An Equal Opportunity Push Poll in the NCCo Executive Race

Filed in Delaware by on May 8, 2012

I just got push polled by an outfit that I think was called Voter Research. The call came from a Newark, DE number (302-894-7627) that, of course, is “not a working number” according to the automated message you get when you call it back. The poll starts off asking if you are planning to vote in the primary on September 11, 2012. You have to press 1 for yes or 2 for no. I pressed one. The poll then asked if I was planning to vote for 1) Tom Gordon, 2) Paul Clark or 3) Undecided.

The pollster seems to forget that there is another candidate in the race, i.e. Bill Shahan, but then again maybe not (you will see why I say that in a minute). If my choice is between Gordon and Clark, I am not undecided. I would vote for Clark. So I pushed 2. Now, I forget the precise wording here, but I was asked if I knew about ethical violations concerning Paul Clark and his wife’s law firm, would I change my vote to Gordon? I was only given two options: 1) for yes, 2) for no. I decided to play a game here, because I suspected if I answered 2, that would be the end of the call, and I suspected that if I hit 1, I might hear some more about my new choice. So I pressed 1.

My suspicions were confirmed. I was then asked if I knew about the 2007 plea bargain that Gordon took to avoid more serious corruption charges (again, I forget the precise wording there), would I change my vote again. I was given 1) for yes, and 2) for no. I answered 1.

And that was the end of the call, which no information as to who paid for the call.

Who is behind this call? My first instinct says Shahan, since the call reveals very damaging information about both Clark and Gordon. But that can’t be since I highly doubt he has the funds for such a call at this time.

Could Clark and/or Gordon be behind it, testing out each other’s weaknesses? Sure. How about the Republicans? Or an interested third party trying to get a handle on voter intentions regarding two flawed candidates. If I had to bet money, I would bet Paul Clark is behind the call. I don’t think Clark views Shahan as a credible threat at this time, but I think he is weary of Gordon.

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  1. pandora says:

    I got the call, but I wasn’t as sneaky as you!

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    How did you answer and what happened?

  3. UnionDem says:

    It’s definetly Gordon..he’s been asking around to different unions asking for someone to pay for this poll. Looks like someone finally did.

  4. tobyz says:

    I agree with UnionDem. Gordon has been looking to get a poll out there to see if anyone has forgotten his transgressions, or the fact that he already lost a re-election bid by a landslide to Chris Coons in 2008. He’s been asking anybody who will talk to him to buy a poll. This just makes him look sad, like the 40 year old guy who still wears his old high school football jersey to the sports bar. It’s over, he pleaded guilty, now it’s time to accept retirement! Besides, he could never survive FOIA, campaign finance reform laws, or any kind of transparent government.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Then I must say, I am kinda surprised. For Gordon to even consider another attempt at a comeback, after his first attempt failed in spectacular fashion, he must possess the kind of hubris and delusion that makes him blind to his own failings. Yet, he included his conviction and his plea bargain in the poll.

    Let me set Gordon straight if I may.

    Tom Gordon, if Hell freezes over and you are somehow the Democratic nominee for County Executive, I will vote for Dick Cheney for County Executive.

    Yes, Dick Cheney is the less evil choice.

  6. tobyz says:

    Some people just can’t get over the past. No matter how many people tell them it’s a bad idea, they can’t let go. They just rationalize another reason why they should try again. Pretty sad, don’t you think?

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    I dunno … if I lived up there, I’d be inclined to vote for Gordon in the primary. It’d be pretty entertaining to see the utterly unprepared Republican nominee try to muddle through the next four years.

  8. Definitely Gordon. Was only given a choice between Clark, Gordon and Undecided. No Shahan, no Neither.

    When I punched in ‘undecided’, it became a push poll talking about Clark’s ‘ethical violations’.

    It sure as bleep would be nice if Shahan, you know, said something, acted like he was running, b/c, otherwise, we’re looking at two crooks.

    I’ll probably be voting for the R this November, assuming that he’s ‘not a crook’. Will not vote for either Clark or Gordon under any circumstances.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    I must say, Paul Clark impressed me at the Progressive Democrats Forum. I think I have reached a point where I can vote for him if the choice is between Clark and Gordon or Clark and a Republican. But if it is a three man race, I am voting for Shahan.

  10. tobyz says:

    If you saw Shahan at the Brandywine Dems forum, you may change your mind. He back tracked on what he said on the WDEL video from the Progressives forum. He also spent most of the night staring at the ceiling when he spoke and made big promises with no details. It drives me nuts when candidates give vague statements, like “I will make things better” and “I will surround myself with the ‘best’ people”. I want to hear a clear and well-thought out plan, whether it is good or bad. It shows that they are serious about solutions, not just winning.

    Insurance Commissioner portion was pretty interesting, though.

  11. heragain says:

    Well, the dem candidate forum I went to was just depressing.

    IS Cheney running?

  12. SussexWatcher says:

    Presumbably Shahan is shackled by the same restrictions that hurt Jim Westhoff last time around: He can’t campaign (check emails, return phone calls, post on social media) during working hours, only at lunch and after hours … whereas Clark can campaign 24/7 and call it governing … Gordon can sit in his cave, twiddle his fingers, stroke his white cat and dream diabolical dreams … and the Republican can … oh, hell, I don’t even know who that is.

  13. Sussex, you say the GOP candidate is unprepared and will muddle and then admit you don’t know who it is! It is a fantastically prepared Hockessin area resident named Mark Blake. He’s a CLNCC director and President of the GHADA (both are civic umbrella groups).

    That gives us all another choice in the General Election if worse comes to worse from the primary.

    My dad was a GOP from Brandywine Hundred who was appointed to a seat on the Levy Court of NCC back in the 50’s. He told us to never vote for party in local elections – always the person because the corruption is what you get in a county race. I will be voting for Blake unless Shahan can pull it out.

  14. X Stryker says:

    It may have been a message testing poll instead of a push poll. It depends on whether the intent is to gauge whether a line of attack resonates, or to disguise a robocall as a poll to get people to listen to the message. However, I think it was a push poll since they did not ask for demographic information, without which the results are meaningless.

  15. socialistic ben says:

    These guys are both slime-balls. Im not voting for either one of them… screw party loyalty. How much worse could a republican be… if only to punish the NCC democrats for a term for allowing such low-lifes ot run for office? Get your stuff together, stop forcing us to vote for criminals.

  16. JJ says:

    Clark is so nervous because he is vulnerable, but has $$$. If someone decent got in and raised& spent 75K, Clark would be toast.

  17. JJ says:

    Clark and Gordon were both in the showroom at Dennis P. Williams huge Mayoral fundraiser this week. That must have been interesting…..this race should be FUN to watch when Tommy gets in! Civil or a bloodbath??? probably the brass knuckles latter.

  18. Kathy Shepherd says:

    Shahan is the only clear choice!! Everyone needs to rally behind this grassroots guy, and help him get elected. He is extremely ethically sound. Get out the vote….SHAHAN 2012.