They have a candidate… finally.

Filed in National by on November 12, 2009

Just not the candidate or candidates you thought. The first Republican to place his or her hat in the ring to be Mike Castle’s successor in Congress is business owner and political novice Fred Cullis.

Cullis appeared on WDEL yesterday and said that he would be an “independent voice for Delaware” not unlike Castle, even though he disagreed with the congressman’s vote this spring for a cap-and-trade energy bill. Sounds like Cullis is trying to have it both ways: own the carefully cultivated yet false Castle brand and appeal to the Anderson-O’Donnell whacko right. Good luck Cullis.

The News Journal appeared as dismissive of Cullis’ chances as I am:

The pragmatic approach in politics usually starts with winning support from the party. Cullis has met with Tom Ross, chairman of the Republican State Committee, and believes he will persuade the party and Delaware voters that he is the guy they need in Washington. Cullis’ wife, Barbara, and half a dozen [DD’s note: that means 6] supporters were on hand, including Karen Zetes, who will be Cullis’ treasurer, but no party officials attended the announcement in a small meeting room at the Christiana Hilton.

Cullis should have announced at one of those tea bag hate fests. Wasn’t there one in Dover last Saturday? Announcing in front of 6 people, including your staff and family members, is pathetic.

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  1. Republicans are assembling a STELLAR Field. : Delaware Liberal | November 18, 2009
  1. I have a feeling that Cullis won’t be the only Republican to jump in. This sounds more like a vanity campaign than anything else doesn’t it?

  2. lizard says:


    It’s a year from election day!

  3. Geezer says:

    Just for the record, he is not hot.

  4. anon says:

    I had assumed the deal was Repubs would put up a tomato can for the House and Dems would put up a tomato can for Senate. If Beau announces for Senate, and Castle stays in, my world will be shattered.

  5. a.price says:

    Fred Cullis is a Beckian blood thirsty tea bagger. All he wants to do is put the anti semitic people of Indian River in charge of health insurance and make it illegal to do anything but pray to White Republican Jesus. (this is probably all untrue, but hey…. im just practicing my rhetoric for next summer

  6. Geezer, don’t you find Telly Savalas to be ‘hot’?

  7. Geezer says:

    Nope. Old, fat and bald just doesn’t do it for me.

    Beau is the best-looking male candidate in Delaware, by a wide margin as far as I can tell.

    I just want to disabuse the women of the notion that we judge only female candidates on their looks. If we didn’t, Corzine would never have bothered pointing out that Christie is fat.

  8. a.price says:

    are we doing this because of the hot female politician yesterday? cause i have some immature comments if we are πŸ™‚ for example… ugly male candidates are they better choice. there is less of a chance of some strumpet campaign worker trying to seduce them. we all know men are powerless and there for free of responsibility when the wonder bra shows up. If we only elect fat bald hideous men, no more sex scandals….. or in Barack’s case. a guy with a wife MUCH finer than ANY intern and everyone knows would give him a sex change in public if he ever stepped out.

  9. Geezer says:

    “ugly male candidates are they better choice.”

    Yeah, right. Tell that to Mrs. Spitzer.

  10. a.price says:

    hookers are different. most men who pay to play, do so for a reason.

  11. V says:

    stop pouting.

  12. MJ says:

    He looks nothing like Telly Savalas. He looks more like Tor Johnson, who played the zombie in Plan 9 From Outer Space.

  13. MidnightGM says:

    So, in talking to a liberal friend of mine, he accused all republicans of throwing hateful lies about liberals out all the time! We have a candidate announce and we have not heard many of his views and stand points, and surely have not had any time to investigate or learn his moral fortitude yet, but whats happening already? We have several “leftist whacko’s” already attacking someone! Come on people lets hear what the man has to say before we go about throwing stones.

  14. a.price says:

    oh midnightGM,
    clearly Right Wing Hate party members dont understand satire either. And we dont ACCUSE all repukes of spouting potentially dangerous violent factless hate speech…. we POINT OUT THAT all repukes spout potentially dangerous violent factless hate speech. Kind of like calling the sitting president an America killing, Nazi socialist, abortion lover.

  15. Brooke says:

    Geezer is teh awesome./

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Geezer is teh awesome2

  17. Geezer says:

    “hookers are different. most men who pay to play, do so for a reason.”

    In Spitzer’s case, it appeared to be that he wanted to be allowed to leave his socks on. You’d be surprised how often women won’t let men do that.

  18. Delaware Dem says:

    Really? That was Spitzer’s fetish? And most women want naked feet? Not that I have ever encountered such a request since I hate wearing socks.

  19. Geezer says:

    Sorry, DD. Forgot the snark emoticon. But it is true he left his socks on, or so the woman said.

  20. a.price says:

    i dont understand that one. Men’s feet are usually disgusting. the socks are for your protection ladies. what was this thread about again?

  21. MJ wrote:
    “He looks nothing like Telly Savalas. He looks more like Tor Johnson, who played the zombie in Plan 9 From Outer Space.”

    Tor Johnson my butt. From the world of pro rasslin’, here’s a picture of Cullis’ long-lost dad:

    Changed name from Bemis to Cullis b/c Bemis sounds like Beavis.

  22. Brooke says:

    No, Uncle Fester

  23. I think that guy should definitely keep his socks on.

  24. Scott P says:

    Well, I never! I’m appalled that you all would be discussing a candidate’s personal appearance. … Wait, this was a dude, right? πŸ˜‰

    Seriously, though — 6 people? That’s a full compliment for pall bearers, not campaign supporters. Appropriate, though, since his chances were dead from the beginning.

  25. RSmitty says:

    Did anyone else notice the “STAFF” pass on his wife’s neck (per the photo caption from the article?

    My take on the kick-off of this campaign: πŸ™„

    I have to admit some curiosity, albeit a weak connection at this point, that another extreme-long-shot from Hockessin has sights on one of the highest offices without any experience and underwhelms the state committee from the get go. What a coinkydink!

  26. Mrs XStryker says:

    You know when he’s down to his socks it’s time for business. That’s why they call ’em “Business Socks”. Ooooh.

  27. Heh, I love that song!

  28. a.price says:

    is there a difference between short white socks/athetic tube socks/ and high professional black/festooned socks? and what about man-garter buckles?

  29. cassandra_m says:

    what about man-garter buckles?

    Doesn’t the Delaware Bar give these out after a lawyer passes the bar?

  30. a.price says:

    i think they affix them permanently to new lawyers legs

  31. ergonomic says:

    So… I went to and read the position papers. At least so far, he only discusses (and with minimal detail) energy, immigration, Federal Spending, and healthcare. No word on the Environment, Education, foreign policy. I am also interested in Mr. Cullis’s notions of social responsibility, but no real word on that. Also his opening speech … the refrain, over and over again is how he has “had enough” and “is enraged”. Lovely. Not like we need calm heads to prevail with everything going on these days or anything.

    I choked a bit on the immigration paper … apparently illegal immigrants are the cause of, or about to be the cause of, an economic crisis. Would we notice THAT crisis relative to the one we legals have created for ourselves already?

  32. orestes says:

    I would love to have a case of the liquor that is being drunk from anyone who really believes that this guy will be the GOP nominee. I will need this for whenever I think I am as good looking as Brad Pitt and that I have a shot with Angelina.

  33. Do not despise the day of small beginnings. Will he be the nominee? Maybe if everyone keeps dropping out. I am glad that someone cares enough to put himself out there to discuss the issues. I am constantly surprised by the number of people in Delaware who start out at the top, but….

  34. jason330 says:

    MJ, He totally looks like Tor Johnson. As I recall from my reading of “The Big Book of Political Dos and Don’ts” one of the big don’ts was, “Don’t look like Tor Johnson.”

    But here is a larger point: How could a Republican run a business? In a business, like a government, you have expenses and investments. Republicans view any and all governmental expenditures as expenses. Modern Republicans simply cant regard spending as an investment. If you ran a company that way it would be very short lived.

  35. Free Radical says:

    Totally Tor. “Time for go to bed!!!”

  36. G Rex says:

    Tor Johnson, FTW! I think I remember him from MST 3K?

    And Jason, only Republicans can run businesses, because Democrats only sell products that they think people should buy and can’t understand why nobody buys them.

  37. G Rex says:

    “Beau is the best-looking male candidate in Delaware…”

    No Geezer, Beau Biden is the 40 Year-Old Virgin. And yet, he’s already served his country more in one year than his daddy has in the past 50.

  38. anon says:

    “he’s already served his country more in one year than his daddy has in the past 50.”

    Not true. Keeping Bork off the Supreme Court was more valuable than anything Beau has done.

  39. a.price says:

    he is probably talking about Beau’s military service…. remember EVERY SINGLE person who ever has anything to do with the US military is a HERO!!!! unless they have PTSD, or are gay, or female, or Democratic, or Muslim, or were in Vietnam, or are Republican but are kind of moderate, or an amputee.

  40. ergonomic says:

    ok … so I have sent emails through Carney’s website asking for more details on how he views the issues. Done the same on the Cullis site. On the Cullis site I got an autoresponder telling me to “expect a personal response within 24 hours” – which passed about 2 hours ago. Neither candidate has responded to me yet. my cynicism is saying, “I told you so.”