Comment Rescue: Polly Adams Mervine Fails to Impress DL Commenter

Filed in Delaware by on July 20, 2009

grunk says:

“She showed, gave an opening statement, then left. Took no questions.”

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Around the Horn — July 24, 2009 : DelawareLiberal.Net | July 24, 2009
  1. Brian Shields livetweeted the debate. Mervine made an opening statement, then left. Does she not want to run?

  2. LaNuit says:

    Oh, all of you guys don’t like her? You can’t vote down there, so that really doesn’t matter. What does matter is campaigning and knocking on doors, not placating Dan Gaffney’s overdeveloped sense of of self. The people who listen to that amplified walkie-talkie they call a radio station, weren’t going to vote for Polly anyway. She’s running a better campaign, and that is what matters.

    And Matt Opaliski is going to destroy Booth without the Dems even having to worry about him.

  3. Look at her list of supporters:

    Notice two progressive Democratic senators missing?

    Also, what is Kowalko thinking supporting her candidacy? There are plenty whose names AREN’T listed.

    Adams Mervine not debating says it all right there. This is a fucking joke.

  4. Maria Evans says:

    What are you guys, the News Journal? I had that up yesterday:

    ~ Don’t get me wrong, apparently Mervine is going to be there, she’s just not going to answer any questions. Instead, she’s showing up to give an opening statement, giving her best beauty pageant wave, and running like a bunny (to a fundraiser, maybe?) before any questions can be asked. ~

    This was after she tried to get Senator Venables to stand in for her and was denied.

    And by the way, she’s doing the same thing with the only other forum/debate scheduled before the election hosted by the Sussex League of Women Voters:

    ~ As of yesterday, Ms. Adams was planning on not attending the question and answer part of the forum, and just showing up at the end to make a closing statement. ~

    Read the blogs, we break the news. 🙂

  5. jason330 says:

    Maria, Ouch!

    I’m supposed to risk reading David A? How come you never call or email me anymore? You know we are trying to pretend that SC matters these days.

  6. Maria Evans says:

    j you have my number and email address, too. I’ll be happy to tell you what’s up in beautiful Sussex.

  7. LaNuit says:

    Maria Evans, daughter of a former Republican Congressman, unbiased reporter.

  8. LaNuit says:

    And Matthews – if you were running an election in NCC, then you would put those Senators on your supporter list…not in the 19th district. Peterson, et al., would only hurt her politically.

    Do you REALLY think Peterson would support a regressive like Booth over Adams-Mervine? Please. Call her, ask her, I’m sure you have her number.

  9. I attended the debate and left with the following feelings.

    1. Polly did an acceptable job on her intro but her departure was too quick and if she had taken a couple of questions to show she had the mettle to do the job it would have helped her effort.

    2. Matt Opaliski did a very good job, personable, knowledgeable and seemed liked he wanted the job.

    3. Joe Booth’s experience showed through and on pure substance did the best job. Perhaps he could have connected better on a one on one basis.

    4. Wendy, the Libertarian candidate was informative but her thoughts were not well connected.

    None of the candidates had a large showing inside or outside the sanctuary.

    Dan Gaffney did a super job on keeping the program going and keeping time.

    Mike Protack

  10. LaNuit,

    You’re so full of shit. Why are MOST of the elected officials on that list OUTSIDE of Sussex? Jesus, what a dumb argument. It could be that Sokola and Peterson are smart enough to realize that Pretty Polly’s candidacy is a complete fucking joke.

  11. LaNuit says:

    Matthews – It’s not who is in the county physically, it’s who is popular down there and who is less so. Karen Peterson, much to your chagrin, is not the most popular elected official in Sussex County. Be still your heart. She’ll be the first person to tell you that.
    “Pretty Polly”, sexist much?

  12. “it’s who is popular down there”

    Sen. Blevins? Sen. DeLuca? Rep. Longhurst? Rep. Gilligan? Rep. Kowalko? C’mon, ass, your argument is shot and now you’re making even dumber arguments. None of those elected officials are “popular down there.”

    ““Pretty Polly”, sexist much?”

    Considering I said the same type of things about beauty queen Sarah Palin, I’d like to think that I’m merely an equal-opportunity offender. You have yet to offer a REASONABLE excuse why she’s ducking out of these debates. I’m hearing she’s going to pull the same thing at a League of Women Voters debate in a few weeks.

    Get over yourself and stop defending the indefensible. This woman is only interested in carrying the legacy of her father — himself an awful senator — maintained for more than a generation.

  13. The fact that Polly Adams Mervine has such dumb sheeple apologists like LaNuit is absolutely laugh-inducing.

  14. LaNuit says:

    My argument has been that Peterson supports her, but that its probably not the most politically savvy move to broadcast that fact down there. Peterson represents something much larger and different than those Senators you listed. I told you to call her and ask her, which I’m sure you can do. Report back what she says.

    I don’t have to defend anything. I don’t care if she goes to a debate. I don’t blame her for not going to a debate hosted by WGMD, run by a bunch of fringe, right-wing lunatics like Dan Gaffney. It’s the same reasoning behind Obama’s refusal to be a part of the Fox News charades. Why would she want to support those people? I think she made the right decision.

    What’s great about this country, is you can voice your obviously strong opinion, at the ballot box. I’d suggest getting a time machine, and buying some property in Georgetown circa 2007.

  15. LaNuit,

    From what I hear, the debate was fair and civil. Using WGMD as a punching back is absurd and just plain stupid. Yes, they’re right-wing blowhards, but there seems to be a pattern here. What will be your defense when she bails on the League of Women Voters?!? Just face it: Outside of some education issues, she’s probably extremely ignorant of the issues. 10-1 she didn’t have a campaign “event” tonight and just ducked out because she feared getting a tough question.

    Again, her candidacy is a joke and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. It’s a vanity candidacy.

  16. LaNuit says:

    I don’t know anything about the League of Women Voters. I can’t predict the future.

    You are assuming she’s ignorant, even though she’s a small business owner, former teacher, and founder of a non-profit.

    “She’s probably extremely ignorant of the issues”,

    Why Mike, because she’s a pretty blonde woman? “Pretty Polly”, right? That’s the sexist moniker you gave her. Meanwhile, Joe Booth touts being “a catcher on the 1973 Senior Little League State Championship team.”

    Now, one might say that Joe Booth is a fat, stupid, jock, who still touts his Little League exploits. But, that’s petty, right Mike? I didn’t hear you call him “Neanderthal Joe”?

    What does Joe Booth believe in that your willing to hang your coat on so fervently? Do you even know? If you do, why the hell would you ever support that?

    In truth, you probably agree with him on close to zilch. You come from entirely opposite philosophical and moral perspectives, and yet, this is the little bee that is in your bonnet. So be it.

    We will agree to disagree.

  17. Maria Evans says:

    ~ Maria Evans, daughter of a former Republican Congressman, unbiased reporter. ~

    That would be “daughter-in-law”.

    I’m currently not a reporter, I’m a blogger, there is a difference. I was also Bill Lee’s communications director up until the primary, in case you’re one of the few in the Delaware blogosphere who doesn’t know that.

    AND STOP THE PRESSES! I blog for

    Do you really think I may be sporting some kind of a “bias,” Einstein?

  18. anonone says:

    What if she turns out to be a screaming liberal?

    Mike M. it be great if you could find that birther nut and interview her. Where is DTR when we need it?

  19. Maria Evans says:

    And LaNuit, in case you missed it, I called the Sussex League of Women Voters and verified that Mervine is the only candidate not committing to their July 30th forum, and that she’s possibly going to skip the question and answer session and just show up to make a closing statement. Kind of like what she did with tonight’s forum.

  20. Real American says:

    Who the hell cares witch losers Maria Evans works for or supports, there is one thing they have in common, they all lose.

  21. Booth pretty much admitted that there was an Adams campaign donation to his campaign on his 8 day report, by the way.

    The League of Women Voters debate on the 30th will be webcast from the county’s website, since it is being held in the County Council chambers. I was told that if the microphones are on, the cameras and audio are on.

    So y’all can watch it as it happens.

  22. Maria Evans says:

    Real Whateveryouthinkyouare, you obviously don’t know squat about who I’ve supported.

  23. Dave M. says:

    Does Polly remind anyone of another substance-less brain-less Democrat candidate who won by keeping her mouth shut?

  24. What are you complaining about? She put in an appearance. Read what was written for her competently. What more do you need? The seat is an inherited right isn’t it? Does a princess answer questions from the peasants?

  25. arthur says:

    “Comment by Mike Matthews on 20 July 2009 at 10:29 pm:

    The fact that Polly Adams Mervine has such dumb sheeple apologists like LaNuit is absolutely laugh-inducing.”

    Mike – the laughable piece is she will win becuase of her newly-hyphenated name and the 42 people for whom she painted their batrooms will also vote for her. So if she wins by 40 votes Protractor will start a painting business to drum up votes. “Painting by Protractor; One sloppy stroke after another.”

  26. What does Joe Booth believe in that your willing to hang your coat on so fervently? Do you even know? If you do, why the hell would you ever support that?

    In truth, you probably agree with him on close to zilch. You come from entirely opposite philosophical and moral perspectives, and yet, this is the little bee that is in your bonnet. So be it.

    I concur. WTF with Mike M. and Joe Booth? Opaliski is going to slay Booth’s chances anyway. Which probably is just fine with the Rep. because he is down with young Adams-Mervine.

  27. My argument has been that Peterson supports her, but that its probably not the most politically savvy move to broadcast that fact down there.
    heh, I questioned Peterson on her advocacy of Gene Reed and she caught up with me in Leg Hall with some choice words. It turns out that Gene is a super employee from what I gather. He is heading up several of the IC initiatives and doing a great job.

  28. I would support Jones and Opaliski over Booth. However, when it comes down to it, I would rather see that seat go R because having another R won’t make a whit of difference in the Senate. I’d rather have an R win than a legacy candidate who can’t show up to a debate and fucking DEBATE.

  29. mike hunt says:

    I guess the IPOD has a chance….what you gonna do when Wolf comes for you…IPOD…IPOD..

  30. WOLF von Baumgart says:

    The central question is:

    Who can best INDEPENDENTLY represent the People of the 19th Senatorial District???

    The answer is the candidate with the least partisan baggage and special interest strings attached. The voters in the 19th District
    have the power to make history (before history makes them) by rejecting the two machine candidates and electing a truly Independent representative in the greater public interest. The national implications would be significant.

    This election will be decided by Independent and independent thinking voters disaffected with duplicitous politics as usual.
    The balance of power in Delaware hinges on their choice. One vote can effectually turn the First State into a one-party system. While Joe Booth was citing his experience and Polly Mervine was fundraising, Matthew Opaliski is seriously challenging the political status qou and gathering votes as he transcends mere party lines that are growing increasingly irrelevant in the dawn of the post-political era. Popular feedback to Matt’s grass-roots campaign is overwhelmingly positive.

    The choice is clear:

    Joe Booth for 37th District State Representative.


    Wolf von Baumgart
    State Chairman, IPOD

  31. awesome!

    I had no idea that other blog was still going. Maria, seriously, come write for a real blog.

  32. Suzanne says:

    Hey Wolf – why would I want to vote for someone that wasn’t good enough to win before? Matthew Opalski truely independent my ass….he’s an R just like the rest of them.

    I have the choice to vote for an R…another R that couldn’t make it on the ticket as an R, an R that claims to be more centered, and a R that claims to be a D — wee, I am soo loooking forward to elections day (NOT!)

  33. You have to remember the audience asking the questions, Suzanne. It was a WGMD crowd, at a church. You are going to get WGMD and religious themed questions.

  34. Anon this time says:

    I’m not sure I would put Kowalko’s name on my endorsement list if I were trying to get elected in Sussex west. His name will not win her any votes down that way. Nor would Peterson’s. Actually, Polly would fare better down there if Peterson put her name on Booth’s list of endorsements. The absence of Peterson’s name endorsing the Democrat is no accident and truth be told, there’s strength in numbers so having a Democrat elected to that seat is in the best interest of the Democratic caucus. Polly may not be the ‘liberal’ we’d all like to see get elected but she’s young and impressionable and could be mentored.

    Any chance DL will contact her for a little Q&A on the issues? Open government stuff (like caucuses and emails), civil rights, women’s rights, environment,campaign finance, re-districting….? I’m willing to send her some scratch but not without knowing where she stands.