Sussex County Council Says “No” To Sheriff Holding Posse Training At County Building

Filed in Delaware by on April 21, 2013

Are you ready for another OMG! Constitutional Crisis! No?  Too bad… here it comes. (Warning: Delaware Politics link)

Sussex County Administrator Todd F. Lawson refused a request by Sussex County Sheriff, Jeff Christopher to use office space in the County building located at 22215 North DuPont Boulevard in Georgetown.

The reason?

While your letter requests to meet for “Constitutional training for citizens,” other documentation from the Institute that have been circulated describes the event as “Constitutional Training for Deputies, Posses, and Citizen Supporters of the Sheriff.”  This type of training is directly at odds with Sussex County’s position on the duties of the Sheriff. In addition, the training goes against the County’s policy pertaining to posses as outlined in an October 31, 2011 memorandum from then County Administrator David Baker to Sheriff Jeffrey Christopher.

I swear, every time I hear the word “posse” I think of Yosemite Sam… which strikes me as apropos.

Pass the popcorn and buckle up.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (78)

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  1. Aoine says:

    This is what is even funnier

    The new IPoD ‘ Director of Communications” Don Ayotte, says in DP “I really do want divergent opinions so thank you for commenting.”

    I wonder how he will accomplish that, seeing as he has either run- off, intimidated, shouted down blocked, and/or banned mostly every divergent opinion on that blog? The blog itself Pandora proclaimed is dead, and approx, 15 people showed up for the IPoD event last might out of a population base in Sussex of 42,000?

    Yet Ayotte screams at Lopez for his gun vote and says the majority in Sussex 6th wanted a different vote.

    Bottom line here is the mis- fits including the sheriff, are trying to self- promote and this Institue on the Constitution is all religion based as well as partisan, this group has no business in a publically funded building and it is no surprise that they were denied.

    And they will continue to be denied until that nut job is voted out of office. He will be lining his pockets with speaking fees, and the acolytes, and the rest of the nuts will be left behind in Sussex , not a penny richer .

    Pass the popcorn Pandora…..

  2. Aoine says:

    . If you want to point and laugh

  3. Truth Teller says:

    Talk about a real like Barny Fife take his one bullet away from this clown before he shoots himself

  4. Aoine says:

    Whoops excuse me….I erred in the above post

    Beatty is the Director of Communications

    Ayotte is the Director of Special Operations ( whatever that is)

    I would not want to get the two confused and hurt tender egos……..

  5. geezer says:

    Aoine: Thanks for the link, I think.

    I am struck by the resemblance between religion and what we might term “constitutional idolatry.”

    Like a religion, they seek to convey “the truth” to people. They place all their trust and belief in a set of rules established by a group of men they treat as gods rather than human beings. They seek a list of rules to follow, and are eager to judge others on how closely they are following those rules (in practice, how closely those others agree with those in authority). And they run off to start a separate church, or government authority, the second they don’t get their way.

    The reason these people cannot imagine a separation of church and state is their incapacity for self-government, in either matters of church or matters of state. They constantly look for an authority who will not only tell them what to do, but will command obedience from those who disagree.

    In short, fascists.

  6. Aoine says:

    You are welcome Geezer!

    As you said ” In short, fascists”

    Or, the American Taliban, or National Socialists, or , or, or, history is full of these types, none good, and none of them ended well

    I also love all the opportunities to BUY, CONTRIBUTE AND DONATE….

    BTW, is this the sheriffs new law firm? , he has new counsel I believe .
    What is even better, is I am sure that if the DE Supreme Court rules against him those justices will be maligned like Justice Graves was as well..

    It’s like dealing with kindergartners, only with guns.

  7. Dave says:

    “In short, fascists.”

    I think that characterization is spot on. Additionally, if you consider the concepts and principles of libertarianism and even independenceism (yeah, I know it’s not a word) both are the antithesis of authority. Yeah, these people (IPOD, sheriff, Ayotte, et al) universely rely upon some means of authorty (read power). Whether it’s the bible, the Constitution, God, a sovereign sheriff or whatever, the common theme is authority, a commandment if you will.

    What thought process they used to be able to transmongrify liberty into authority, we’ll never know. And really, it matters not. What does matter is that we recognize it as fascism. This is cult behavior where absolute obedience is required of their adherents. The recent vote by Ernie Lopez is an example. When he was first elected, they mostly hailed his election but one perceived sin (violation of the commandments) and want to kick him out of the club (a club to which they don’t even belong any longer!).

    I’d like to be able to say that if they had guns they would be dangerous and laugh it off, but the problem is, they do have guns and they are borderline dangerous and a serious threat.

    You will recall one member of the cult (a school district board member) took it upon herself to remove kids from a school bus in the Capen Henlopen School District because she did not approve of the bus driver. These people have no inhibitions or reservations about what they are willing to do in their fervor. This lack of a mature executive function means that they lack the capacity to regulate their actions.

    Can you imagine a frustrated sheriff in Georgetown, deciding he has enough?

  8. Dave says:


    Maybe posse and special ops are related? Sometimes terms like Director of Special Operations are ambiguous for a reason.

    The Department of Defense has a special operations commend to conduct asymmetric (guerilla) warfare. I’m not suggest the this has any equivalence. Still, “special ops,” kinda makes one wonder.

  9. Aoine says:

    @dave-My thought exactly on the “special ops” thing, it is generally a governmental (read DOD, DIA)military, police, emergency services designation, that covers, psy ops, covert ops, special tactical ops,

    Why would a political party need a “special operations” division, never mind a Director?

    Also has a strong resemblance to the PLO and its other branch Hamas as well as the IRA and it’s accepted political wing, Sinn Féin . very Interesting indeed.

    Of course, their particular GOD, has declared War and also stated this is a “god-forsaken place” (see quote in TNJ and interview with Dan Gaffney) the tone and direction is worrisome.

  10. Jason330 says:

    The tree of liberty will be watered with the blood of tyrants, or some misinterpreted bullshit. Anyway, this tyranny of the rule quoters and “common sense” spouters WILL NOT STAND !!!

  11. anaonymous says:

    hahahahahha the sheriff didn’t request the meeting room.

  12. Aoine says:

    So, what you are saying is that Don Ayotte has no idea what is going on and
    Is mis-informed



    Either way, no surprises there

  13. kavips says:

    I think by using the name posse, this organization is just a front to distribute drugs. The original IS based out of Arizona, right?

  14. Dave says:

    I think that in their minds they envision some sort of sovereign entity. If the sheriff answers to no one, then the posse, who only answers to the sheriff, would also answer to no one.

    Of course, they’ll assert that the sheriff answers to the voters, but in their perfect world, the sheriff would have authority, be re-elected and the posse would gain some form of legitimacy. The application form would contain something to the extent that “Libruls and RINOs Need Not Apply”

    Maybe print their own money and stuff “Sheriff Bucks” or “Posse Pennies”

  15. Aoine says:


  16. lou says:

    Yall are hysterical! We do not “worship” the founding fathers as god, we do not believe in any of the bs that I just read in the comments above. Those of us that support sheriff Christopher and what he stands for believe in the corps values of integrity, honor courage and commitment. To God, family, and country.the fact that you “liberals” are so willing to place your trust in a huge HUGE unregulated overstepping federal government disrespects the very ideas of what our nation was founded on. Sheriff Christopher and his colleagues are not supreme commanders, they are transparent commanders. The difference being this, they answer to the people they have been elected by.they hold their oath they took to their office seriously and honorably, their integrity is above reproach. Our country was founded as a constitutional republic, not a democracy, the constitution is and must remain the ultimate and FINAL law of our land if you and I want to remain free. If we were a democracy that means that 50% +1 vote means that all white people could be rounded up and exterminated(as domestic terrorist) LEGALLY, a constitutional republic ensures that the rights guarenteed all citizens are not infringed upon so that doesn’t happen. The term posse is an old term and is simply the ELECTED sheriff using his CONSTITUTIONALLY given power to say to his community: “Hey, the Boston bombers are in our neighborhood, instead of allowing the feds to shut down our city, search your homes without warrants, points guns at you, shut down all banks, metro, and all that, I’m going to activate posse comitatus, which means all men in the county report to the sheriffs department to help local law enforcement hunt down the threat.” Which is also known as a community helping each other……so get your facts straight before you start spreads lies people!

  17. Aoine says:

    Ummmmmm, I think you just made it all ” clear”

    Thanks…… Nuff said.,,

    Just feel the same way when jeff is no longer the ” elected one” and no longer has the support of the people

  18. Dave says:

    Excellent piece. I’m sure this diatribe will be prominently featured during Christopher’s re-election campaign. I’m also sure that the citizens of Watertown were relieved not to have a bunch of armed yahoos going through the streets and door to door.

    If someone is going to search my home, they had better in uniform, not coveralls.

  19. lou says:

    So I made it “clear” that you’d rather support a far overreaching federal that advocates relying on them instead of relying on yourself and your own family support structure to support and raise your family, and openly encourages corruption and greed??? Instead of a sheriff who has taken a stand against all of that and is trying to end that corruption and remind Washington that they are unaccountable to the people not themselves.

    And as for the coveralls comment, the sheriff, unlike the feds recognize the constitution as the law of the land, and without a warrant if you say no search there’s no search plain and simple…you see this document yall keep badmouthing known as the constitution that these crazy founding fathers yall like to keep calling them came up with protects you from that. Your rights are YOUR rights, bought and paid for in the blood of our forefathers and the blood of vets like myself and my brother’s that are still in. they aren’t our rights because the federal gov or Obama says there allowed to be our rights….

  20. Aoine says:

    If you want to see corruption and greed lou, you don’t need to look any further than the sheriff’s own office

    You don’t need to look at the state or even the federal government

    Just take a look at Jeff Christopher himself, take a good look , Long and hard

    Then look at certain of his deputys. The answer is there. Some more recent than others, but look for criminal convictions about 30 years ago, in another state.

    Then look at recent incidents, a little more local….

    Oh, and take your blinders off… Might just help with the whole vision thing

  21. lou says:

    I’ve met the guy, and done my research trust me I trust sheriff Christopher with my life any day over Obama and his bass-ackwards policies and ridiculousness. Sheriff Christopher is trying to start a movement, which the idea that it needs to be a movement is sad, but the movement he’s trying to start is that of integrity, honor, courage, and commitment. To whichever god you may believe in, family, country, and community. And you people have the audacity to belittle and criticize him for it?!?! I’ve taken the time to hear him speak, I’ve gone to the sheriff citizen summit, Ive listened to the words that has come from their mouths and they believe in protecting the rights of all of their citizens even while you talk bad about them, that’s how much integrity they have about themselves. You can belittle us constitution lovers and mock us all you want but the facts and bottom lines are undeniable that the corrupt federal govt wants to do away with the constitution. Read the actual bills themselves for yourself! No one should ever have to give up anything for the better of the public, no one should have to censor themselves or watch what they say because of political correctness, or because they might get labled a domestic terror threat. It’s simply sad that oppression has reared its ugly head and its being cheered for, and men with integrity like sheriff Christopher get belittled AMD put down for trying to do the right thing.

  22. geezer says:

    “You can belittle us constitution lovers and mock us all you want”

    We don’t need your permission.

    “but the facts and bottom lines are undeniable that the corrupt federal govt wants to do away with the constitution.”

    It’s entirely deniable. I, for one, deny it, and so would hundreds of millions of others.

    “…trust me…”

    No, I’m sorry, I won’t be doing that.

    “they aren’t our rights because the federal gov or Obama says there allowed to be our rights”

    Yes, they are. Without the federal government there would be nobody to guarantee your rights, because the government would no longer exist. Sorry, but I don’t want Gomer and his posse roaming the streets. If y’all want to live like that I suggest you move to Arkansas.

  23. lou says:

    I don’t understand why you would continue to deny the fact that the Obama regime is in fact deficating all over the constitution. Let’s look at the case of the captured bomber for instance, he can either be held accountable in one of 2 ways, 1. The normal judicial system or 2. A military tribunal Obama said a few months ago he’s not a dictator however he’s already issued an executive verdict on this kid withou a trial or facts. Essentially making himself judge,jury,and executioner. By no means am I sympathizing with this POS….the point I’m making is this, if he feels he can do it for one person what or who is going to stop him from doing it to others he deems a potential threat?? All the while whisking away a potential suspect that his wife goes to visit in the hospital.

    The way our govt was designed was that the states were made to run themselves, with the feds essentially sitting in the background giving advice like a grandfather. However the people have allowed the federal govt to overstep its boundaries into our day to day lives which they have no business doing. They work for WE THE PEOPLE not we the majority. They’ve forgotten that they answer to us! Not to their own paychecks.

  24. Dana Garrett says:

    “Sheriff Christopher is trying to start a movement….” Yes, he is, but the question is why. Given the antisocial and non-communitarian-tempered nature of his aims, I believe the purposes of Sheriff Christopher’s attempt to start a movement stem from a meglomanical egotism that leeches off of the sheepish needs of true believers to be unreflectively led.

  25. lou says:

    And our rights are ours because us as UNIFIED patriots and citizens of this nation say they are! The ammendments themselves help secure the constitution and it continuity through time. To even imply that someone has control over your rights other than you or needs to give you permission for your rights is ludicrous, our forefathers rebelled in 1776 for OUR right to be free from anyone to tell us what our rights are. Now I’m NOT promoting anarchy or down with the feds or anything like that, (again, I’m NOT advocating that) I’m simply advocating a reform and revolution of integrity, honor, courage, and committment and accountability throughout our government. Regardless of your religion or beliefs these aresimple, “golden rule” concepts that have been deemed dangerous and threatening by the feds and splc. But you’d still rather trust them???

  26. Dave says:

    “2. A military tribunal Obama said a few months ago he’s not a dictator however he’s already issued an executive verdict on this kid withou a trial or facts. ”

    Lou, did you not vote twice for a certain gentleman who put the the current military tribunal system in place in 2006? Now you disapprove of it? Where were you in 2006?

    How are we to trust what you say when you are one of the ones responsible for creating that system by your vote? Why is your support of the sheriff different now? Are you better informed these days or have you just jumped on a new horse?

    When someone tells me something, I examine their past actions to see what decisions they’ve made in the past. Seems to me, I shouldn’t pay much attention to what you say considering your decision making history.

  27. People Who Know says:

    “Yes, they are. Without the federal government there would be nobody to guarantee your rights, because the government would no longer exist. Sorry, but I don’t want Gomer and his posse roaming the streets. If y’all want to live like that I suggest you move to Arkansas.”

    We’ns peckerwoods in Sussex is now gettin schoolin an hiared us’ns a schoolmarm.
    Sum folks done cum to Sussex an tol us’ns of that thar comstitution thang. An we laked that thar thang an hiared a schoolmarm to larn us’n them thar abc’s.

  28. geezer says:

    Yeah, Lou, we get it. You love America, you just hate everything about it, particularly those people who disagree with you but keep winning elections.

    Christ, why don’t you people get normal hobbies?

  29. Aoine says:

    In short- Coz they are not normal Geezer

  30. puck says:

    “2. A military tribunal Obama said a few months ago he’s not a dictator however he’s already issued an executive verdict on this kid withou a trial or facts. ”

    Is there some missing punctuation in this sentence?


    Link, please, for this “executive verdict.”

    Well there’s two minutes wasted out of my life.

  31. Dave says:

    Once again for emphasis:

    “Hey, the Boston bombers are in our neighborhood, instead of allowing the feds to shut down our city, search your homes without warrants, points guns at you, shut down all banks, metro, and all that, I’m going to activate posse comitatus, which means all men in the county report to the sheriffs department to help local law enforcement hunt down the threat.”

    Are you insane? You really want a bunch of yahoos with guns going door to door hunting down the threat? Can you imagine how many people would die shooting at each other because each of them thinks the other is the threat? For the love of God, how can you possibly not realize what chaos that caused. Gangs of 16 year olds with guns and official sanction because they’ve deputized?! Geezer is right, you folks need to move to Arkansas (although I will remind Geezer that Arkansas produced a Roades Scholar and other notables, so you might want to pick another state. I vote for Mississippi).

  32. Dave says:

    Error correction “that caused” should have been “would cause”

  33. fightingbluehen says:

    I hate to rain on your parade, Lou, but Sheriff’s offices around the country are now in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security which is an arm of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.

  34. Tom Hawk says:

    As I see it, the federal constitution has no relevance to the duties, rights and responsibilities of County Sheriffs in the State of Delaware. It is a state office established under the Constitution of the State of Delaware. This constitution and legislation designate those duties,rights and responsibilities in this state. Other state constitutions add Law Enforcement as is the right of that state under their constitution.

    Lou, the federal constitution has no bearing on Delaware’s offices.

    FBH, since our Sheriffs do not have law enforcement power there can be no partnership with Homeland Security.

  35. skeptic says:

    When will the next election be for Sussex county sheriff? …obviously not soon enough, but really, when will we have a chance to vote this guy out of office?

  36. X Stryker says:

    LOL. It’s simply amazing to see someone suggest mob violence as a replacement for accountable law enforcement. The stuff Lou suggests has a long history in this country – and it’s always ends in lynchings and race riots. I’m pretty sure “armed mob of white Christian supremacists” is tied with Al Qaeda for last on my list of who I trust to protect my safety.

  37. Mitch Crane says:

    The Sussex County Sheriff position is on the 2014 ballot. I understand the incumbent will have opposition in the Sept. 2014 Republican Primary. There will be a qualified Democratic candidate.

  38. Dave says:

    The election is in 2014. And the really really beautiful thing about his appeal is, if he loses in the Supreme Court, he has promised to “take his family and move out of this God forsaken place.” So he may not even be on the ballot!

  39. Aoine says:

    These clowns cannot be serious:

    So, because this dude says its unconstitutional , means its unconstitutional? And he quotes case law that is 130 years old?

    What about testing the law in front of the Md Supreme Court first. This guy sets himself up as the arbiter of all thatis constitutional……

  40. lou says:

    Still pulling that blame bush card aren’t we?? Lol and for your information in 06 I was in Iraq in 130 degree heat, starving, getting shot, blown up and stabbed so that I could help bring starving Iraqi children clean food water, electricity and all the other basic necessities that every person in this world should have but doesn’t. And by the way most of them were missing limbs for stealing food for their families to eat children missing hands, arms, being flogged openly in the streets for simply stealing a loaf of bread and being caught because their families are starving. That’s where I was, in the United States Marines, trying my hardest to make a difference! Where were you?

    And in no way shape or form did I suggest mob violence, if you actually take the time to research what a posse actually is and how they do things you’d see that there is a leadership chain, training, and all kinds of organization that has been in place since the times of the old west. I was merely saying that instead of enforcing martial law in Massachusetts and hurting the national and local economy of that area maybe the feds should’ve just let the sheriffs do their jobs. It isn’t a bunch of idiots with pitchforks and torches, that’s such a biased, ignorant and oversimplistic view of a posse.

    And yes I love America I have buried good men both Marines, and Iraqi. I have shed my own personal blood for what this country stands for, which is the values of integrity, honor courage, and committment. Not a federal or state govt that interferes with the daily lives of its citizens. No citizens of the United States should have thier rights up for debate or discussion, THAT’S WHY THEY ARE CALLED RIGHTS! Either you accept the constitutionin its entirety or you don’t, you can’t pick and choose what parts you want to obey and hold dear, because then your no better than those who would rip those rights away…a by the way, that’s a Marine Corps philosophy.

  41. Aoine says:

    Ohhh please honey get off the cross, we need the wood…seriously, did anyone twist your arm into serving? You choose it, just like I choose it and thousands of others choose it.

    My family members are all military- one currently Marine, did Fallujah and several Iraqi tours, currently in Afghanistan, and frankly, he would kick your wussy ass for coming in here and proclaiming LOOK AT ME,
    He serves, quietly and proudly and would not dream of calling attention to himself or his service, he is featured in the Marine Corps Magazine, and artist rendered a drawing of his valiant action
    And Marines like yu, the whining crying type, don’t deserve to called marines- grow up boy!

    From1990 to 1998 my life was on the line every dam day, getting shot at, handling explosives and returning dismembered bodies to their families…and no one hears me whining crying about who I buried, who and what I lost during that service. I knew what the job was when I took it, I was owed a paycheck nothing more.


    So honey, for over 15 years of my life, I could have been killed any day serving my country and my communities as well. And I am not out here bitching and whining about how I served
    Deal with that fact that that service and a dollar 50 will get you a cup of coffee.

    Pansy asses like you piss me off. grow the fuck up

  42. Aoine says:

    And yes,I went there, I said it and I meant it……

    Really, go peddle your shit elsewhere, serving in uniform, or out of uniform does not entitle you to shit
    Spilling your personal blood does not entitle you to shit either
    You should like a child that ordered French fries but got onion rings…

    Trading on your service is something a coward and a whiner does, and cheapens not only your service, but other that served bravely.

    What do you think you deserve? Besides VA benefits, free college, GI bill, free medical, VA loans for housing, free counseling etc……USAA? Etc etc etc. and cheap drinks at the VFW or Am Vets.
    Actually, go for the counseling , sounds like you need it.

    I am not nor never have disrespected the military, but you have disrespected those who serve, but not honoring the tradition of pride in that service. That pride is what you should have, loose the whining and the entitlement attitude, I guarantee you, many more have served more, been injured more and lost more than you.

    I am not impressed

  43. lou says:

    Hang on while I go get you a cookie, this isn’t a pissing contest, and I was an 0331 heavy machine gunner, and yes, me spilling my own blood and burying my brother’sDOES entitle me to alot the same way it does you…”honey” you dishonor their memory by allowing the constitution to be pissed on and dismantled as it is. You’ve obviously forgotten about the Marine Corps values of honor courage and committment to God, country, and corps. I said 3 paragraphs worth of statements and you proceed to call me a whiney child….you should be ashamed of yourself. As a grunt and an nco I always taught my marines that every Marine that has gone before you in battle and has shed their blood in the name of freedom should be revered and honored. I’m sorry that you’ve clouded your own mind with so much hate and distain for what the Corp stands for that you would resort to badgering and namecalling someone who views you as a brother in arms even though your own hate doesn’t let you do the same….and I’m supposively the intolerant one ??

    We all stood at MEPS and took our oath to uphold the CONSTITUTION not the commander in chief it seems you’ve obviously forgotten that.

  44. Aoine says:

    You r irrelevant – you were called out on your shit
    And publicaly called to task – put your big girl panties on and deal with it

    I don’t debate, deal with or discuss issues with whiney children

    Have a nice life .

  45. lou says:

    Lol and the media says us constitution lovers are the hateful ones….wow!!

  46. Roland D. Lebay says:


    Aoine is not hateful at all. Aoine simply does not suffer a fool.

    BTW, good to know you’re living up to that unofficial Marine Corp Motto:

    First to go, last to KNOW.

    You still don’t know shit.

  47. Aoine says:

    @roland- Tá fáilte romhat. 😉

    And you are spot on

  48. geezer says:

    “yes, me spilling my own blood and burying my brother’sDOES entitle me to alot the same way it does you”

    …but some pigs are more equal than others…

  49. lou says:

    Typical ‘liberal’ mentality again. Yall preach tolerance, acceptance, peace, love and all that jazz, but the first time someone tries to talk to you about views that aren’t your own or simply tries to explain a different perspective to you yall freek out like a child dropping thier lollipop in the dirt. I don’t doubt nor deny the facts that BOTH parties within are govt are so far gone they BOTH need to be purged. What I was trying to convey before aoine’s little hissy fit a while ago was that no one should simply trust a huge federal or state govt and take what they say at face value without questioning it. Or doing their own research to make sure what their govt is telling them checks out. I would much rather trust my local sheriff that a national guard commander who has his men pointing their weapons at non-combatant civilians ON AMERICAN SOIL btw which, according to the UCMJ is a court martial-able and demotable offense for all involved…but that’s for the common good right?

    I feel no one, not liberal, not conservative, Christian, Muslim, black, white, purple, pink, yellow, orange, or whatever should have their right infringed upon ‘for the greater good.’

    Just remember Hitler exterminated millions in the name of the common good and it all started with gun confiscation by the Nazi party pre WW1, oh and universal healthcare, and labled ANYONE who didn’t agree with him as a domestic terror threat had them rounded up by the ss and imprisoned and murderd. ALL FOR THE COMMON GOOD the constitution yall badmouth so much is the only ONLY thing that keeps it from happening to YOU!

    Google it all if you don’t believe me.

  50. puck says:

    It’s always funny when members of the military think they are all entitled because they are “defending” America, yet they hold American civilians in contempt. That’s is the result of the insular and toxic culture the military developed after the draft ended.

    Probably fictional story: During WWII, a patriotic Englishwoman saw an Oxford don strolling around campus, and she called him over and asked “What are YOU doing to save Western civilization?” And the don looked at her over his glasses and said, “Madam, I AM Western civilization.”

    It is also questionable whether service in Iraq counts as defending America. During the Vietnam era, many civilians held the troops accountable for their individual moral choice to participate in the war. But now we give them a pass. “Just following orders” now seems to count as “defending America.”

  51. Dave says:


    Just for grins why don’t you “google” or otherwise research your statement “Just remember Hitler exterminated millions in the name of the common good and it all started with gun confiscation by the Nazi party pre WW1” and come back and tell me what you found.

    I’ll give you hint. WWI ended on 11 November 1918. The Nazi party (or National Socialist German Workers’ Party) began on 24 February 1920.

    So not only did NAZI party not exist “pre WWI” but at the time that Hilter joined there were only 55 members of the party, were not in charge of anything, and had no power or authority to confiscate even toilet paper. I am sure you can do the research and find the truth regarding guns in Germany, if you really are interested in the truth that is.

    I’m going to leave it to you to ferret out the rest of the story, but let me end with this, if you are wrong about this (and you most definitely are wrong) what other things do you believe that you are wrong about? Further, what sources of information are you using that gave you the wrong information; the wrong facts? Is that how you want to go through life, believing without questioning your sources?

  52. geezer says:

    “Just remember Hitler exterminated millions in the name of the common good and it all started with gun confiscation by the Nazi party pre WW1”

    First, there was no Nazi party pre=WWI. Second, this myth shows what a dolt you are. It’s been debunked thousands of times, but idiots like you, whose only knowledge of history is the propagandized version you learned from these charlatans, keep repeating it.

    Anyone who follows your suggestion to research it will find that the Nazis in fact loosened gun restrictions for all but non-Jews.

  53. puck says:


    Are we done here or what?

  54. Crusty Old Fart says:


    You are too intelligent for this site. They won’t listen to any opinion but their own. They will attack you for just being human, if nothing else.
    Finally, if they fail to defeat you in a debate, they will ban you from the site.

    Good job Lou

  55. geezer says:

    That’s a good laugh. “Too intelligent” to know what he’s talking about? Too intelligent to know how to read a simple history of Nazi Germany? I would suggest Shirer’s “Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” but it might have too many big words.

  56. Crusty Old Fart says:


    You keep harping on the Third Reich. It’s your gig, not the sheriff’s. You and this site are repetitious in your denial of the Constitution being the base of America’s Citizens receiving what the Constitution fully stipulates they should have.
    Lou argues convincingly and DL commenters attack viciously like a pack of malnourished rabies-ridden mutts that haven’t had a meal in days. This site features the same group of miscreant commenters as they did years ago with the exception of addle-brained MJ.

  57. geezer says:

    Fart: He brought it up, I didn’t. I just pointed out that he’s wrong. You must be a moron if you’re “convinced” by inaccurate statements presented as facts.

  58. Crusty Old Fart says:

    aren’t you the one I’ve seen accusing others of “ad homenim” attacks. Not sure of the spelling on that one. I do know that it means that you attack the person instead of the subject you are discussing. It means you lost the argument.

  59. SussexAnon says:

    Perhaps if Lou spent a little more time questioning big gov’t he wouldnt have had to bury Marines and Iraqis.

    If Lou’s side spent any time at all questioning the patriot Act, Gitmo, the Iraq War, warrentless wiretapping, extrordinary rendition, torture, et al, your “constitution in crisis” argument would have a little bit more credibility. But the legislature passed a law, supported by the county council and the other Sheriffs in the state, to define the duties of the sheriff. They did not rewrite the constitution, just stated CLEARLY what his duties are.

    Socialized medicine started in Germany in the 1880’s. And after defeat in both WWI and WWII, it remained in place.

  60. Geezer says:

    No, it doesn’t mean you lost the argument. And I am not arguing against the man. I’m arguing against his credibility. If he’s passing on gun-nut myths about the Nazis, it’s an excellent sign that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

    An ad hominem attack would be to say that Lou lacks patriotism, or morality, and therefore his arguments are unworthy of consideration. It’s far different to say his arguments are unworthy of consideration because he has demonstrated that he is basing them on false information.

  61. V says:

    also just want to throw in here. if you’re not sure how to spell ‘ad hominem’ you can just google it. putting that in a comment makes you look 1) lazy or 2) like you’re trying to appear like a folky regular joe and therefore more american and therefore your argument wins. which is annoying.

    just some constructive criticism.

  62. Geezer says:

    V: It also might be an inept way of trying to disguise the fact that he’s the same guy who kept throwing that notion at me over at Delaware Politics.

  63. B. Mused says:

    The problem with WWII is that the Germans didn’t have enough guns.


  64. cassandra_m says:

    Just jumping in here to point out that Crusty Old Fart, People Who Know and Don Ayotte have been posting to DL from the same IP address. Just so people an make their own judgments re intelligence.

  65. lou says:

    I get my Intel from reading books like mein kampf, rise and fall of the third riech, along with multiple other Marxist and socialist publications…I’ve even read Obama’s book, twice. And the Koran twice, once in Arabic and once in English. To think the Nazi party wasn’t around during ww1 is rediculous they weren’t perfected yet, that’s why they lost the war. hitler’s ideas were around for a long time he didn’t just wake up one day and invent fascism.

    And in regard to the patriot act and all that, I DO NOT agree with any of that. That’s what I’ve been trying to convey to yall. I’ve said multiple times NO RIGHTS SHOULD BE INFRINGED UPON FOR THE COMMON GOOD. regardless of who started, or who signed it that doesn’t give the current regime an ok to continue to run with it. I don’t doubt that while the patriot act may have been started with good intentions it still infringes on citizens rights, which is unacceptable.

    As for the military’s conduct in iraq, don’t believe what everything you see in the media, it should be a well known fact that the only thing that will be reported on will be the bad things that is done not the countless millions that got food water electricity etc. and yes, anyone that has the intestinal fortitude to write a check for their country that can include their life I feel should have more entitlements and does deserve more than the average Joe citizens for simply making those sacrifices. No matter what branch or MOS you may be in. You would actually be surprised and quite proud of our military if you really saw how they conduct themselves on foreign soil. Of course there’s ‘incidents’ and there always will be, that’s the nature of the beast, war sometimes brings out the worst in people. But that’s what a command structure and discipline structure is for, one that’s supposed to lead by example might I add…my ncos and commanders sure as hell led by setting an AWESOME example! Now if you don’t shut up and go along with orders from the top it seems you’ll get relieved, does General Hamm ring a bell?

  66. Dave says:

    “To think the Nazi party wasn’t around during ww1 is rediculous”

    Actually, it would be ridiculous if it was true. It was not. You were wrong. Don’t shift this over to Hilter’s ideas as if that’s what you were really talking about. It is a simple fact that the Nazi party did not come into being until after WW 1. It is what it is dude. Just because you believe differently does not change reality or history. Save your beliefs for God.

    “regardless of who started, or who signed it” And just what were your feelings on the Patriot Act when it was first passed? You must have approved of it because you voted for the regime that put it in place a second time. So I suppose it is just this regime that you have a problem with.

    And your use of the word “regime” kinda tells everyone where you get your information, which naturaly means you have no credibility. You claim to have read several books. Yet, I can find no evidence that you retained anything if you did actually read them.

  67. lou says:

    So you honestly think that Hitler was the mastermind that came up with the ideas of blatant socialism and Marxism that’s got a stranglehold on our country? He just woke up one day and said hey I think this will work…wow! Fact of the matter is this, history repeats itself. After ww1 Germany was demoralized broken bloody and bruised, their economic systems were faltering and failing, yes Hitler came in with the idea of fascism and encouraged people to support the govt in whatever they do and the govt would support them in their day to day lives….sound familiar?? BUT HE WASN’T THE MASTERMIND BEHIND ALL OF IT

    We are seeing that now, food stamps, welfare and all of govt assistance programs have been more than quadrupled since Obama has taken power, and all he asks is total allegiance and loyalty. If that wasn’t the case then there would be no domestic terror list with veterans on it, there wouldn’t be a suspension on tuitionassistance for active duty personnell while ILLEGALS get a full ride, CISPA wouldn’t be happening, Obama wouldn’t veto submitted budgets cuz their not what he wants, Biden wouldn’t go on cspan and say let’s help and establish the new world order, big banks would’ve been left to fail like they did in Iceland not been given the dod’s budget funds for more bailouts, general Hamm would’ve never gotten relieved for scrambling a qrf force to help the benghazi victims, Monsanto would be shut down not the CEO appointed to the head of the FDA, and Michelle Obama wouldn’t have gone to visit the quickly deported Saudi that was aperson of interest after Boston….the list just continues.

    Point being this, history repeats itself plain and simple. You can try to blame bush all you want but Obama isn’t walking in his footsteps, he’s walking in footsteps from the 40’s….FEMA camps and the FEMA corps, and the army’s New FEMA guard mos is proof of that. Oh! And let’s not forget the stockpile of enought bullets to put 5 in every man woman and child in the states, including illegals….and you STILL trust this administration??????


  68. Roland D. Lebay says:


    Please pull your head out of the echo chamber for a few days & calm the fuck down.

    You served. Congrats. You VOLUNTEERED to serve & you’re entitled to all the benefits our country has bestowed upon veterans. Take full advantage your GI bill & cheap VA meds. Aside from those benefits, you are entitled to make your way in this country just like everyone else. Millions have served before you, be they volunteers or conscripts (look it up.) You are NOT special.

    Your most recent rant is so filled w/ half truths, myths & right wing stupidity I don’t even know how to begin addressing it.

    In your first (disjointed) paragraph, you proclaim “Fact of the matter is this, history repeats itself.” Your next paragraph provides absolutely no support for your breathless exclamation. However it does contain bits & pieces of right wing paranoia & even a bit of truth re: banks & CISPA.

    Your closing paragraph repeats your proclamation, but provides no supporting information…just more right wing rants and paranoia.

    Please visit your local VA Hospita & get a psych eval. We TAXPAYERS are happy to foot the bill.

  69. Aoine says:

    Lol. At this point I’m a breath of fresh air

    I did my time- messed up myself physically and survived long enough
    To collect the direct deposit monthly

    Thanks for that , so it doesn’t cover all the bills- that’s ok, I went out and got a job

    The alternative is the ‘lous’ of the world- my advice to them…… Put the big girl panties on

    As bad as I am- in comparative practice – I’m ok

    Thanks guys – I always felt the need to pay it forward and put the past behind and lean forward

    To bad some are still emotionally stuck. Get help son- you need it

  70. SussexAnon says:

    “As for the military’s conduct in Iraq….”

    I was referring to the military even GOING to Iraq. False pretenses, ill-planned, not paid for and all that. Or weren’t you questioning your gov’t back then?

    “NO THANK YOU!!”

    Right back at ya, Lou. Your level of crazy belongs in the bunker. Alone. In the dark.

  71. lou says:

    I can tell that there’s no getting through to yall, just go ahead and keep baa-ing little sheep, all the way to the wolf’s den. It’s actually really sad, I never thought id see the day when the people who live in this country would trade their freedoms that so many have fought, sacrificed, bled and died for willfully given up because of fear, political correctness, and just being down right wussies. Simply choosing to ignore what’s really happening and what’s going on will not and can not change the destructive path we are heading down. Who started us down this path doesn’t matter, its who gets us off this path and bring accountability and integrity back to the leadership is the only way things will change. You can call me paranoid, call it right wing b.s. or whatever you want but let me ask you this, what are you going to do if it turns out that all of us ‘paranoid patriots’ were right all along?????

    Are you willing to bet your children’s lives on Obama’s word that everything will be ok, even though there’s proof his wife just visited a person of interest in the Boston bombings?

    Bet your kids lives on big sis’s word that the stockpiles of ammo is simply for training purposes? Or a mass immigration?

    Bet your kids lives on a “what difference does it make” excuse when it comes to American lives lost???
    I sure as hell wouldn’t!

  72. lou says:

    And aoine, as long as my brother’s, and sisters in arms are getting screwed over while there’s people in this country ILLEGALLY getting things they shouldn’t…yes I will be stuck in the past, cuz they have to worry about rounds flying past them still, we don’t. So someone has to fight the b.s. fight they cant cuz their on the front lines….its called HONOR COURAGE AND COMMITTMENT TO GOD COUNTRY AND CORPS….something you’ve made obvious you care nothin about….selfish selfish selfish.

  73. Aoine says:

    I HONOR myself, my colleagues and my nation by not expecting things besides the paycheck I was promised

    I have and had the COURAGE to serve without looking for a payout or a bitch session, to give the ultimate sacrifice without whining later on abut the danger I was exposed to.

    And the COMMITMENT to make sure assholes like you are ridiculed for trading on the lives, honor and courage of the real heroes.

    You committed to yourself and only yourself…… That is what is obvious and disgusting….BBBBLAAACCCH……

    To Which God do you refer?

    Don’t go away mad……just go away

  74. lou says:

    First of all it shouldn’t matter which God I refer to cuz all religions preach selflessness and unconditional love which you’ve obviously missed. AND you keep referring to yourself, which I really don’t care what you’ve done, I care about my brothers and sisters in arms that don’t have proper gear, tuition asst. And are going through a sequester. Before I worry about myself and my benefits, and if I was committed to myself I wouldnt be on here trying to sway public opinion would I?

    Take your palm and apply to your face.

  75. geezer says:

    “hitler’s ideas were around for a long time he didn’t just wake up one day and invent fascism.”

    Obviously not, since fascism came from Italy. You might have heard of this guy named Mussolini.

    Whatever you have read, you obviously failed to understand. Frankly, I’m troubled that the US armed forces would allow someone like you to serve.

  76. anon says:

    ….FEMA camps and the FEMA corps, and the army’s New FEMA guard mos is proof of that.

    lou, I will assume that you were born in 2009 because if you were born before then you would know that the “FEMA camps” were used by far left groups as proof GW Bush was going to send citizens off to concentration camps.

    … even though there’s proof his wife just visited a person of interest in the Boston bombings?
    and Michelle Obama wouldn’t have gone to visit the quickly deported Saudi that was aperson of interest after Boston…

    1) That “person of interest” is no longer a “person of interest” in the case.
    2) That former “person of interest” was never deported.
    3) Michelle Obama went to at least 2 Boston area hospitals to visit bombing victims last Thursday. Well before Thursday the police dropped the Saudi victim as a “person of interest” in the bombing case. Should Michelle Obama have visited every bombing victim in that hospital except the Saudi national who was not a suspect? The other hospitalized Saudi was a doctor who was never a “person of interest” in the case.

    Lou, you get your information from World Net Daily, don’t you? Try cross referencing what you read there with other news sources.

  77. Dave says:

    “FEMA camps and the FEMA corps, and the army’s New FEMA guard mos is proof of that.”

    When you see words such as the above, it is confirmation that the individual has jumped the shark and no further discussion is necessary or useful because it is evidence that they have lost the ability to reason (if they ever had it). That lack of reasoning ability is also exhibited by cults who allow others to do their thinking for them and rely upon those sources to tell them what to believe, what to think, and even what to do. They truly have drank the kool aid.

    There really is very little difference in the far left and the far right in many respects. Both believe in the inherent evil of institutions and capacity to compromise the rights of the individuals. They both could wind up in a FEMA concentration camp and say to each other “See I told you so! They both are “paranoid patriots” to quote Lou.