News Analysis: Mike Castle Will Not Run. If He Runs He Will Not Win.

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 16, 2009

Mike Castle’s financial report confirms what we all know. Mike Castle’s heart is not in a Senate run and while he claims that the fundraising will come if he decides to run – that easy going attitude is yet another tell. He has spent the past year burning something that is as valuable in politics as money…time. And even today he is ostentatiously not campaigning. Why?

He has had a clear field and could have frozen Biden out while raising money if he had indicated that he wanted to run. Biden can’t make a move until at least September and if Castle was running he would have had free rein to frame the terms of the election and build his case without anyone challenging him. What did he do instead? Nothing.

If he now decides to run the wingnut money will certainly pour in, but Castle will not be up for the ’round the clock fundraising he will have to do to bring the the $10 million will need to have to raise to compete with Beau Biden, The Vice President of the United States and The President of the United States (not to mention the entire weight of the Democratic National Party and every labor union in the country). The last time he had to run a tough race it was enough to drive a van through town with a loudspeaker tied to the roof.

“But, but, but…the Delaware way.” I hear you thinking. The President of the United States trumps the Delaware way. Period. Nobody in Washington (not named Tom Carper) is going to countenance giving away a Senate seat. It simply will not happen.

Finally, does Mike Castle think he has the physical stamina to keep up with Beau Biden? Please.

I’m more convinced than ever. He can take the easy way or the hard way, but one way or another, Mike Castle is out of politics.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    As for Beau. For people who think he may pass, I’d like to know what they think Beau would tell the President of the United States if the President of the United States said, “Beau, I’d like you to run.”

  2. He should say, “get my buddies the eff out of Iraq, beeeyatch, then we’ll talk!” šŸ˜›

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I just hope that Beau doesn’t get extended in Iraq. I know many that have been extended for months at a time. And really, if he gets pushed out until December, it is too late to start a serious campaign for US Senate.

    I don’t necessarily want Beau to run, but I don’t want that decision made for him.

  4. Geezer says:

    I know what I’d tell the POTUS if he told Beau to run: You ain’t getting my vote in 2012.

  5. jason330 says:

    …but you might reconsider if the shrieking loonies pick Palin.

  6. anonone says:

    Jason, Castle has the brand and the voting habit in Delaware that money can’t buy.

    Castle is right; he could get gobs of dough in a heartbeat. He knows that if he runs, he wins so he is trying to milk this “indecision” for all it is worth.

  7. jason330 says:

    Wrong. Sorry.

  8. Geezer says:

    “he is trying to milk this ā€œindecisionā€ for all it is worth.”

    What is it worth? I agree with Jason, he doesn’t want to run. I disagree that he’ll stay out, because it’s his nature to cave under pressure, and the pressure to run is strong.

    “ā€¦but you might reconsider if the shrieking loonies pick Palin.”

    No, I’d just sit it out. Obama was only my second vote ever for a major-party presidential candidate, and I can live quite comfortably with it being my last.

  9. Belinsky says:

    Watch out, ‘Bam. Geezer’s gonna rally the Winona LaDukes of the world against you and Beau.

  10. Geezer says:

    Nah. A presidential vote in Delaware is worth something very, very close to zero. On the other hand, a senatorial vote is worth something, and I won’t hold my nose to vote for a Biden.

  11. I agree with Jason. I just don’t think Castle wants to run. He may be pushed into it, but his heart clearly isn’t in it. If Biden doesn’t run, it’ll be someone else. I wouldn’t be really surprised if they convince Kaufman to run again.

  12. Polodo says:

    Mmmmmm….Fat Jason’s anger and resentment….so tasty!!!!

  13. Polodo says:

    SO TASTY!!!!

  14. jason330 says:

    Hey now! Welcome back. Enjoy the new DL 3.0. I suspect you’ll be banned again soon given your inability to comprehend a few simple rules.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    Is this a new troll or an old one?

  16. Von Cracker says:

    Mike Castle will do whatever is best for Mike Castle.

  17. polodo says:

    Banning me says more about you.

    That’s when I know you’ve run out of answers.

  18. polodo says:

    Or when you put up a poll on Trig Palin. That’s a dead giveaway too.

    Too bad your mother wasn’t as keen on aborting defectives as the rest of you fetal foisters.

    We might have been spared your dowdy baconfat existence.