Castle backs anti-surge resolution

Filed in National by on February 14, 2007

Mike Castle breaks his silence, breaks ranks with Republicans, and breaks his long string of using the word “HOWEVER” in every press release. Here is the NJ’s blurb: Link

WASHINGTON – Rep. Mike Castle broke ranks with fellow Republicans today, supporting the Democrats’ resolution against President Bush’s decision to send more than 20,000 additional troops to Iraq.

“I believe that the surge will continue to be unsuccessful without a comprehensive diplomatic strategy to engage the international community and turn responsibility over to the Iraqi government,” said Castle, R-Del., on the House floor.

The two-sentence, nonbinding resolution is expected to pass Friday after three days of debate.

It says, “Congress and the American people will continue to support and protect” U.S forces serving in Iraq and that Congress “disapproves” of President Bush’s Jan. 10 decision to surge troops.


What does this mean? Maybe his conscience is catching up with him or maybe he sees the writing on the wall that Delaware is a blue state. He looks about 100 years old to me in that picture. No doubt being on the wrong side of the Iraq issue for 5 years has taken a toll. Maybe his doctor ordered him to back the anti-surge resolution?

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  1. annon says:

    Castle deserves a straight-up, no-snark congratulations for this vote. For the moment I choose to think of it as courageous.

  2. jason says:

    Must…fight..urge…to agree…Must…not…congratu…[slumps onto keyboard]

    …and Scene.

  3. anon says:

    “What does this mean? Maybe his conscience is catching up with him or maybe he sees the writing on the wall that Delaware is a blue state.”

    Or maybe, just maybe this has been his position from the beginning, and you were too blinded by rage to recognize it.

  4. G Rex says:

    Here’s your however: The surge will not succeed without a political solution.

  5. Biden must have got to him.