
Filed in National by on February 5, 2007

I think we all get it.  It’s cold. 

I’m not sure why the TV news media is covering this morning’s weather like it is …uuhhhm…newsworthy.

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  1. anon says:

    What annoys me is how they suddenly switch over to the “wind-chill” method of announcing the temperature.

  2. ….Yes Jim, I’m here at the airport where it is negative one hundred degrees next to this helicopter lifting off.

  3. donviti says:

    poking at the Global Warming bubble. They find it amusing I guess that all we talked about 4 weeks ago was global warming.

    No doubt there are morons out there saying, “see, it’s cold out, there isn’t global warming.”

  4. jason says:

    DV –

    A far as Ryan S making that comment, I’m sure it is not “if” but when.

  5. Rebecca says:

    Speaking of newsworthy, Howard Dean is coming to Delaware State on Wednesday afternoon to speak to the College Dems there. Go College Dems!

    Well, I think it’s at least as newsworthy as the cold weather.

  6. jason says:

    I can’t find anything on it. (The Delaware State NEws web site sucks!)

  7. You can find something on it here

  8. anon says:

    Yeah, I can’t believe that television meterologists are trying to tell us what the weather is like outside today so that we can dress appropriately. I actually did a little research of my own on this, and it turns out they’ve been doing it since, like, the dawn of television. What the hell is that all about? How have they been getting away with this? It’s about time somebody brought this media bias out into the open. Thanks for the scoop Jason.

  9. Funny sarcasm. The best kind.