A Love Letter To Tyler Nixon

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 15, 2009

My Darling Tyler,

I was so disappointed I couldn’t call in to the Rick Jensen Show yesterday.  Needless to say, I rarely listen to Mr. Jensen, but just the thought of you hosting  the show – with that melodious radio voice – sent my heart racing.   But in between my sighs (and errands and kids coming home from school – I know, talk about a mood killer!) you said something that I feel compelled to address…

Democrats are obsessed with sex.

Let’s take this nice and slow.  I don’t care what Family Value Republicans do in their bedrooms.  Never have, even though one might say that Family Value Republicans can’t keep their noses and pontificating out of everyone else’s boudoir.  So when a sanctimonious, Family Values Republican gets caught with their pants down, then I’ll breathlessly point out the hypocrisy.

And that’s the point.  Hypocrisy.  It’s not an obsession with sex – which isn’t to say Dems aren’t obsessed with sex!  Just not in a creepy, peeping Tom sort of way.

Let me also stoke the fires by highlighting the fact that the same people who are moaning and groaning about the possibility of government involvment in “end of life” decisions, were perfectly blissful (and, dare I say it?  Orgasmic!) with the government inserting itself into the Terri Schiavo case.

See the deliciously titillating pattern here?  H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.S.Y.

(See also that I restrained myself from filling this post with emoticons… in your honor!)

Love always,



About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Everyone is obsessed with sex, unless you are a nun.

  2. anone says:

    Everyone is obsessed with sex, unless you are a nun.

    So does abstinence only affect priests and not nuns? Priests seem kinda obsessed with sex, but in a truly perverted way. Maybe that’s the problem with abstinence.

  3. pandora says:

    Perhaps I was too tongue in cheek writing this post, but there is a point hidden in my heartfelt prose. 😉

  4. I’ve like pointing out Republican sex-capades ever since a bunch of lyin’ Republicans adulterers impeached a Democratic president for being a lyin’ adulterer.

    Do Republicans get it yet? It’s not like Republicans haven’t made hay with the Eliot Spitzer (gee, even pointing out his hypocrisy for prosecuting people of the same crime he committed) and John Edwards. Sex sells, and we all know it. It’s a special bonus when the cheater in question is a sanctimonious hypocrite.

  5. Do I have to repeat what I said twice yesterday?

    Democrats are obsessed with sex.

    What, exactly, is wrong with that? 😛

  6. anonone says:

    Tongue in cheek…mmmmmmmmmmmmm

  7. all things in moderation says:


    minor detail, Clinton was impeached for Perjury, he was also Disbarred for Perjury.

  8. Scott P says:

    First of all, if you ever want it Pandora, I think there’s a job waiting for you in the “Phone Companionship” industry.

    Secondly, you’re correct that it’s the hypocrisy that is so bothersome. It’s not so much the action (I’ll admit that there’s the tiniest bit of a “You go, buddy!” feeling when I hear about some official spanking his mistresses), it’s the action in relation to previous public stances. (Or in Larry Craig’s case, his stance in relation to previous public stances.) If they didn’t spend so much time trying to cram their morals down our throats, we wouldn’t react so much when finding out where they’re trying to cram….oh, nevermind.

  9. pandora says:

    See, Scott… it’s addictive!

  10. anon says:

    He was also acquitted of Perjury (by the Senate).

    And the alleged perjury was about sex, so the point still holds, Republicans are obsessed with sex… it was Republicans who took the Whitewater investigation into the gutter. Once the substance of the investigation came down to “Did he admit to banging her or not” it should have been shut down.

  11. Tongue in cheek…mmmmmmmmmmmmm
    oh my
    which cheek?

  12. Just to give ATiM correct history, from The UMKC School of Law’s research on the Clinton trial:

    December 11-12, 1998
    The House Judiciary Committee approves four articles of impeachment, relating to perjury before the grand jury, obstruction of justice, perjury in a civil deposition, and abuse of power.

    December 19, 1998:
    The House impeaches President Clinton, approving two of four articles of impeachment.

    February 12, 1999:
    The trial ends. The Senate acquits the President, voting 45 to 55 for conviction on the perjury count and 50 to 50 for conviction on the obstruction of justice count.

    In my mind, the pursual of impeachment against Clinton was the last barrier to the beginning of the utter downfall of the umbrella-width-era of the Republican Party.

  13. Scott P says:

    minor detail, Clinton was impeached for Perjury, he was also Disbarred for Perjury.

    atim, I hope for your sake that you’re not so naive as to think the whole “affair” was about perjury. Capone was not convicted of what he was because he was a menace to the tax code. As anon said, it was all about sex. (Clinton, that is, although I’m sure Capone did alright, too. But not the point.)

  14. Donviti says:

    go figure a comment like that came from a guy that wears a sportcoat to the beach. I’m not sure what his benchmark for that analysis is, but I assume he gauges it against his own purity.

    What Tyler doesnt get I guess is that the guys that made adultry the litmus test of an honest politician are falling victim to their own standards. So, when we find out that they are cheating on their dying wives we then need to look deeper into their failings as they did with prior pols.

    Don’t write checks your but can’t cash

  15. Von Cracker says:

    typical slow-minded conservative logic…. take the effect and make it the cause.

    yes, dull hypocrites, most of them.

  16. Donviti says:

    based on AssTIM’s logic I’d like to hear his assesment of Scooter Libby?

  17. liberalgeek says:

    Personally, I think it is disgusting what Scooter Libby did with Larry Craig in that bathroom, but they are consenting adults. 🙂

  18. Progressive Mom says:

    Republicans need to learn a few modern political lessons. When Gary Hart, as a presidential candidate, told the press — hey, follow me around, you won’t find anything — lo and behold they followed him.

    The lesson should have been learned then: if you tout your virtues in public, be careful what you do with your privates.

  19. Miscreant says:

    Pandora, that was hot.

  20. pandora says:

    I aim to please. Let’s see what Tyler thinks!

  21. TPN says:

    I wasn’t going to bother with a response, but since my fave DLer Pandora made the effort…

    My comment was, yes, tongue-in-cheek faux-provocation in the context of John Flaherty’s re-hashing the “Clinton was impeached for sex” nonsense.

    I immediately followed it up by saying “Well, you know I’m being outlandish”. [Confirmed from the recording I have of the show.]

    It was an off-the-cuff half-jab/joke and I am glad to see (almost) no one here took it with any more seriously than I did or intended it to be.

    What I admit did flash through my consciousness as I said it was :


    RE: ‘Family values’ moralizing hypocrites being held to account, I couldn’t agree more with Pandora’s and others’ sentiments about exposing and denouncing them.

    But Irrespective of whether my comment was taken as joking or otherwise, in the context of the umpteenth regurgitation of the phony Democrat ‘meme’ that Clinton’s impeachment was “all about sex” I believe this meme little more than a bullshit straw man that many/most Clinton-defending race-to-the-bottom partisans, then and still now, use(d) to create phony moral (or perhaps immoral) equivalencies between Clinton and his impeachers.

    As I stated on-air prior to my provocative statement (and as RSmitty’s short timeline above points out), Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice (ask Paula Jones about it). End of story.

    The Democrat/Clinton-defenders, through a compliant media, wanted (and pretty much successfully made) it to be “all about sex”…rather than about Clinton’s crimes – for which he was later disbarred in his home state, btw.

    Thus, there was a bit of obscurity to my on-the-fly jest that it’s “all about sex” with Democrats.

    BTW, love right backatcha Pandora!

  22. kavips says:

    So what is it that is wrong with sex again?

  23. Geezer says:

    Well, Tyler says period, end of story, therefore that’s that. Get real, Tyler. Ask Colm Connolly if the Tom Capano case would have gone any differently if his other mistress hadn’t testified about their sex games with a deputy AG. Sex sells in court just as well as anywhere else.

    I understand your point — Republicans hated the bill they used to press forward with Paula Jones’ case, and they turned it on Clinton in turnabout-is-fair-play style to prove their point — and it’s true as far as it goes (which isn’t very far — perhaps 10 percent of the public even knows any issue but sex was involved). But if you really think their little game would have resonated with anyone outside the Heritage Foundation absent the sex, well … we’ll have to disagree. Period, end of story.

  24. TPN says:

    Fair enough, Geezer. Ultimately any court is, in a sense, a court of public opinion.

  25. anonone says:

    And stop with the Paula Jones crap, TPN. She was an opportunist who was lying through her teeth.

  26. I’m sorry TPN, but the Clinton impeachment was not about lying. If Republicans cared so much about public officials lying they would have been calling for some vigorous investigations of the road to the Iraq War and the lies that were told then. No, it was about hating Clinton and sex more than anything else. In fact Republicans tell us it is rude to even think about investigating the actions of the previous administration.

    See, TPN, this is my problem. If one is going to talk about principles, they have to be consistent and apply to everyone. It’s the same thing with the Republicans newfound hatred of deficits. When it was paying for war or for tax cuts for the rich, Cheney told us deficits don’t matter. Now that we want to use some money to pay for something to actually help the majority of the American people, it’s too expensive.

  27. anonone says:

    TPN wrote “I couldn’t agree more with Pandora’s and others’ sentiments about exposing and denouncing them.”

    Does publicly endorsing and supporting McCain/Palin count as “denouncing?”