Chris Coons Kicks Off His Campaign

Filed in National by on April 18, 2010

After spending the first two months since his announcement proving that he can certainly raise money, Chris Coons is officially ready to click off his campaign this Monday 19 April 2010. From an announcement in my in-box from the campaign:

Our Sussex County event will be at 10 a.m. on the boardwalk in Rehoboth.

Our Kent County event will be at 12:30 p.m. at the Agricultural Museum in Dover. Senators Carper and Kaufman will be there to show their support!

Our New Castle County event will be at 3 p.m. at the IBEW 313 Hall in New Castle. Governor Markell will be joining us!

You can get more information and RSVP for any of these events here.

After the announcement event in Wilmington, the campaign hosts a reception to celebrate at the Delaware Association of Police Hall in Wilmington starting at 5:30PM. Dinner will be served. Click here for more information and to RSVP. Tickets for the after-announcement celebration event at 40.00 each.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (28)

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  1. Mike Matthews says:

    Too bad they couldn’t hold off on the NCC announcement until more folks — like this teacher — are off work!

  2. Rebecca says:

    Hey Mike, it would be nice but I think they are trying to hit the print media deadlines.

  3. anon says:

    Sorry, that’s just silly. Do you want all campaign events to be held in the evening so you can attend? Then what about senior citizens who don’t like to drive after dark? Or people who work non-day-shift jobs?

  4. Mike Matthews says:

    I’m not sure they couldn’t meet the deadlines if the event were held at 5 or 6 pm, Rebecca.

    And, anon…this is an uphill battle for Chris. I normally don’t give a shit about announcements, but for US Senate, one would think one would want to get as big a crowd as possible. Considering NCC is the only county Coons has a shot at winning, I don’t think it’s asking to much to have it pushed back a bit. I realize it’s just whining at this point, but I think it’s a fair complaint. 3 pm is too early for the blue-collar folks Coons will likely be wooing. I would go.

    I still don’t know who I’m voting for in the race. It’s definitely not Castle, but Coons hasn’t piqued my interest much, either.

  5. anon says:

    Considering that the only people who care about the formal three-county announcement tour these days are Ceila Cohen and Ron Williams, the entire thing is a waste of time, anyway. But anyone who didn’t do it would incur the wrath of the journalistic establishment for not respecting Delaware’s political traditions, so it’s just not worth it.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Regrets…and I truly mean that.

  7. John Manifold says:

    Mike – Don’t base your vote on whether your neighborhood’s edition of the announcement begins after 4.30. There will be an enjoyable event in the evening, with suds, crowds, sweat and energy.

    Folks in Kent and Sussex care about three-county openers. Biden began the three-county cycle in 1972. If a candidate can’t announce in every county in a three-county state, he shouldn’t be running. Symbols matter most in announcements. Otherwise, Obama would have announced at night in the United Center, not on a chilly morning in Springfield.

  8. anonone says:

    Mike, not sure who you’re voting for????! Christine is going to be heart broken. 🙂

  9. anon says:

    John – If symbols mattered and people cared, Coons wouldn’t be doing it at the Boardwalk, he’d be doing it on The Circle. And on the Green instead of at the Ag Museum.

  10. I’ll actually vote for Chris Coons if he finally accepts my Facebook friend requests. Those friend accepts are like currency these days!!

  11. M. McKain says:

    I do wish as well the announcement had been later, at least in NCC where his supporters could truly rally. I also hope he remembers that there are in fact Democrats in western Sussex county, in spite of what people say….

  12. Well, there is a reception at 5:30 for Coons supporters if you can’t make the announcement at 3.

  13. PBaumbach says:

    The campaign website is (finally) up. It looks sharp.

    WAY better than the placeholder they’ve had up for 2.5 months.

    Nice job!

  14. anon says:

    It would have been nice for the Coons campaign to drop a note to DL or somewhere letting us know that the lame-o website was a placeholder and a professional web site was coming soon. But they apparently didn’t. That is called “ignoring the base.”

  15. PBaumbach says:

    The campaign did meet with a few DL bloggers a week or two ago and told them (that the real site would be up by kickoff day), and we noted that here in DL. I’m sorry that you missed it.

  16. anon says:

    I stand corrected. Apologies to Coons campaign. Nice job on the web site!

  17. PBaumbach says:

    After Announcement Party
    Monday April 19th
    Delaware Association of Police Hall
    2201 Lancaster Ave, Wilmington, DE 19805
    $40 contribution
    (Dinner will be served)
    RSVP online
    302-322-1140 or

  18. watchman says:

    Just back from the Rehoboth event. Talk about your homogeneous crowds…the tea partiers don’t have anything on us!

  19. PBaumbach says:

    Tweets from @chriscoons, covering the events today.

    Facebook entry from Chris-Coons today.

    It’s like they turned the switch on–website, tweets, FB.

    on a related topic, @DESenate2010 appears to be Beth Miller or other WNJ-folks covering news/events tied to this race.

  20. Geezer says:

    “Just back from the Rehoboth event. Talk about your homogeneous crowds…the tea partiers don’t have anything on us!”

    Got any details?

  21. watchman says:

    ok…there was one young african-american man standing off to the side, his demeanor vacillating between disinterested and plain uncomfortable. He never clapped, and didn’t even seem to be paying attention. I wondered to myself, why’d he even come out? But when the speech ended he SPRANG into action! That’s right, the whole crowd was vanilla and mostly white haired, and the one young black man at the event was someone the campaign brought with them from New Castle so he could help break down and pack up the podium, signs, and sound equipment.

  22. MJ says:

    I’m sure there are going to be a lot of Black faces in the crowds at any GOP event in the state. Yeah, keep thinking that.

  23. anon says:

    Hey, they’ve got Don Blakeley. And … um. Hang on, I’m sure I can think of someone else … oh, yeah, Michael Steele!

  24. anon says:

    @DEHouse2010 is another twitter feed about the Congressional race.

  25. watchman says:

    I never said the GOP was diverse, I just thought we were.

  26. “After Announcement Party
    Monday April 19th
    Delaware Association of Police Hall
    2201 Lancaster Ave, Wilmington, DE 19805
    $40 contribution
    (Dinner will be served)
    RSVP online
    302-322-1140 or

    RIGHT across the street from my house. I may have to stop by, though $40 seems a bit much considering I’m closing on a house on Friday! Is anyone else going? Would love to see some folks I haven’t seen in a while.

  27. PBaumbach says:

    good racial diversity at both IBEW and after-announcement party
    labor, seniors, politicos, wide range of folks