Delaware Liberal

Around the Horn Friday: Still 100% Paul Smith Free

Who is bringing da funk and who is kicking it old school…? Let’s see.

Oh snap! I almost forgot my new bro Liberalgeek. His take on Cheney’s 1% doctrine demolishes the pro global warming arguments that you hear from time to time.

Nancy is helping the WNJ collect your funny/depressing Delaware FOIA anecdotes/horror stories.Check out The Delaware Way and send your tales of woe

Do you know that Sunni and Shia Humans hate each other as much as they hate Jewish Humans? You would if you read Donviti’s De la Whare.

Tommywonk wants you to now that Olabelle is coming to Arden Saturday night. Pssst….earth to Tom, where is the youtube link? These retro (circa 2005) band plugs aint gonna cut it.

Mike Mahaffie wants you to know that Mike Huckabee is a Republican candidate for President who might not make you throw up.

People are loving the “cut the BS” Democratic Congress. Liberal Delight has the facts and figures to back it up.

Karmic Jay has a hundred times more courage than me. Karmic Musings is the most honest blog in our little neck of the woods. That’s all I’m saying.

If only I had read Blue State Rising prior to the Dean visit. I might have made it.

Remember when Peter Pan wanted everyone to clap in order to save Tinkerbell? Delaware Grapevine does. (Get it? Castle is Tinkerbell.)

Okay, this does it. I’m going to be a wingnut blogger. Hube at Colossus of Rhodey gets to go to wingnut conferences and stay in swanky 5 star hotels.

Delaware Watch is right about Delaware’s unconstitutional prison health care system. Read this post and get involved in the creation of an independent Health Care Inspector General.

delaware4obama: Where you at X? I’m getting worried.

Down With Absolutes! touches on the Amanda Marcotte thing. At MYDD and kos I commented that Joe Biden was the first Democrat to join in the utterly f’ed up and “stupidly over-hyped” non-story and throw Edwards under the bus.

First State Politics has a good guest post up keeping with the African American Month theme.

Jokers to the Right has post about Ryan turning 21. Yes, his mental age is still nine, but who is counting.

Kilroy is the chairman of “Republicans for Markell”.

Kavips has this great quote from Congressman Gary Ackerman. The Congressman was questioning Condi Rice about the fact that the military had fired Arabic and Farsi translators after learning the translators were homosexual.

“For some reason, the military seems more afraid of gay people than they are against terrorists. They’re very brave with the terrorists and if the terrorists ever got a hold of this information, they [could] get a platoon of lesbians to chase us out of Baghdad,”

Merit Bound Alley: Joe M, what news yon husband?

One word of advice for my man MOT Newbie: TurboTax.

I was going to add a new wingnut to “Around the Horn Friday” (c) last week because dumbass and Al Mascitti crank caller Paul Smith wrote something last week about getting snitty because poor people had the nerve to go to his middle class church. I forgot though and now I can’t find the post, so I’ll continue to ignore his crap-apalooza.

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