Shakeup at DNREC?

Filed in Delaware by on July 15, 2009

We have received a tip that DNREC Director of the Division of Air and Waste Management James D. Werner is being replaced by Marge Crofts. Not sure what that means, or if Mr. Werner is just retiring after at least 8 years of service.

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  1. Werner Fired : DelawareLiberal.Net | July 16, 2009
  1. truthout says:

    Couldn’t happen soon enough…..

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I guess I am tragically uninformed with respect to Mr. Werner. I know about the infamous “DUI-Homicide thing,” but it would seem odd that his resignation or ouster now is connected to that, since it happened over six months ago.

  3. Anon says:

    Don’t forget that he called dry cleaners terrorists in the NJ a few weeks ago. I’m hoping we see a lot of big changes from the new secretary. So far, so good!

  4. Werner was thought to be a shill for Minner – brought in to assist the counties in unsupportable land use positions –like Greenville Overlook at the old Hercules Experimental Station.

  5. ‘Bulo knows that Werner had an environmental post in the Clinton Administration, and that he was far from helpful in implementing and administering the yard waste sites. Markell may have heard the (legitimate) complaints of legislators and constituents on this one.