Tom Carper on WDEL Prediction Thread

Filed in National by on August 18, 2009

Senator Tom Carper is going to be taking calls live on the air at WDEL from 9 – 10am tomorrow. Don’t worry about tuning in. This is how it is going to go down.

Tom Carper will agree with a caller that the health care system needs to be reformed. Tom Carper will brazenly lie and say that he supports President’s Obama’s efforts, then in the next breath he will tell the truth and say that he has “concerns” about the reforms. He will not elaborate on his over weening concern, that insurance companies might not make the billions in profits that they are accustomed to making if health care is reformed.

Tom Carper will note that some people like idea of Co-Ops while others like the idea of a single-payer type system. If any callers get past the screeners and asks about the $1.5 million in contributions that Tom Carper has taken from Insurance & Drug Companies he will boldly disclose that his vote will not affected by those contributions one bit.

Finally, I predict that health care reform discussions will last for ten minutes, and that Carper will allow one caller to dominate the balance of the time complaining about the pot holes on his street and demanding that Senator Carper does something to get them fixed. That caller will be the same guy who kept calling Liberalgeek “Al.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Prediction (an extension of the “AL” guy): some old dude calls in, refers to TC as AL a few times, has some rant about NASCAR and an off-handed comment about minority drivers, but said only in a way he can say it.

  2. jason330 says:

    Yeah. That was messed up. I didn’t see the minority thing coming and bobbled the ball for a while.

  3. Why anyone would spend tine listening to the show is beyond me. Carper is in a position to be a leader not a recycler of the days talking points.

    I agree with Jason.

    Mike Protack

  4. June says:

    Crazy Lee is calling in.

  5. callerRick says:

    Democrats like Carper can spend ten minutes answering the question ‘is it raining today?’….in order to limit the number of real, perhaps uncomfortable questions. It’s all part of the illiberal modus operandi.

  6. jason330 says:

    Just tuned in to heasr them go to a break. Rick – That is a politician thing, not a Republican or Democrat thing.

  7. jason330 says:

    Mark Twain note. Chicken houses. Fertilizer. Nick calling in. “is there a provision for a discussion between provioder and patient and enouragment for preventative care?’

  8. jason330 says:

    “Good systems (CO-Ops) use preventative etc.. they manage chronic desease better. 75% of cost for chronic desease can be cut is people don’t smoke and stop eating so much ” (paraphrase)

  9. jason330 says:

    “Are you for a public option?”

    Carper: We have some public options that are good. The VA for example. To say the government can’t do anything right is false. Fed employees, Congress etc, …Let’s open up enrollent to exisiting public option plans.

    Not cheap Fmailies = $12,000 per year. (Pssst…thats the average Senator)

  10. jason330 says:

    He is not ansewering the direct question. He wants a “fall back” public option to protect insurance company proifits. (Break) Michelle up next.

  11. Hey, I’m in favor of Medicare for all.

  12. LaNuit says:

    Rob Acampora is so annoying.

  13. Someone ask him:

    Will he stand with Democrats and vote for cloture even if he doesn’t like the final bill?

  14. jason330 says:

    1/2 hour to go. Backtrack to public option. Carper: “the key is to hold insurance companies honest.”

    Michelle; “I’m confused by callers who don;t want government invloved. I have not heard of insurance companies going bust. I’d encourage you to push for a real public option that keeps the Ins Co’s honest.

    So I heard you say that you are supportive?”

    Carper: “there is more than one way to skin a cat. Having a “fall back public option” threat has helped medicare. The program is underbudget for 4 years.”

    Pushing HEALTH Care coops hard again. JESUS!! Now Saying that the status quo doesn’t work.. No shit.

  15. Someone ask him:

    Does he agree that bipartisan health care reform is no longer possible?

  16. jason330 says:

    Now bragging about how hard he worked to keep our auto manufactoruers in bius9ines. How’d that work for you senator?

  17. jason330 says:

    Richard” finance cxommittee seems to support competition. Why not put public option in the front ebed ratehr than try to keep it as a threat fo rthe future. Why don;t you agree?

    Carper: Public option can be helatyhy (if needed)

  18. jason330 says:

    How do we keep Senators Honest? (when they are getting $1.5 million from Insurance Co’s?)

  19. jason330 says:

    Great questions UI. too bad we don;t have any journalists around that could ask those.

  20. jason330 says:

    Carper; Admin costs very low on Fed programs.

    LIZ: Fla cOOp ceased operations in 2000. All coops have failed. Why are you pushing coops? GO LIZ – how can you be an hoest broker when you;’ve taken millions from thes epeople?

  21. jason330 says:

    Carper makes joke & says he hasn;t taken millions. I;’m not beating the drum for coops (REALLY?)

  22. jason330 says:

    Now beating drum for COOPS. “They manage chronic deseas etc..”

  23. jason330 says:

    Carper is now on record saying that he has not taken millions from Insurance companies. He may be right on a technicality. This year he has taken $1.5 million which falls just short of “millions”

    Over the past few election cycles I am willing to bet the figure is in the millions.

  24. 4 of the 5 bills are going to have the public option. Why does he keep beating the drum for Co-ops?

  25. jason330 says:

    Time left for some populists soundign BS after break.

  26. jason330 says:

    Vincent.. Urge support for President Obama;s health care reform. I’ve heard you try to avert attention aeway from real reform.

  27. anon2 says:

    Carper is a damn liar. Look at his campaign wonder this carpetbagger wouldnt have a real town hall, we could have held a sheet of paper will ALL his contributers….big banks, credit card companies and insurance companies…READ HIS LIPS…I am a liar and a sellout.

  28. anon2 says:

    Co-op Plans were written by the insurance industry to protect their profits. This idiot doesnt even know all these co-ops went bankrupt because they couldnt attract enough people. Also, it costs $12 million to set up a co-op not contributing one dime to health care. Its a sellout so more for profits can establish the co-ops.

    He had fun? This is fun~lying to the citizens of Delaware.

  29. jason330 says:

    Carper: “the President said it is not if there is a public option it is about keeping the ins co’s honest.”

    Has Oabama puts to many eggs in health care basket?

    Carper: He is not going to get everyhting. He has learned alot . There is a lot riding on it. We need to get this done. 16% of GDP is spent on healthcare.