Campaign Finance Reports

Filed in Delaware by on August 15, 2012

30 day Campaign Finance reports for the 9/11 primary were due yesterday — 8/14/2012 — to the Department of Elections. Looking over finance reports is a good deal of fun and you can judge something about campaigns by the amount of money raised and *who* they raise it from. If you want to start perusing some reports, take a look:

You can find reports filed with the DOE here.

If you are looking for a candidate, hit the Candidate Committee button, then type in the last name of the candidate plus 2012 in both year boxes. For this example I am typing in Short, 2012, 2012. Then hit Search.

The next page (I ended up with Danny Short’s report when I wrote this post last night, you may have a second step of choosing the report you want to see.) will be a list of contributions and expenditures. We hate this list. Scroll down to the Generate Images button and hit that.

NOW, you are on the page that shows the pdf of the complete report submitted. You can save this to your drive, print it or just look through it. Danny Short’s report is fairly boring, but it was a good example.

Even though the due date was yesterday, reports will continue to straggle in for some days. If you don’t see the report for the candidate you were looking for, check back later. It will get there.

Not sure why you have to go through these steps to see the image of the report. If I were in charge, this would be less work and have a better search function. Anyway, start looking at those reports and use this thread to discuss what you find.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (50)

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  1. cassandra m says:

    The News Journal is looking at reports already and discovers that KWS is charging her campaign for gas to the tune of $1700.

    I can’t remember seeing gasoline charges on other reports, nor mileage which I would think should be the more appropriate charge. But then again I’m not an expert on everything that is allowable.

  2. AQC says:

    Did Dennis Williams not file or am I searching incorrectly?

  3. cassandra m says:

    @AQC — it looks like the report is not up yet. There’s no way to know if he has filed and we’re waiting for the DOE to post it up or if the DOE is waiting for the report unless you call the DOE directly.

  4. jpconnorjr says:

    Who do you think pays for the fuel in Obama’s plane when he campaigns? As an investigative reporter Starkey makes a great janitor.

  5. cassandra m says:

    We aren’t talking about Obama here. And Starkey caught this because it is an unusual charge for DE campaigns. I’ve been looking at reports half the morning (and alot in the past) and charging your campaign for your gas is still an unusual charge.

    No gas charges on Mitch Crane’s report, however.

  6. jason330 says:

    Okay. $1,700 in gas at $3.50 per gallon, that’s 485 gallons. Say her car gets 30 mpg (a generous estimate) so, she’s driven 14,500 or so miles.

    Delaware is 96 miles long, so she’s driven the full length of the state 151 times.

    KWS is a hell of a campaigner. “Tireless” in more ways than one.

  7. puck says:

    Or 145 round trip commutes from Wilmington to Dover.

  8. george says:

    Remember KWS got a state car when she was elected because she was too poor to buy one and her credit was shot because she hardly ever worked in her minimum wage jobs. If she still has a state car, that $1,700 charge for gas is even more ludicrous. And JP….remember you got paid with campaign funds to clean up her filthy house. Apparently she just treats that money like petty cash. Let’s keep our fingers crossed someone will prosecute her for that illegal activity. Like that’s really going to happen in Delaware.

  9. jpconnorjr says:

    SUV’s over 10 years old each thus with 2 vehicles on the road at maybe 18-20MPG equals about 5k miles each over 8 months. But hey Jason this draws attention away from your candidate’s BS unsubstantiated radio ad ,Cheers.

  10. Jason330 says:

    “unsubstantiated radio ad” You are killing me Smalls.

  11. cassandra m says:

    Hit a nerve!

    Here is why folks don’t claim gas on personal vehicles — can you tell your supporters that every drop of that gas was used for campaign travel? A quick look at a handful of dates shows that at least some of these expenses are claimed on weekdays. Maybe there are lots of campaign events on weekdays, but it is tough to claim that tank of gas was completely spent on campaign travel. That is why I think that if you want to claim a campaign expense, you claim mileage incurred for actual campaign trips instead of full tanks of gas.

    And consistent with her other reports, her contributions are heavy from people in the industry.

  12. george says:

    Nice to see the News Journal changed their tune from 2008 when they were pushing KWS really hard. Took them long enough to figure out they got duped, as did everyone in Delaware who believed her lies and voted for her only to get ripped off at every turn.

  13. Geezer says:

    Still haven’t heard one word in favor of re-electing her. Not one. Feel free to list all the wonderful things Karen Weldin Stewart has done in office.

  14. george says:

    She should make two columns, column A for “What the IC’s office has done for me” and column B “What I’ve done for the IC’s office and the people of Delaware”. Long list in column A and zip in column B. That’s how simple it is.

  15. mediawatch says:

    The reporting on KWS is not necessarily indicative of the NJ changing its tune. More likely, it’s a textbook example of shooting fish in a barrel.

  16. george says:

    Well, if you shoot long enough you’re bound to hit a few. Whatever they’re doing is a big improvement over 2008. They’d be stupid to support her in this election because the truth about her is out.

  17. JPConnorjr says:

    ID the lady ID the case and show one single contact of the IC office on behalf of a consumer by the candidate after he quit. Dare ya:)

  18. Jason330 says:

    If you think the ad is fraudulent, go for it. I dare you. It still wouldn’t be an affirmative case for KWS, but it would be something.

  19. Geezer says:

    STill no defense of KWS’ disastrous stewardship of the IC office. And this from her biggest, perhaps only, fan.

  20. SED says:

    I am not expert in the political field, but gas prices are up (you can thank George W. Bush for that one). But traveling up and down the State of Delaware is not cheap especially in an election season. But writing an article in the NJ about what a candidate’s gas bill, is just a waste of ink. That’s just poor reporting by this Starkey character. We got more important issues going on in our state, for example crime in our community, we need to get more jobs in our state, education issues, just to name a few. You should check out the campaign reports on Dennis Spivack, how he has not lost a step in raising money. According to these reports Spivack is number #2 in the IC race. That’s really interesting.

  21. I thought the Shell expenditures in KWS report was odd too. WTF? ! I would hope that she and her campaign staff keep log books of their activities to justify the mileage expense……just in case. It is what I do when I spend reimbursement money from the CLNCC for my travels to Dover, etc.

    But why the heck isn’t anyone going to ask what’s going on with Mitch Crane and his out of state money? I’ve never seen anything like it.

    There are seven entities – mostly some sort of realty LLCs — from the same Union Turnpike, New Hyde Park, NY address, all mistakenly giving him checks for $1,500 that had to be reimbursed to the $1,200 max allowable.

    WTF about that? Who is he going to be owned by if elected? Huh?

    I also see my old friend Ingrid Dahlquist contributed to Mitch from her Florida home. Glad you are back in-country, girl! Keep your nose clean now.

  22. JPconnorjr says:

    By George Nancy you may have a point;)

  23. One thing that stood out was a lack of consistency over self-funding. Some people reported loans to self while others only showed expenditures without any indication of contributions covering those expenses.

    The new reporting documents online do not give a current aggregate year to year so they are confusing. They don’t show how much money may have been carried over from a prior year. That money was carried over could be what is happening in some of these cases that a prior year’s money is what is funding current expenses.

    In Jim Martin’s case, however, that isn’t possible since he is a first time filer. I guess he will submit a loan statement eventually.

    And in looking at Renee Taschner, I can see what I expected…many parallel donations from the same developers and attorneys that give regularly to Paul Clark. UGH. Nothing yet from Bullock but what I hear is that the reports may be mailed by snail mail or extensions given.

    Charlie Copeland has a post up explaining that lower DE GOP accusing him of fundraising for now-DEM Chris Bullock are wrong. Protack must have been stirring the pot.

  24. cassandra_m says:

    50% of KWS’s contributors are out of state. And a number of them show up as insurance industry people. So I guess we are clear about the fact that KWS will continue to be owned by her industry cronies, right?

  25. cassandra_m says:

    Bullock’s report was up earlier today.

  26. Hal Twenty O'One says:

    Nancy – Run a candidate report and at the bottom, you can generate images. This allows you to see the actual candidate submitted report and will show you how much was carried over, etc. It took me a while to figure it out but I think this is the aggregate amount you are looking for.

  27. El Somnambulo says:

    I have the same questions about Crane’s campaign finance report as Nancy. The LLC contributions stuck out to me as well, and I think deserve an explanation.

    BTW, Joe Connor isn’t just KWS’ ‘biggest, perhaps only, fan’, he’s a paid ‘professional advisor’ for her. to the tune of about $5 K so far this year. It’s in the report.

    You can’t pay for that kind of advice, nor should you have to. About $6500 for gas and a gasbag. But, Joe’s sure changing a lot of minds over here. (That, for the uninitiated, was snark.) Keep paying him, Karen. Makes sure that the money doesn’t go to something that might help your campaign.

  28. JPconnorjr says:

    Hey ES can I come see you for the 3k plus you overestimated my receipts? FYI I don’t advise I provide computer related and data services. Does your employer know you can’t count? While you are seeking explanations see if you can bet your guy to substantiate his pants on fire radio ad.

  29. SussexWatcher says:

    The LLCs seem to track back to Glenwood Management Co., owned by Leonard Litwin. He’s 97 and a prolific NY State donor:

  30. JPconnorjr says:

    Gee wonder what his interest in the race is?????? If I guessed loosening some reg or another all you hypocrites would howl…… On this one I am for the free market within legal limits. Just as KWS contrive are tperfectly legal this one seems to be as well. It’s his money;)

  31. SussexWatcher says:

    Joe, the data clearly states you were paid $4,860 for “Professional Advisor Costs.” True or false?

  32. JP Connor says:

    I am flattered at my title, I think
    See below:
    2012-07-28 Joe Connor Wilmington, DE Professional Advisor Costs $4,860.00 $240.00
    2012-02-25 Joe Connor Wilmington, DE Professional Advisor Costs $4,020.00 $240.00
    2012-01-29 Joe Connor Wilmington, DE Professional Advisor Costs $3,780.00 $240.00
    2012-04-07 Joe Connor Wilmington, DE Professional Advisor Costs $4,260.00 $240.00
    2012-04-28 Joe Connor Wilmington, DE Professional Advisor Costs $4,440.00 $180.00
    2012-05-31 Joe Connor Wilmington, DE Professional Advisor Costs $4,620.00 $180.00
    The 4860 is all the money i received ever from the KWS campaign that dates to 2010.
    The column on the right is actual receipts in 2012: $1320 for the mathmatecly challanged.

    The newspaper suggested 2012 expenditures in the article on gas. usiing that standard 4860 is false and 1320 is true.

  33. JP Connor says:

    Hey ES you are [removed — Ed.] and can’t add:)
    BTW, Joe Connor isn’t just KWS’ ‘biggest, perhaps only, fan’, he’s a paid ‘professional advisor’ for her. to the tune of about $5 K so far this year. It’s in the report.
    Where is “5K so far this Year, in the report” ????

    [removed — Ed.]!

  34. SussexAnon says:

    Being paid $1320 this year still makes you a paid professional advisor.

    Feel free to stop digging and get back to flacking for KWS.

    You can start with telling us how totally awesome she has been for the consumer, as our rates increased 19-23% over the last 4 yrs.

  35. JP Connor says:

    I never said I did not get compensation. the issue was deliberate or stupid or both innacuracies. Anecdotal unverified claims are difficult to answer but hey you just wanted to slam:) have a good evening.

  36. SussexAnon says:

    The amount you were paid is rather irrelevant, really. You are part of the KWS machine.

    Embrace it and try not to get unhinged about inaccuracies regarding it in the future.

    I do sincerely await your response to the latter portion of my post.

  37. JP Connor says:

    Let me respond another way: [removed – Ed.],

  38. george says:

    JP perfectly reflects the KWS gutter mentality to which we’ve been treated for the past three plus years. Not a group we want anywhere near any elective office.

  39. Jeez, Joe, here’s the line from the report:

    2012-07-28 Joe Connor Wilmington, DE

    Professional Advisor Costs $4,860.00

    Seeing as how this report is supposed to be the aggregate from between January of 2011 and August 12, 2012, at least based on what I input, and seeing as how there were no entries for your ‘services’ for 2011 on the report, and knowing just how talented you are, I assumed that you must have received all this remuneration in 2012.

    Seems like I was wrong. You’re still just a paid shill, it’s just that you’re paid far less, which indeed is a rare instance of wise frugality on the part of your gas-guzzlin’ gal. My bad.


  40. Jpconnorjr says:

    Thanks and [removed – Ed.] 😉

  41. SussexAnon says:

    “Thanks and go fuck yourself as well – so says Stewart campaign adviser.”

    Nice headline.

    Only paid $1320 for 2012 and still overpaid.

  42. george says:

    Love how that whole nest of idiots that infests the IC’s office, including KWS, keep digging themselves deeper holes all the time.

  43. anon says:

    It seems that Jpc is the Democrats version of Jon Moseley, an internet troll paid to swat down negative comments about the bat shit crazy candidate they support, right down to both of them having their professional licenses suspended for assholery.

  44. AQC says:

    JP, are you hoping to get votes for your candidate?

  45. SussexWatcher says:

    I thought Moseley’s job was to choke the life out of any interesting discussions by boring the living fuck out of everyone with his legal and philosophical nutterings.

  46. Dave says:

    To Moseley: To hijack a discussion by shifting the thread into arcane aspects of religion or history.

    e.g. “Wow you sure moseleyed this thread!”

    I’m not sure Moseley is actually paid to do any swatting. I just think that he has very little to do since he doesn’t seem to really practice his profession (except to appear pro se).

  47. Joe is the equivilent of having Liz Allen in your corner it would seem.

  48. AQC says:

    Bryan Townsend has done a nice job of fundraising!

  49. LNCC says:

    Nancy, You should take a seat along side of them too.,,,, “In the Corner”.

  50. Pooker Jones says:

    I looked up reports on Sunday night, August 19 and still didn’t see a couple of city candidate reports.