Delaware Liberal

Monday Morning Generaling

Insurgents have figured out how to shoot down our helicopters. That is bad news. Worse news is that our response it to “adjust” our tactics when the only adjustment that makes sense is to adjust ourselves out of Iraq.

Tactics being adjusted after helicopters downed
Monday, 5 February, 2007, 08:34 AM Doha Time

BAGHDAD: The US military is adjusting its tactics in Iraq after four helicopters were shot down over the past two weeks, US military spokesman Major General William Caldwell said yesterday.

Caldwell said the helicopters had been shot down in four separate incidents in which 21 US servicemen and private security contractors were killed, confirming earlier witness reports and leaks from within the US military. Dozens of US helicopters have come down, some of them hit by missiles or gunfire, in four years of fighting.
But the unusually high number of helicopters lost in such a short time had raised questions about whether militants had changed tactics or were using more sophisticated weapons.

Instead of redeployment, brace yourself for the Bush administration and it’s apologists in the Washington Times (and right here in Delaware) to claim that this proves we need to bomb IRAN.

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