Delaware Liberal

Delaware GOP throws in with McCain

In typically tone deaf style the Delaware GOP is falling in behind an out and out loser, John McCain, for President.

McCain, who is staking his political future on the notion that we need to wade deeper in the Iraqi quagmire, has found some fellow travelers here in Delaware.

Celia provides this tid bit:

McCain already had the fortune to secure the early backing of Republican National Committeeman John R. Matlusky, one of the state’s top party officials, to provide Leavitt with entree to potential backers, contributors and volunteers.

“When you know who you’re for, you should jump in with both feet. I think McCain is someone who can tackle the problems of a very dangerous world,” Matlusky said.

Leavitt also has the advantage of working for a candidate who appears to be a good fit here — moderate enough for the moderate Republicans and conservative enough for most conservative Republicans.

And even Mitt Romney’s Camp is flirting with the Senator from Arizona.

In the end the only endorsement that matters is Michael Castle and Michael Castle has said it is McCain…so it is MCCain.

This reminds me alot of the leadership of the Delaware Dems going for Joe Lieberman last time. They had their insidery reasons and that was that.

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