News Journal Belatedly Addresses The Birthers

Filed in Delaware by on July 26, 2009

Cross-posted at Daily Kos.

The News Journal has been pretty late in the game in discussing what happened in Georgetown with Mike Castle and the birthers, but they have an article in today’s paper about the incident. The thrust of the article is about the distorting effect of the YouTube age, but it does get around to debunking the birther nonsense. The article also has some interesting tidbits about the woman in the video.

The star of the show — known as “Crazy Eileen” to callers of a Sussex County talk radio station — has gone into seclusion, declining interviews and avoiding publicity, even as previous statements by her have emerged referring to Obama as “the antichrist” and speaking of aliens and angels.

Now we don’t have to call her “Crazy Georgetown Birther Lady” we can call her “Crazy Eileen,” and, oh yeah, she’s from Delaware. She’s apparently even too crazy for WGMD:

Little is known about the woman who triggered the recent firestorm. Gaffney, the WGMD morning host, said she is believed to be from the Millsboro area.

According to another WGMD host, Jared Morris, she has been banned from calling the station — known for its conservative leanings and hosts — on several occasions.

Morris has gone so far to put up YouTube video about the woman, who was a regular caller to his show. Her calls start around 2 minutes into the clip.

The article also discusses how Republicans are having a difficult time laughing away the birthers and how mainstream Republicans are getting concerned about it. This is the bed Republicans have made for themselves and the fact that Republican officeholders can’t find the courage to criticize some of their biggest media stars like Limbaugh, Hannity and Dobbs. Republicans, it’s up to you. Only you can quell the birthers and you do it by telling them that they have no case and that it’s been settled. Then you have to repudiate the ones who can’t let it go. That’s what Democrats did with the 9/11 Truthers.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    Crazy Eileen, the Leader of the Delaware Republican Party.

    So long, Protack.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    LOL that she’s been banned from calling WGMD…while all over the country wingnuts are screaming Hell Yeah! when they watch this clip of her…

  3. karmicjay says:

    Hey UI..your post on dailykos made the rec list! Congrats!

  4. How nuts do you have to be to be banned from WGMD?

  5. I think the answer is pretty darn crazy.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Congrats for making the Rec List at dKos, UI!

  7. the cajun says:

    I wonder which crazy at WGMD made the decision that SHE was crazier than any of them…

  8. jason330 says:

    Seriously. And yet based on the cheers, “Crazy Eileen” seemed pretty grounded to the roomful of gap toothed-hayseed-Republican losers that night.

  9. Tom S says:

    You’d think a govt controlled newspaper could be a little quicker in reporting the democrat’s news!

  10. jason330 says:

    Classic wingnut comment from Bunch’s attytood blog:

    “(Bunch) has labeled this woman in his typical gutter, low rent way, may be dealing with some real mental health issues. It says a lot about bunch that he would ridicule a likely sick woman for personal profit.”

    Ha! She was a hero last week.

  11. anoni says:

    You moonbats are right. Lets burry the hatchet.

    Lets take up a collection to put a memorial plaque on the Hospital where O was born…which one would that be?

    And lets start a Med-Student scholarship in the name of the doctor who delivered O… er what is his name?