Delaware Liberal

The Strine and Copleland letters

What did that guy call himself last time, the Conscience of the GOP or something? Anyway, he is back. This time with letters written by “Terry Strine” and “Charles Lammont DuPont Copeland“.

Mike Matehews has them up here: (PDF LINK)

Who Wrote Them: Here is my take. (and BTW, Ron Williams feel free to reprint any of this without attribution – I know how you work.) These letters were written by Mike Protack or someone very close to Protack. Notice how the Unions and African Americans are front and center? Who else in the GOP drones on about how Unions and black people don’t like Republicans?

My favorite part: I like how Protack (or someone close to Protack) takes a swipe at Michael Castle. Who, let’s face it, has led the DEGOP to within spitting distance of oblivion.

My second favorite part: I love the childishly scrawled signatures. Nice touch!

UPDATE: On a second reading, they could have been written by one other person. They could have been written by Charles Lamont DuPont Croissant Copeland himself in order to make Protack look bad…No. It was Protack.

UPDATE: As much as I want to disabuse myself of this notion, I’m haunted by the possibility that someone is trying to take out Protack.  But who…?

No….It was Protack

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