Exclusive Video: John Sigler Flees Questioner Regarding His Pigeon-Maiming

Filed in National by on April 17, 2013

The Brave Man did this after rousing the faithful today at a Legislative Hall anti-gun control rally:

Wonder if any Delaware Republican has the guts to ask him the same questions…

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Amazing, right? You’d think that these so-called good guys with guns would stand and defend their acts of animal cruelty.

    The head Clown of the local GOP Clownshow.

  2. Jen says:

    He runs away from questions about an activity he participates in yet stands his ground with a gun in his hand pointed at a small, helpless animal. What a pathetic coward.

  3. puck says:

    Yeah, those pigeons were flopping around like Delaware GOP candidates on Election Day evening.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Resign from the Delaware GOP? Certainly not! Where’s the fun in that?

  5. We’ve already established that Sigler has no conscience. Just curious as to whether any ‘leader’ in the GOP has one.

    So far, only the chirps of dying birds…which may or may not be coming from the GOP.

  6. WTF says:

    Unless all of you are vegans wtf do you think happens in slaughter houses and processing plants.

  7. SussexAnon says:

    Killing for “sport” and killing for food are two totally different things.

  8. DelawareMark says:


    I happen to be vegan, but what Sigler does is very different from a slaughter house. 1. All the dead birds are just thrown away – utterly wasted. 2. Many pigeons are only injured and escape to die slowly over the next few days from the cold or predation or drowning in the Delaware. Any human with a conscience would make an effort to kill any game they’ve started to kill instead of walking away. Again, very different than a slaughter house. 3. Slaughter houses are legal – it isn’t legal to abandon an animal in PA like Sigler does – you have a responsibility to either kill it or get it medical attention. You can’t just walk away.

    Hope that helps.