want. That`s there simplistic attitude.

    Since they are usually dogmatic about intelligent design they might try to change the official date of creation to january 20th 2009, allthat happened before that date was a divine dream.

  3. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Or nitemare if you will, and buy the Mahmoud will be a happy man, hitler never existed.

  4. sti,

    I personally love the fact that she leaves out the fact that the market is going down because the assholes on Wallstreet are the ones the hammering is falling on…

    gee, ya think when news comes out that will mean more regulation and accountability could be trouble?

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    Well her Myopia isn’t going to bring your Utopia as you would infer. You better think about this long and hard before berating the benefit of charitable tax deductions for some.

    Without going into personal philosophies of what is charity, and specifics of giving, allow me to shed some light on the reality of donors.

    While there are some who may want a receipt for every box of Girl Scout Cookies they purchase, there are some who are generous…and very generous; disproportionate to what an average American may contribute (I know Cassandra can find the figures real quick). Those contributions may arrive via funds, in kind service, donated goods, and of course the loftier largesse of the stock transfers, and estate planning strategy.
    We choose charities because of the perceived need we want to address via our tight budgets, or desire to share talents, services, goods, and capital that, having enough, or excess can benefit another.
    Why in good conscience would you eliminate the deduction (which is not dollar for dollar mind you)? The public “charity” is still being funded, by probably a good 70% of an uncaptured, freely given, conscientious good deed! Believe it or not DL readers, sometimes giving at that level COSTS you money, because fees may be incurred from administrative to logistics and execution. That deduction, is often just the details being paid for, or “the cost of doing business”, on services, goods, or funds you want to donate. While you may be laughing now, because you can only think of the stingy-ness of the need for a deduction at the upper end–it will be the tears of a clown, when some real generous, and charitable people sit down and say “Hey, I don’t mind giving to charity–but this charity is COSTING me to donate to charity–which in real life translates to decreased donations, if any. Now who’s being myopic?

    P.S. And I still love Hef and Mrs. Hef, and Babyviti, and will keep them supplied with Girl Scout cookies, but maybe only a box at a time, and not a case–because a case is heavier, and I have to hire….

  6. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Donviti; dogma does not yield easily to reason, remember my favorite history factoid, the Vatican actually keep Galilio under house arrest for ten years so that people would not be exposed to the fact that the earth revolved around the sun.
    Now this may sound like bullshit but it`s true. I was left of the honor roll at St. thomas school in 7th grade because of a c in religon for even breging this up in class.

  7. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Was post 5 a LSD relapse, I only tried it once honest.

  8. John Manifold says:

    ” … just as Bill Clinton’s luxury tax on yachts did, …”

    The luxury tax on yachts was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush in October 1990.

    It was repealed in legislation signed by President Clinton in August 1993.

  9. meatball says:

    I don’t suppose an almost double downward adjustment to LAST QUARTER GDP has anything to do with the US markets. Or January’s cosumer confidence numbers, or foreign markets, or nearly double than expected job loses, or widely missed corporate profits.

    Not to mention this law of capitalism. ” If your company isn’t selling shit, then your profits are gonna go down.” What an ‘fing moron.

  10. Rod says:

    Sharon sounds like she is a typical brain washed WASP. Indoctrinated by the religious wrong, card carrying member of the Rush Limbaugh fan club. She probably also voted for charlie copeland and her best friend is Anne “The Man” Coulter.

  11. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Did Jimmy Madison cause our economic collapse, did he give up washington too easily, were Dollys sexuel perversions too hard to control, should Dr. beane ofBladenberg not taken such a militant stand. Why did baltimore stand tall while or capitol turned tail, are catholics more intent on saving the republic, questions so critical, so neccessary to the fabric of our liberty. the existence of our sorry lot is dependent on the answers to these questions.

  12. Yes, the stock market has lost considerable ground since Obama was elected, an undeniable fact. N0 one expects a miracle but the losses are getting worse because of Obama’s actions. Markets are not fooled by hope and change as so many voters were last fall.

    Fancy Charter Schools? The process of becoming a Charter is rigorous and demanding. Some are doing well, some are not but none are fancy. Kitchen? I assume you disapprove of home schooling which is the epitome of parental dedication and not something to be demeaned.

    Growing government does indeed increase the dependency on it. Obama’s curse is two fold, dependemcy and the total inability to pay for it.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    The charitable contribution deduction changes from 35% to 28% for those making over 250,000. The deduction doesn’t go away, but I don’t think that anyone knows what that would mean yet for charities.

    The stock market as a barometer of fiscal performance is the sign of someone not doing much investing, I think. The stock market may indeed be reacting to what Obama says on a day to day basis. But much of what he is saying is that he is in no rush to throw money at banks AND that traditional subsidies to certain businesses he wants to go away. The market keeps reacting the fact that no one is throwing money at its leading problem — banks. And right now, investors have decided that Citibank is probably worth less than the worldwide stock of Bazooka gum.

    4. The only way to grow government is to increase dependence upon it.

    Of course, she doesn’t mind that all kinds of American businesses rely on government to subsidize them and provide them with their usual margins. Farm subsidies, oil and gas subsidies, stadium subsidies, Walmart and other big box subsidies — all of them provided by government to very, very dependent industries. A thing you could see in the markets on Friday — that some of the businesses traditionally on the government dole are proposed by the Obama budget to get off of the dole. None of these businesses are emerging or new — they are established industries, some of which are making alot of money.

    There is NOTHING especially capitalist about long term subsidies to businesses. Nothing. But our local conservatives are delighted to hand over money to industries that don’t need it rather than make sure Americans have health care,or are able to invest venture capital in genuinely new and possibly revolutionary businesses

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    If the well-off are giving to charity because of tax write-offs, perhaps we need to change the definition of charity.

    So, does the fact that the stock market went down more than 7000 points (Dow) mean anything to them? Yes, we’re still finding the bottom of the BUSH 2nd RECESSION.

  15. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    Mr. protack; please stop cut and pasting, you are not doing yourself a favor by using that tactic. the current slide is related to first time jobless claims increasing again to 667,000 a big jump from last week, semper-fi my friend I am also a marine, how about dumping the chicken shit dogma and let`s go man on man and discuss the real reasons, the factual data that came down this weekend. You have made a commitment to the morinic elsment os the body politic, let`s do a fact by fact intelligent conversation about how we got here and if wer are successful we may be able to find a way out. It will take guts, renouncing dogma is never easy but that statement you just made is totally moronic and you know it ie .Every piece of data that`s been relized in the past 6 weeks has been worse than expected. Here is the list michael,

    Gdp for the 4th quarter rivised down – 6.2% worst in 27 years

    Existing home sales down 5.2% much lower than expected.

    I could go on and on but why not use this oppertunity to prove you are not a fraud and prove that you also know how to follow the data. fill in the blanks or get lost. The world is full of parrots who reciet self serving dogma. You only ditract from are overall welfare not add to it. So quit being a brainless maggot and let us work thru thesre problems together.

  16. David says:

    The only true solution to the world financial crisis is to do away with USURY. When the permission, given in the Middle Ages to charge interest on lent money, is revoked, there will be a new hope for a better life for all of the people on this Earth. A good example of MORALY SOUND banking is JEWISH FREE LOAN or traditional JEWISH & ISLAMIC BANKING, in which charging interests is illegal.

  17. Shoe Throwing Instructor says:

    david; where did you ever find that jewish/ muslim bs, muslims do outlaw usuary, it`s condemned in the Koran, but jews do not, for 2000 years they have been the worlds bankers and they have practiced usuary. I`m not trying to be a smart ass but were did you even find the term JEWISH&ISLAMIC banking, they live in two different worlds of finance. I`m curios are you jewish? were did you get this.

  18. I prefer the Italian banking system myself

  19. liz says:

    Shoe thrower I am with you on that point. The Koran absolutely forbids Usury…and unless David can prove that point, he made it up from whole cloth, thinking some wouldnt know the facts. God these people are flame throwing loons. If you look at each one of the Banksters that have caused the banking demise, majority are Jewish…check that fact.

  20. cassandra_m says:

    If you look at each one of the Banksters that have caused the banking demise, majority are Jewish…check that fact.

    Step off, Liz.

    Everyone tolerates your rather large tin foil hat here, but when you start with these baseless stereotypical claims we will ask you to just step off and think. And if you won’t think, then shut up.

  21. Art Downs says:

    While I had posted a correction re the ‘luxury tax’ agreed to by Bush I, the concept was not is but was fed to him by Democrats. It was part and parcel of the stale politics of envy.

    Could anyone defend the concept today? Were the Dems wrong for pushing it?

    Any opinions?

  22. xstryker says:

    Liz, I checked that fact, and you are chock full of steaming shit.

    Vikram Pandit and Charles Prince, not Jewish
    Ken Lewis, not Jewish
    John Thain and Stanley O’Neal, not Jewish
    G. Kennedy Thompson, not Jewish
    Robert Willumstad and Martin Sullivan, not Jewish
    Kerry Killinger, not Jewish
    John Mack, not Jewish
    Jamie Dimon, not Jewish
    Peter Wuffli and Marcel Rohner, not Jewish
    John Stumpf and Dick Kovacevich, not Jewish
    Kenneth Chennault, not Jewish
    Bob Diamond, not Jewish
    Tony James, not Jewish
    Brady Dougan, not Jewish
    Josef Ackermann, not Jewish
    Michael Geoghegan, not Jewish
    Fred Goodwin, not Jewish
    Angelo Mozilo, not Jewish

    I’ll grant you that Dick Fuld is Jewish, but he took the fall for the entire industry. Also, current Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein is Jewish, but he took over from Henry Paulson after Paulson joined the Bush administration.

  23. John Manifold says:

    In response to Mr. Downs, there was agreement in 1990 among the Treasury, the White House and Congressional leadership that a revenue increase was necessary. The Bush administration would not, however, countenance an increase in the top marginal rate beyond 31 percent. Hence the resort by all parties to a variety of gimmicks at the margins to raise the revenue without while avoiding the most efficient way to do so – a higher top marginal rate.

  24. liz says:

    Greenspan, Volcker, Bernancke, Geitner, Madoff, the top dogs…what are they…Irish. I will try to find a list of them to put up against yours. Who is the CEO of Wachovia, Citibank, Merril Lynch, Bear Sterns, Wells Fargo, Goldman…more Irishmen?

  25. a. price says:

    oh dear. Liz, dont defend your feelings on jews on one thread and d this on another