Delaware Liberal

Markell vs. Carney Comment Rescue

In an (at times interesting/at times pissy) exchange between Kilroy and Al regarding Markell v. Carney – Kilroy made this observation:

But I really think that (Carney as the favorite) is a political illusion and the only safety net Carney would have is if Minner were to step down making Carney the incumbent. Markell would look bad trying to knock off the democratic incumbent, but I do think Markell has better business smarts then Carney. Delaware does need a CEO not a Governor.

I agree with Kilroy on Markell, but I disagree with his take on Carney.

It is no illusion that Carney is the insider and probably has the upper hand as things stand now. Beyond RAM, Carney may have the Rep District endorsements. They would count for much more than RAM’s endorsement because if a majority of the RD’s go for Carney he would have the state party’s infrastructure as a counter weight to whatever money advantage Markell has. After all, how many yard-signs and radio ads can you put on anyway?

With money there is a point of diminishing returns, with state party and union volunteers the more the merrier.

As for the hypothetical scenario in which Minner steps down and appoints Carney so he could run as an incumbent. I guess maybe it is possible, but it also possible that monkey’s could fly out of Al’s ass.

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