Tom Carper’s Buddy from Ct. wants you! (to pony up for Bush’s clusterf*ck)

Filed in National by on February 7, 2007

Speaking of budgets, Tom Carper’s buddy has a super idea.

“I think we have to start thinking about a war on terrorism tax,” Lieberman said during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Bush’s defense budget. “I mean, people keep saying we’re not asking a sacrifice of anybody but our military in this war and some civilians who are working on it.”

Lieberman did not provide details of his tax idea.

Mr. Carper – Can you ask Joementum if it would be okay if I deliver my shrink wrapped packages of $100 bills directly to Haliburton? Why invove the IRS?

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  1. AnotherAnon says:

    Tax increases AND war too? My cup runneth over.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Heck Jason,

    Skip Haliburton and drop those shrink wrapped bills directly into Cheney’s Swiss bank account.

  3. happycon says:

    that’s funny, for months (years) you’ve been whining about the lack of shared sacrifice and need for more taxes… but when the herratic Joe says it, you do a 180.

  4. jason says:

    You might have a point if this was day one of the invasion and Bush was saying that we can occupy the country and turn it into a western style Democracy with 100,000 men and CUT taxes for the rich.

    Four years later, with his track record of idoicy and incompetence, I don’t think so. Joe is crazy.

  5. donviti says:

    I think it is a great idea personally. Just watch how fast people that go about their days not giving a shit about what is going on will start paying attention….

  6. jason says:

    Good point. All the sleep walking morons who think we are over in Iraq painting schools might stir.