Scott Walker is a Koch Whore

Filed in National by on February 19, 2011

Totally bought and paid for….shocking right?

Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker, whose bill to kill collective bargaining rights for public-sector unions has caused an uproar among state employees, might not be where he is today without the Koch brothers. Charles and David Koch are conservative titans of industry who have infamously used their vast wealth to undermine President Obama and fight legislation they detest, such as the cap-and-trade climate bill, the health care reform act, and the economic stimulus package. For years, the billionaires have made extensive political donations to Republican candidates across the country and have provided millions of dollars to astroturf right-wing organizations. Koch Industries’ political action committee has doled out more than $2.6 million to candidates. And one prominent beneficiary of the Koch brothers’ largess is Scott Walker.

According to Wisconsin campaign finance filings, Walker’s gubernatorial campaign received $43,000 from the Koch Industries PAC during the 2010 election. That donation was his campaign’s second-highest, behind $43,125 in contributions from housing and realtor groups in Wisconsin. The Koch’s PAC also helped Walker via a familiar and much-used politicial maneuver designed to allow donors to skirt campaign finance limits. The PAC gave $1 million to the Republican Governors Association, which in turn spent $65,000 on independent expenditures to support Walker. The RGA also spent a whopping $3.4 million on TV ads and mailers attacking Walker’s opponent, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Walker ended up beating Barrett by 5 points. The Koch money, no doubt, helped greatly.

I guess the lesson is that the system is set up to provide billionaires with warm, wet holes.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. The title of this post cracks me up.

  2. pgrand says:

    You really should take your own dick out of your own throat before typing this crap.

  3. Newshound says:

    OMG! Stop the presses, Koch Bros. single-handedly influenced millions of Wisconsin voters to vote for Walker, to vote out Russ Feingold and vote in Republican majorities of both house chambers. All with $42,000, no less.

    That reminds me of that song played at the end of Happy Gilmore. The one that goes: “Oh, oh ,’s maaagiic, you know oh oh…”

    Btw, I’m sure you ‘stole’ the ‘Koch Whore’ line and did not give proper attribution to the original author.

  4. John Kowalko says:

    Omygosh, pgrand and newshound sound like Scott Walker/Koch Bros. defenders. Good luck with defending those paragons of justice and fairness.
    I imagine one must start the day with multiple changes of clothing and schedule time for a few showers in the evening to wash away the odor. Checking your moral conscience at the door would probably also help.

    John K.

  5. Miscreant says:

    Koch Bros. vs. G. Soros

    Mutual mythology?

  6. Boxwood says:

    Doesn’t change one thing in the debate over whether public employee unions should pay more for their health/pension benefits.

  7. John Kowalko says:

    How about 100 Unionized “chicken catchers” for Perdue losing their jobs and being replaced by a North Carolina based non-union lower-paying contractor. This is the tone that is being set in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey and Delaware. Unionized working people barely able to exist with the wages they are currently paid asked to sacrifice portions of their spendable income to co-pays and fees for Health Care Insurance so that these Insurance Companies and their Pharmaceutical brothers in greed can pry the last buck from the fingers of hungry and cold, hardworking families. This race to the bottom for working men and women is offensive and cruel and a sign of a morally bankrupt culture of greed. Where is the press conference decrying Perdue’s profiteering by our political or union leaders? Where is the outrage and what does it take to provoke any kind of public outcry. I would settle for acknowledgment that this type of mining new depths is even happening.
    God bless the State workers and their allies in Wisconsin and don’t mistake that foul smell of insatiable greed for winds of change.

    John Kowalko

  8. cassandra m says:

    The Wisconsin Law Enforcement Association regret and take back their endorsement of Walker. (May have to scroll down abit.)

    A little late, but good to see that they understand that they are up next if Walker gets his way on the current targets.

  9. donviti says:

    the sooner this country is rid of all unions, the sooner people blaming unions can start blaming someone else….

  10. anon says:

    Where are the voices of labor in Delaware? Where is Latham an Begatto? Not a peep, not a letter to the edition…zero nothing! Why havent our liberal and right wing talk shows hosts had them on the air to explain what is happening in Wisconsin and more to the point, what the hell are you doing in Delaware. John, your point about Perdue is well taken. Do you think Latham even knows where Perdue is located.

  11. anon says:

    Who is that repuke who wants to get of child labor laws…maybe the baggers would like to hire some 12year olds to pluck those chickens.

  12. Geezer says:

    Begatto was on the air on WDEL this morning. Be careful, chicken little, those chicken catchers might get you next.

  13. Geezer says:

    In line with anon’s point, here’s a list of rallies around the nation in support of the Wisconsin public workers. I don’t see Delaware anywhere on it. Why not?

  14. A stale bag of Libertarian favored leavings seeped in an evaporating puddle of Republican secretions is the recipe for the elixir being marketed by TEA Party Pirates from the back end of a Trojan Horse. Served with Limbaugh Cheese and Fox Droppings will produce a foul gas and fungus among us requiring a Liberal dosage of the United States Constitution to clear the air and eradicate the malfeasant spores.