Deep Pocketed Lying Cowards Still Lying in Appo

Filed in Delaware by on March 4, 2013

I have to hand it to people like Joanne Christian who have integrity. She opposed the Appo referendum, but at least she did it with some dignity on honest grounds, and under her own name. Right now the anonymous trolls who upended the referendum with their blatant 35% property tax increase lie are now attacking someone running for the school board with lies about them getting illegal campaign contributions from teacher’s unions. I’m not going to go into the details of the lies here because I think the chatter serves the liars nefarious purposes. [If there was any wrong doing, you would expect them to seek out the proper authorities.] Rather, I’d like to point out that there seems to be a pattern emerging.

Whoever is bankrolling these liars has a particular axe to grind against the DSEA. We may never know what out of state organization is trying attack teachers and undermine the educational quality in Appo with their deep pockets, and we may never know the names of their anonymous bag men here in in the district. But we know know that the referendum wasn’t a one off operation.

Their identities and their goals are murky, but their willingness to not be bound by the truth in pursuit of their goals is clear.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Help Wanted – School Board Elections : Delaware Liberal | March 4, 2013
  1. pandora says:

    Ah… Tis the season. Remember last year? If you don’t, or want to refresh your memory, reread these posts. Here and here and here

    I’d be interested to see who’s involved in this Appo situation and if we start seeing the same thing pop up in other district elections.

    It is way pass time to move these elections to November.

  2. John young says:

    sounds like last year’s group of thugs, Voices 4 Delaware Education with multiple ties to “philanthropic” educational endeavors like Rodel

  3. puck says:

    It has the aroma of CRI and its patrons:

    Education reform will be CRI’s top priority in 2013.

    And by “education reform” they mean charters and vouchers. Weakening unions of course is always a priority for CRI.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Whoa, whoa, whoa—-jason—wrong rabbit hole. We have all met–those opposition forces you describe above. And while I did oppose this past referendum, my opposition was to be in private conversation and personal outreach to people who I would consider reasonable, and open minded to discussion. That doesn’t mean they voted NO, it doesn’t mean they voted YES.

    But, the “NO” folks wanted to do something. And they were committed. Fiercely committed. Because these people are the same ones who have seen this district reach the great heights, thru all the trailers, leaky roofs, art on a cart, musty, disinegrating uniforms, and a limited class selection in high school. They heavily supported the district in and thru these bad times.

    These people to my surprise, and relief–were up to the challenge. I was approached by a group of about 6-7 at a school function. All together. One looked “familiar”, when I was asked if I was Joanne Christian? Yup. We heard you are against the referendum, blah, blah, blah, and misinformation was to follow, in regards to the referendum. Along came a parent I did know. More questions. Probing questions. Misstatements, inaccurate information–all of which I tried to tease out to the correct answer. For 90% of it–it was to the district’s advantage. e.g “We heard 86% of this referendum money is going to go to salaries”–my answer–oh no–that is incorrect, the district/ paperwork says 86% of their budget is committed for personnel costs–to explain reported budget overheads. It continued from there. Why did I defend a district I LOVE and have worked for voluntarily for so many years? Because I LOVE this district, and the people and employees it has brought together so many times over the years. HOLD ON I just realized–I may be writing all this, and I’ll either run out of room–or you won’t post me. So for the rest of the story—where it goes from there–to the unexpected, no way, surprise outcome–DL (or jason) has to agree to print–because hey I’m busy–and am not doing this to be flushed!!! But CRI never floated around, dropped in, funded or armed this bunch. It was all grass roots (w/ exception of some random Liberty robocall–but that’s later if permitted) Yes, it was your neighbor, kid’s teacher, bus driver, cafeteria server, babysitter, NJ transplant, retiree, AEA members, return Afghan vet, just laid-off, job-seeking college grad, overworked breadwinner, and some of Appoquinimink’s own loyal administrators who joined in and voted this down. And we NEVER thought it would/could happen. So I’ll be damned if you blame/credit CRI with this abberancy when the faces behind those votes have real troubles, and real concerns that should not be dismissed with such a cavalier call of “CRI is at it again…”. Not this community. Not this time. Not this referendum. Not lyin’. JC

  5. Jason330 says:

    Nice story. Who paid for the signs and robo calls? Who is behind the allegations of illegal campaign donations?

    I’m sure there are some decent people swept up in this, but the real shot callers are not in the district and may not be in Delaware.

    If they are – why not disclose who is paying the bills? Why all the anonymity? (And please don’t try that fear of “union thugs” malarkey this isn’t the 1950’s teamsters versus GM)

  6. Geezer says:

    I wish I could feel sorry for folks in Appo, but this is what you get when you subsidize sprawl.

    Twenty years ago, a lot of middle-class people I know were selling houses in northern Delaware to move to southern NCCo because they got “more house for the money” down south. After several years of that, Appo now has as many students as the northern districts, and has learned what every growing community does: Taxes on new development does not raise enough revenue to fund the necessary expansion of government services.

    So, with apologies to the long-time residents, you established a new suburb founded by people looking for a bargain. Don’t act surprised that when the bill comes due, many of those pocketbook-oriented people don’t want to pay up. It’s their defining characteristic.

  7. Appo Truth says:

    The comment on our blog said nothing about illegal union contributions to anyone. It claims Democratic party contributions and union messages in support of select candidates. Perhaps you need to brush up on your reading skills, Jason330.

  8. puck says:

    Suburban districts know how to deal with referendum defeats. After a few months of threatening to shut down sports programs, Appo voters will come crawling back to the polls with bags of money.

  9. jason330 says:

    My questions stand. Who paid for the signs and robo calls? Who is behind the allegations of illegal campaign donations?

    Why all the anonymity? For the record, I don’t expect these questions to be answered with anything other than more lies and obfuscations.

  10. Appo Truth says:

    There no allegations of illegal campaign contributions. We fully believe that the incredible talented and open-minded Delaware Democratic party is free to support the school board candidates of their choice. We imagine, however, they would like to keep that relatively quiet because it detracts from their marketing spiel that only others try to influence elections, but they commit no crime by equally or even more forcefully advocating and spending money to do so.

    We don’t expect that answer to satisfy you, but then, that’s not really our interest.

  11. Jason330 says:

    I’m aware of how commenting works on blogs, so I’ll drop that one and ask yet again… Who paid for the signs and robo calls?
    Why all the anonymity?

    Why don’t you cowards take a cue from Joanne Christian, and have a little integrity? That’s all I’m asking.

  12. Appo Truth says:

    You are welcome to come and post on our blog, J, since there seems to be something amiss with the posting on yours.

  13. Jason330 says:

    I’ll pass. And this is probably my last comment on this thread. I get that you are committed to anonymity. It is much easier to lie and obfuscate if you know that you will never have to really answer for your lies. I get that.

    Just know that it turns whatever good points you make into so much tainted garbage. Not revealing your financial backers must naturally raise concerns about your real objectives.

    As for this blog, the only problems I see here are your inability to answer direct questions and your inability to type “Democratic Party.” (For he record, it isn’t Democrat Party unless you are trying to posture as an illiterate.)

  14. Appo Truth says:

    Okay, Jay….just for you.

    Funding: absolutely 100% self-funded. To the dollar. Not a penny from outside the district. Not a penny from anyone not involved in the effort. Blood, sweat, tears and treasure….all thrown in against you. Worth every bit.

    Identity: some of your neighbors, who don’t trust the likes of you and your kind to give a fair shake to serious questions about how taxes are levied and spent. To protect ourselves and our children from the retribution your kind is well known to deal, we remain known unto ourselves.

    Typing: we are fully aware of your irritation with “Democrat Party”. There would not be nearly as much fun otherwise in using it.

  15. pandora says:

    By using the term “Democrat Party” you reveal an agenda that has nothing to do with a school district referendum.

  16. Jason330 says:

    99% hogwash. Nothing above explains the need for secrecy. The secrecy is only necessary if you are getting funded by an outside groups. Also, you want me to believe that you and a few concerned pals were willing to throw enough of your own cash into this to afford large and small signs on every corner as well a robo-call, but you are unwilling to pay a even a small fraction of that to preserve your property values? Please. You have no credibility whatsoever.

    Everything except your comment on the Democratic Party is highly suspect. The good news: I never expected the truth from you.

    But this, in truth, is my last comment on this thread. I am done with you. Good day.

  17. Appo Truth says:

    Ahhh….the gift that keeps on giving.

  18. Henry Klaussen says:

    Saw Appro Truth in his little white van running around the morning of the referendum putting up his signs at Loss.

  19. Appo Truth says:

    Spot on, McGarrett! See if Chin Ho Kelly can put out the word on the coconut telegraph. The Big Kahuna sleeps with the pineapples.

  20. Joanne Christian says:

    Ummmm Henry—white van? At Loss. Are you sure that wasn’t the district vehicle replacing signs that were removed from Loss? I know it’s really hard to keep up with the he said, she did, we thought, they said. It’s all going to work out. We are a community.

    @jason–haven’t forgotten you as I scroll thru–but dinner gets real noisy around here, until I can get them fed. Just getting thru the door. I’ll be back.

    Oh no–I just read you are done with this thread etc.. You don’t want answers?

  21. SussexWatcher says:

    In other news, the Sussex County Democrat Party is illiterate and has a hidden agenda, Delaware Liberal bloggers say:

  22. Jason330 says:

    That’s a gray area case bcause it isn’t followed by the word “Party”. But, yeah. I’d prefer Democratic.

  23. cassandra m says:

    Not to make excuses for the Sussex folks, but the sign looks vintage. The rest of the page certainly refers to “Democratic’ properly. But someone from Sussex would have to say, though.

  24. Jackson Van Buren says:

    Ruth Ann Minner used to say Democrat Party all the time. Drove us folks crazy.

  25. SussexWatcher says:

    The sign may be older, but the party has used that building for less than two years. Therefore, someone in leadership chose to hang it recently. I know the Dems here are intellectually bankrupt, but I had no idea they were so financially broke that they couldn’t afford a new sign with their own party name printed properly.

  26. cassandra m says:

    So your manufactured outrage of the day is over an old Sussex County Dem sign? Really? And you’ve the nerve to talk about someone else’s intellectual bankruptcy while you’re at it.


  27. SussexWatcher says:

    My manufactured outrage? Wow, you really have no reading comprehension skills, do you?

    You guys here have repeatedly brought up the Democrat thing to bash the tea party and GOP. I’m trying to point out that it’s not just the right that uses the term. No outrage, just SMH at the stupidity of my own county. Nothing manufactured – the sign is up on their own FB page for the world to see.

    I’m going to shut up now because someone tossed an emoticon at me.

  28. Jack Polidori says:

    Anyone who thinks that such opposition — sophisticated, organized, delivering a message (albeit one designed to misinform) — is ‘organic’ suffers from self-delusion. This is not anti-DSEA. This is anti-public education (quasi-private charter schools being an exception, of course). In Appo, it is, by and large GOP activists, but the Rodelistas and their anonymous corporate funders are active elsewhere in northern Delaware. Simplistic analysis of a complex political terrain is dangerous. After all, extremism in defense of liberty, over 40 years later, remains no vice either.

  29. Joanne Christian says:

    Jack–Do you live in Appoquinimink? I do–and I am unsophisticated, quasi organized, and part of delivering a message. You are right–it’s not anti-DSEA, and didn’t want to be–we had teachers and others supporting us—but Rodel certainly didn’t come calling or help with the little more than 800 bucks it cost to move this thing along—and hey if there are large GOP activists out there–don’t know where they were–because our first “meeting”—I made it VERY CLEAR–this is our family business in the district. Was NEVER even contacted, approached or discussed with anything corporate or otherwise. If you are about talking points from parties of both sides there’s the door–take your memes elsewhere. We have unchartered, exhausting work to do with the issue right at hand, and I can’t be tied up with tired party line chatter that opines about public education. This was local issues, and where our local monies should be directed. Simplistic analysis? I hate to inform you–it is the answer. This time. And just like you–I am scratching my head–how did this fail? I never expected it, but darn it worked. Us local yokels. So maybe the delusion was “a bunch of scrappy citizens” won’t make any impact. But maybe that was too provincial to your understanding. So let me high brow it a bit for you and turn the page to Margaret Mead:

    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

    So, in conclusion we love teachers,we love kids, we love education, I have a personal fondness for Frederika Jenner (hi sweetie!)–but this community spoke. As a community. Both sides REALLY are scratching their heads. The greater analysis is in what to do with it. Will you be around for that? Or will northern Delaware capture all your free time?

  30. Jason330 says:

    “…how did this fail? I never expected it, but darn it worked.”

    A lie can travel around the world while the truth is putting on its boots. That’s how.

    The outside groups now have the blood in the water they were hoping for. If another referendum comes up, they have their model and their fired up dupes in place.

    I don’t see Appo raising money outside of bake sales in the toxic, take no prisoners, environment they’ve created with their lies.

  31. BusDriver says:

    Ok people, lay off the Appo folk that stopped this tax overhaul..and focus on the real perpetrators-some geniuses in the District Office that code-named this tax hike a’referendum’.

    Yeah, I voted against it. I didn’t even know a referendum was going to happen until I saw all those blasted signs. As a school district employee, I am glad to have the public in support of salary increases, securing funds for future buildings, and keeping the system alive. I am not, however, in favor of irresponsible tax increases, an even more irresponsible referendum coordinator, and the slander that has ensued following the whopping shut down of the proposed.

    Finally, Americans have woken up and smelled the roses! Taxes are not always a good thing people! Just because on paper it appears that more money will be shuffled into our schools, does not mean that is actually what is going to happen.

    I encourage everyone here to look into the last 10 years worth of referendums passed in Appo. You’d be surprised what you find, especially when you compare it to what just was proposed here by these idiots.

    Maybe if they re-work a few items and do a better job at painting where the money will go will they find success. Till then, I’m proud to say this got a NO vote by me.

    And by the way, what the heck is DESA?

  32. jason330 says:

    Thanks for that bit of performance art.

  33. Appo Truth says:

    Jason, it continues to amaze us how you….just….don’t….get….it.

    You lost. Pound a few Coronas with the Mrs. and move on.

  34. Joanne Christian says:

    My Simplistic Analysis of The Appoquinimink Referendum Defeat in Light of the Complex Political Terrain

    Dedicated to Jack Polidori and jason

    Acknowledgements–This discussion and analysis could never have been possible if it weren’t for the combined, community effort of this wonderful supportive school district; Appoquinimink; the school board who repeatedly said “let the community decide”, and the critical thinker Appoquinimink has nurtured; because of that Complex Political Terrain; in readiness as a 21st Century Skill. Of incredible gratitude and indebtedness goes to the other parents, educators, and other assorted citizens for their time, talents, pooled resources, and earnest desire to keep Appoquinimink first and out of the politicized parade. And of course–my family–who lived on sloppy joes, hot dogs, and Taco Bell while I was on the phone, or out the door, or in a meeting.

    By Joanne Christian S.A (Simple Analyzer)

    Hypothesis: This referendum should have PASSED
    Supporting historical known demographic of this area is simply broken down for the reader to contemplate:
    Different Demographics will be listed and the usual, accurate projected response–whether real, imagined, or stereotyped will appear next to the group. You are welcome to change the response as you see appropriate–but you will also see, it will have no bearing.

    People who love their children–PASS
    People who love education–PASS
    People who love teachers–PASS
    People afraid of job loss–PASS
    People afraid of decreasing home value and unstable communities–PASS
    Republicans–FAIL (remember, I’m going with stereotypes here), but PASS because there are so few of them here.
    Fringe Political Extremes–PASS (it encourages reasonable voters to vote the other way)
    Sports Lovers–PASS
    School Functions Scheduled the Same Day–PASS
    President Obama echoing sequestration implications the very night before and effects on education resulting in job loss–PASS
    District robocalls–PASS
    Outside interest robocalls–HUH? Who/What’s that? PASS w/ some thought, consideration given, but marginal impact.
    District signs–PASS
    District Presentations–PASS
    Opposition signs–only 100 posted, 94 went missing within 12 hrs. of posting, retool, and 85 ended up missing in the end–PASS due to lack of exposure–and FAIL due to lack of access, giving exposure and drama to district directive via misunderstanding or failed communication.

    Conclusion: This referendum should have PASSED
    Opponents are in shock
    Proponents are in denial

    I’d say as simple math–this puppy should have passed. Lots of people “hit” in many of these demographics, that political science types and higher analytical types count on. Let this be your lesson. This was a local decision to be decided by the local community. Up or down. Interfering w/ local decision- making by inferring all this outside pipeline of influence, demeans the very hard work the AEA does every day, in Appoquinimink for the students and families of Appoquinimink. Some thought that hard work included working FOR this referendum, because of the request of the district and the marching orders of DSEA. Others thought to work AGAINST this referendum, because they felt it unconsciensible to discuss during parent/teacher conferences (of which lower grades were having prior) thus taking time from direct discussion of child. Or they were so very aware of financial realities of some homelife situations to remind a parent that the “Carrie needs a gluestick–we like our students prepared…”conversation was not going to happen out of compassion–double ditto for any referendum chit chat. But did DSEA EVER ask the LOCAL unit what they wanted to support? Or is just, jump on we support referendums blindly. And by golly, some AEA members even live in this community.

    So when you take off your tin hats (thanks DL for introducing me to the term:) ), and credit/blame the imagined “deep pockets”, public school haters, GOP operatives, greedy,begrudging senior citizens, and planted “Rodelistas”–see for yourself–as illustrated above–your “base vote” obviously said “pass” on this one–and we don’t mind taking a second look. Because collectively, there was no base vote. For the most part–I’ll say it again–the COMMUNITY voted on this one–and obviously broke every alliance, allegiance, and foothold entrenched or assigned in this district. Because they KNEW it really mattered here, and want to get it right, so they don’t become like all the others.

    Epilogue–By 8AM the next morning after the “fail”, some “media think tank” in DC was calling to tell me by all their demographics, etc., etc., etc., this was to PASS. I guess some groups are tasked with doing this stuff. Could they please do a post-mortem of this event, scrutinizing notes, assignments, literature etc.,etc., etc.,? I immediately said I am not going to discuss anything right now 1) because I am still in shock 2) I want the district included in this conversation if it is to happen. They said fine–call later. It’s certainly open for discussion, after I find out about them….and then there’s the district part…..we’ll see.

  35. SussexWatcher says:

    What percentage of Appo residents are grouchy, grumpy senior citizens? Therein usually lies the answer to referenda failures.

  36. puck says:

    My impression is Appo is relatively prosperous and younger; the newcomers are just barely starting to age out. Appo is zoned for large lot sizes and thus little low-income housing. Appo students are 22% low income, a stat Red Clay or Christina can only dream of.

  37. Appo Truth says:

    Ooohhhh…..SW with a half-court prayer of old-person hate……and……it whiffs the bottom of the net!

    Sorry, SW, all day long at the Bunker Hill polls, right next to Grayville and Wrinketown, it looked to be a young turnout. And the Referendum Frolics at the schools turned out lots of parents to vote.

    Appo Truth be told, we thought it didn’t look so good there, and we assumed Olive Loss would be…..a loss. Still was, just not the devastating one we expected.

    JC is right, this failed on the local, ground level, home by home, no black-ops helicopters involved. It’s a bit fun to get all the attention and ride in the ticker-tape parade, but we place the results squarely in the hands of the taxpayers who said…….NO.

    Can’t deny it’s a pleasure to see the paranoia here though. Keep up the entertainment.

  38. Jason330 says:

    Please proceed. The more you put the lie to how much you “appreciate the dedicated teachers and administrators” and put the kids first, the better.

  39. SussexWatcher says:

    Hate? No, just observations from watching votes go down to defeat hereabouts. There is a core of people who don’t believe they should pay for schools since their kids are grown. They combine with a smaller set of cheap bastards who own businesses, live in large houses and play on smartphones and the latest laptops but begrudge kids a schoolbuilding with adequate space.

    I have voted for every school referendum since I turned 18. At least we’re not like other states, where mental health agencies, disabilities programs and libraries also have to go to voters for more funding. SMH.

  40. Joanne Christian says:

    You know what jason. I don’t want this going anywhere near where I thought our position stood. Non-partisan. So Appo Uncouth is going way off with partisan peculiars that I don’t want to draw more attention from here. I see 11 replies to that page or blog? But, I have to say these replies here are cracking me up.

    So I am not going to comment to this “stuff” further either here, because it upsets you, then Appo Uncouth divebombs for you, and like I have said people go all sidebar and sideline on LOCAL issues.

    But, you guys are fun and like fundraisers—and why not we do this—now here me out.

    We all agree Appoquinimink School District needs money. I think we can pass another referendum if called for by the Board, and it is reasonable, clear, and defined. I really do. Any of my personal outreach included–“the schools absolutely need money at this time–just give them a little bit more time to mold this to what the community can unhesitatingly accept”.

    For all the “deep pockets” out there who didn’t spit one dime to fail this referendum, but jason just “knows” they moved gold bouillon to upend this thing:

    I will reveal 3 items “highlighted” to me after this fail, by YES voters (all with children I might add), who were changed to conflicted one week out, and then definite NO 48 hours prior. And as the added bonus I will even tell you right now so when you think #1 robocalls and #2 signs—what else is there, she’s not giving me my money’s worth– robocalls made no impact on these voters, or a 35% tax increase sign. I was again chuckling in agreement–oh geez, I never thought of that on 2 of these “other” tracks of the mind. Now granted, this is ladies room line waiting discussion, then visiting out front where that discussion table was all about “the fail”. Upfront, this gathering was child-centered, so all folks there were in that demographic (think bowling alley, pinewood derby, karate type atmosphere). But they did AGREE on these 3 points.

    So for a $10,000 donation to the district, I will give you those 3 little pointers. Step right up, GOP, DSEA, Democrats, Rodel, Liberty Boys, ACLU, and Oprah. Cheaper than a lobbyist, opinion poll, or your own personal think tank/institute/neuroeconomist. And the district benefits.

    jason can present the check at…….was it the ChesDel? TBD. And I bet, Mr. Forsten being the good sport he was, will even pose for pictures–with ANYONE–and keep his phone at his ear. Maybe Appo Uncouth would emcee (is this person that funny in real life?), and I will be the waitress (’cause I’m used to serving and cleaning up other folks messes….with a side of light heart and humor 🙂 )

    Whatdya think jason? Can we put it out there, make some money for the district in the meantime, while decisions are being made–and show ’em what this community REALLY is about? This way, money is raised– deep pockets, union thugs, think tanks, and pollsters get some insight, jason feels good and Joanne is vindicated that the “community” pulled this lever–because these answers are coming cheap. Just let me know–but I really DO NOT want to give anymore credence to any one party, or entity up or down–and feels it does poison the waters going forward. So I support you in your banning or whatever it is you blog guys do to each other–but PLEASE don’t shoot yourself ( or district as proxy) in the foot by playing in a hornet’s nest of any size. I stayed away from hornets. Give this traction benefit to the district!!!! Not to naysayers, special interests and detractors.

  41. Jason330 says:

    I don’t really understand what I get for the $10,000. And while I know that you have the best interest of the district at heart, I don’t think you can keep a follow up referendum vote clean at this point. The hornets nest was stirred by the dishonest 35% property tax increase claim.

  42. Joanne Christian says:

    Jason–where’s that liberal sunshine? For 10G you get that thought process of the “turned” voter. The ones who were clearly identified to vote YES by any rubric. The ones who want to vote YES and say they will. The ones waiting on the district for the next step……..enthusiastically.

    Oh…and are you going to be “Deep Pockets”, or did you just want your picture taken w/ Mr. Forsten and cellphone? I am going to charge extra for photo ops you know. I didn’t JUST graduate from bake sales school. They now let me do soup too.